Versions Compared


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Default Value




Option to override default XmlConverter. Will lookup for the converter in the Registry. The provided converted must be of type org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp.XmlConverter.



New added in Camel 1.6 Option to override default TransformerFactory. Will lookup for the transformerFactory in the Registry. The provided transformer factory must be of type javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.



New added in Camel 1.6 Option to override default TransformerFactory. Will create a TransformerFactoryClass instance and set it to the coverter.

Notes on using XSTL and Java Versions

This is observations from Sameer, a Camel users, he kindly shared with us.

In case anybody faces issues with the XSLT endpoint please review these points.

I was trying to use an xslt endpoint for a simple transformation from one xml to another using a simple xsl. The output xml kept appearing (after the xslt processor in the route) with outermost xml tag with no content within.

No explanations show up in the DEBUG logs. On the TRACE logs however I did find some error/warning indicating that the XMLConverter bean could no be initialized.

After a few hours of cranking my mind, I had to do the following to get it to work (thanks to some posts on the users forum that gave some clue):

1. Use the transformerFactory option in the route ("xslt:my-transformer.xsl?transformerFactory=tFactory") with the tFactory bean having bean defined in the spring context for class="org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl".
2. Added the Xalan jar into my maven pom.

My guess is that the default xml parsing mechanism supplied within the JDK (I am using 1.6.0_03) does not work right in this context and does not throw up any error either. When I switched to Xalan this way it works. This is not a Camel issue, but might need a mention on the xslt component page.

Another note, jdk 1.6.0_03 ships with JAXB 2.0 while Camel needs 2.1. One workaround is to add the 2.1 jar to the jre/lib/endorsed directory for the jvm or as specified by the container.

Hope this post saves newbie Camel riders some time.

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CAMEL:Endpoint See Also
CAMEL:Endpoint See Also