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Wiki Markup
h6. *Overview*

* [Home Page|Apache Felix iPOJO]
* [Why choose iPOJO?|apache-felix-ipojo-why-choose-ipojo]
* [iPOJO Success Stories|apache-felix-ipojo-successstories]
* [iPOJO Feature Overview|Apache Felix iPOJO Feature Overview]
* [Download & Install | Download]

h6. *Getting Started*

* [iPOJO in 10 minutes]
* [How to use iPOJO Annotations]
* [iPOJO Hello Word (Maven-Based) tutorial]
* [iPOJO Advanced Tutorial]
* [iPOJO Composition Tutorial]

h6. *User Guide*

* [Describing components (handler list) | Describing components]
* [Using XML Schemas]
* [Describing components with the iPOJO-API|apache-felix-ipojo-api]
* [Testing components|apache-felix-ipojo-testing-components]
* [Advanced Topics|iPOJO Advanced Topics]
* [Eclipse Integration|apache-felix-ipojo-eclipse-integration]
* [iPOJO Reference Card|iPOJO-Reference-Card]

h6. *Tools*

* [iPOJO Eclipse Plug-in]
* [iPOJO Ant Task]
* [iPOJO Maven Plug-in]
* [Online-Manipulator|apache-felix-ipojo-online-manipulator]
* [iPOJO Arch Command|iPOJO-Arch-Command]
* [iPOJO Webconsole plugin|iPOJO Webconsole Plugin]
* [Junit4OSGi|apache-felix-ipojo-junit4osgi]

h6. *Developer Guide*

* Javadoc: [1.2|]
* [How to write your own handler]
* [How to use iPOJO Manipulation Metadata]
* [Dive into the iPOJO Manipulation depths]

h6. *Misc & Contact*

* [Issues Tracker|apache-felix-ipojo-issuestracker]
* [Supported JVMs|apache-felix-ipojo-supportedVMs]
* [Supported OSGi Implementations|apache-felix-ipojo-supportedOSGi]
* [iPOJO's Dark Side Blog|]
* [Future Ideas]
* [Article & Presentations]

h6. Experimentation

* [ipojo-test-page]


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