Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Check step moved to after sign stage


Gliffy Diagram
nameP4-Prepare RC candidate

Once all changes are applied, it is possible to prepare a release candidate. It is possilbe to build several release candidates without starting a vote. First RCs can have part of changes scheduled for release.


  • Validate version of Ignite, RC number, and packages versions (from 'packages' folder) are correct.
  • Unpack build provided with RC: svn/vote/apache-ignite-{$version} . Run Ignite node from resulting apache-ignite-{$version}-bin/bin folder.
  • Validate node starts, correct version, and copyright messages produced.





To start the build you need to specify current (staging) version and released version of Apache Ignite. See "Artifacts" tab to get task results. Example:


Image Removed

For 2.7 release "apache-ignite-hadoop" removed and some new dependencies introduced for a benchmarks.

Image Removed

Sign and deploy RC using vote preparation scripts

Run vote scripts to prepare RC before voting. You may skip steps 4.3.1 & step 4.3.2 in case you want to run some testing of release. In case release build was made for testing-only purposes, you can go to step 4.3.3 in this section.

4.3.1. Run script to create VCS tag in git 

Run script vote_1[git]  Example of script output:


Code Block
$ ./vote_1\[git\] 
Preparing vote 2.7.0-rc0
Removing obsolete tag...
Deleted tag '2.7.0-rc0' (was b2119988f0)
Username for '': <your apache username here>
Password for '

4.2.3. Run automated release check step on TC

Run '[3] Apache Ignite Release Vote | Check RC'

This step will validate hashes, Javadoc, build from sources, licenses. So it it required to run it to simplify/skip some local checks from section 5.1.


Image Removed

4.3. Sign and deploy RC using vote preparation scripts

Run vote scripts to prepare RC before voting. You may skip steps 4.3.1 & step 4.3.2 in case you want to run some testing of release. In case release build was made for testing-only purposes, you can go to step 4.3.3 in this section.

4.3.1. Run script to create VCS tag in git 

Run script vote_1[git]  Example of script output:

Code Block
$ ./vote_1\[git\] 
Preparing vote 2.7.0-rc0
Removing obsolete tag...
Deleted tag '2.7.0-rc0' (was b2119988f0)
Username for '': <your apache username here>
Password for '': <your apache password here>
 - [deleted]               2.7.0-rc0
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of 'my/master' by 2 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

nothing to commit, working tree clean
Creating new tag...
Username for '': <your apache username here>
Password for '':   <your apache password here>
Counting objects: 1, done.
Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 166 bytes | 166.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
 * [new tag]               2.7.0-rc0 -> 2.7.0-rc0
RC tag should be created.
Please check results at


Once repository is closed, write down a link to content, e.g. This link is useful for vote thread and sharing with others, who is going to test RC.

4.3.3. Prepare signed distribution for SVN Sign DEB/RPM packages



Code Block
$ ./vote_3_step_3\[svn\] 
RC 2.7.0-rc0
Adding (binary)  svn/vote/
Adding           svn/vote/
Adding           svn/vote/
Adding (binary)   svn/vote/
Adding           svn/vote/
Adding           svn/vote/
Adding (binary)   svn/vote/
Adding           svn/vote/
Adding           svn/vote/
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 29664.
Adding (binary)  packaging/pkg/apache-ignite-2.7.0-1.noarch.rpm

Check binaries and sources are available in the SVN: 


binary)  packaging/pkg/apache-ignite-2.7.0-1.noarch.rpm

Check binaries and sources are available in the SVN: 

4.4 Run additional TC steps

4.4.1. Verify file changes using TeamCity

There is TC task for generating report containing difference comparing current release with previous.

You should run it and do sanity check for a changed files.

To start the build you need to specify current (staging) version and released version of Apache Ignite. See "Artifacts" tab to get task results. Example:


Image Added

For 2.7 release "apache-ignite-hadoop" removed and some new dependencies introduced for a benchmarks.

Image Added

4.4.2. Prepare NuGet staging

Using Teamcity build number from step 4.2.1, run


Check results at myget UI,

4.4.3. Run automated release check step on TC

Run '[3] Apache Ignite Release Vote | Check RC'

This step will validate hashes, Javadoc, build from sources, licenses. So it it required to run it to simplify/skip some local checks from section 5.1.


Image Added

4.5  Sending Release For Vote
