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Cruise Control

Cruse Control is a LinkedIn project to automate some aspects of Kafka broker cluster administration. One thing it does is dynamically rebalance the partition assignment over the broker instances based on a large number of metrics it collects including CPU load, disk usage, etc. It structures the assignment optimization task as a Goal-Based Optimization problem. See for more information about this paradigm.

The structure of the implementation is that you get a list of Goal implementations, each one corresponding to an optimization goal, like disk usage. The overall optimizer sorts the goals by priority, and then passes in the cluster assignment to the highest priority goal. That goal proposes modifications to the assignment (typically using an iterative algorithm similar to the StickyAssignor's). Once it's happy with the proposal, it returns. Then the optimizer passes in the new proposed assignment to the next goal, and so on. Each goal is responsible for ensuring that its proposals do not violate any of the prior, higher priority, goals. The API provides a hook that the goal can call during its optimization passes to ensure it doesn't violate the higher priority goals.

I don't think it would be very straightforward to turn Cruise Control into a general framework for allocating resources, because an awareness of the structure of the task is built in at every level (the optimization and the goals all know that they are dealing with Kafka brokers and partitions). But there are of course off-the-shelf optimization frameworks we could consider using if we want to go down a generalization path.

It would be straightforward to implement our allocation algorithm following a similar pattern, though. This might be a good choice if we want to add more optimization goals in the future. The main benefit of the goal-based orientation is that it scales naturally with adding more optimization goals (you just plug them in). As well, it's pretty easy to configure/reconfigure the optimizer to include or remove different goals.


Redis Cluster

Redis is a high-query-performance database. The main use case for it is as a caching layer. Partly due to this fact, data durability isn't of tremendous importance, and the main operating mode is single-node. However, a clustered version was released in 2015. Reading the documentation, it sounds like the intent is more to provide a simple mechanism for transcending single-node mode than to provide a true distributed database with the kinds of guarantees one would expect (like consistency). Accordingly, the data distribution and primary/replica handling are quite simplistic. This is not meant to be disparaging. Redis Cluster is designed to serve specific use cases well at the expense of other use cases.
