Versions Compared


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This gives us the following dimensions of testing that needs to be performed: *

  • Exchange


        • Arguments


        • RoutingKey

      If we take bindings between and amq.topic and vary the routing key (for Queues the default is the queue name when used with the Java Client). We have 4 test cases that we need to run on Exclusive and Non-Exclusive queues.

      No Format
      2009-07-09 15:50:20 +0100 MESSAGE [ con:1(guest@ ] BND-1001 : Create [: Arguments : <key=value>]
      2009-07-09 15:50:20 +0100 [ con:1(guest@ ] MESSAGE BND-1002 : Delete


      There are two types of subscription, durable and non-durable. The durable subscription can be tested from the Java Client by creating a JMS Durable Topic Subscription. Additionally both types of subscription can have an additional argument for the JMS selector. The non-durable subscription type can also operate as a JMS Queue Browser which has an additional 'autoclose' argument.

      This makes 5 different possible Create (SUB-1001) log messages.

      No Format
      2009-07-09 15:50:20 +0100 MESSAGE [ con:1(guest@ ] SUB-1001 : Create : [Durable] [Arguments : <key=value>]
      2009-07-09 15:50:20 +0100 MESSAGE [ con:1(guest@ ] SUB-1002 : Close