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  • Chetan is moderating today

  • Last meeting was: on 2019-07-24 (Matt hosted)

  • Attendees: Chetan, Matt, Dave G., Devarajan Ramakrishnan, Jesse M, Michele S., Neeraj, Alexander Klimetschek, Bob van Manen (Adobe), James Thomas, Satwik Kolhe, Moritz Raho, Tyson, Justin Halsall, M. Marth, Rodric, Roberto Santiago, Ramki, Meryll Blanchet, Senthil

  • Regrets: none

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Find referenced slides here:


  • New attendees (invitation to self intro):

    • Jess McFadden - VP Cordova, works at Adobe - looked at wskdebug here for demo looking forward to its apache contrib.

    • Satwik - research engineer, Indian company, work wit open source and explore their use case.  Personal interest in OW and wants to connect to community

  • Recurring Agenda topics

    • Key changes (last 2 weeks) / PR review

      • License related fixes by Dave and Matt

      • PR (Rodric) align parms., some discussion already, PR is ready for review.  Tyson will look into

      • API GW in OW “Standalone” PR is WIP

      • Upgrade Gradle 5.5, done, supports JDK 11, ready for review

      • PR in Java

      • Kube Container Factory, close to review, 

      • Publishing standalone JAR

        • Dave:prefer push out a release (no need to be perfect), then we can start documenting JAR and its usage

        • Dave: some release issues will likely crop up and wil need to fix (incl. lic. issues)

      • Github (Dave) - lots of repos… removing “incubating-“ \

        • Rodric -  lost keywords from main repo. name (need to open PRs or Infra. tickets as we encounter)

    • Dev List

    • Scheduled Topics

      • Introducing wskdebug tool (Alexander)

        • Alex (shares screen to show demo)

        • Alex: I am a principal scientist at Adobe, using OW for 2 years now, previously some small contribs in some places

        • Title: “wskdebug - Debugging and Live Dev, for OpenWhisk"

        • Adobe IO team just launched new service based on Apache OW, very happy with OW, but very young and we are (internally) dev. tools along the way to help our teams.

        • Needed debugger, wskdbg no longer worked

        • Created wkdebug, based on similar ideas and team developed with intent to contrib. to OW project

        • already open sourced at Adobe under Apache 2, if you like it we want to contrib.

        • allows you to use standard IDE debuggers to debug your OW actions

        • supports “hot codereload, just saving file just used for next activation

        • supports browser “LiveReload” as well

        • suports NodeJS “out of box” others can be added

        • ActionLoop base image, may not be as easy to support other langs, but with some changes could work

        • idea was simple tool that bridges min. gap between IDE and actions with live reload, but not meant to be doing anyting wth Activation logs (although you could see as part of the tool

        • assumes user “stays in IDE” as they would in a non-serverless environment

        • Alex <shows demo>

        • tool istelf is written in NodeJS

        • can start on command line… (no IDE or plugins necessary) and enable live reloading and have my browser point to localhost:<port> as shown from command line

        • Shows IDE with breakpints

        • shows live code edit with LiveReload

        • Brings up IntelliJ, configs require start of 2 things (wskdebug separate from debugger/code).

        • Note with Java, just have debugging (no live reload yet), 

        • Alex reviews:

        • Image Added

          want to contrib…. 3 teams at Adobe using this tool would intend to help support this tool, (Alex) am Apache committer would like to become an OW one...

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        • Michele "I bring up the container locally and act like an invoker. that’s the great thing about the minimal /init & /run interface between openwhisk and runtimes… enables tooling like wskdebug or unit testing"

      • (Michele) Shows his new book (cover) O’Reilly “Learning Apache OpenWhisk"

        • Shares screen to show a presentation describing the contents

        • breaks down contents by chapter...

          • e.g., Basics (Architecture, model, CLI, NodeJS, components, Advanced (Kube, Docker, etc.).  Includes testing.

        • Michele: also shows how to impl. spme typical design patterns using OW (chapters 4, 5). e.g., Adapter, Bridge, Observer, Composter, visit, MVC  

        • Unit testing (Ch. 6)

        • ...

        • Image Added
    • Kubernetes/Knative:

      • .No update

    • Tooling/Utilities (CLI, wskdeploy)

      • No update

    • Catalog/Packages/Samples

      • No update
