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Then in the store, we will build a wrapper around the provided backend store. We will capture each get/put/delete call, the user can write tests accordingly. We will also track if the store has been flushed or closed.

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.streams.internals;

import org.apache.kafka.streams.KeyValue;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.ProcessorContext;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.StateRestoreCallback;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.StateStore;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.state.KeyValueIterator;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.state.KeyValueStore;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class MockKeyValueStore<K, V> implements KeyValueStore<K, V>  {
    // keep a global counter of flushes and a local reference to which store had which
    // flush, so we can reason about the order in which stores get flushed.
    private static final AtomicInteger GLOBAL_FLUSH_COUNTER = new AtomicInteger(0);
    private final AtomicInteger instanceLastFlushCount = new AtomicInteger(-1);
    private final String name;
    private final boolean persistent;

    public boolean initialized = false;
    public boolean flushed = false;
    public boolean closed = true;

    public final List<KeyValue<K, V>> capturedPutCalls = new LinkedList<>();
    public final List<KeyValue<K, V>> capturedGetCalls = new LinkedList<>();
    public final List<KeyValue<K, V>> capturedDeleteCalls = new LinkedList<>();

    public final KeyValueStore<K, V> innerKeyValueStore;

    public MockKeyValueStore(final String name,
                             final KeyValueStore<K, V> innerKeyValueStore,
                             final boolean persistent) { = name;
        this.innerKeyValueStore = innerKeyValueStore;
        this.persistent = persistent;


    public String name() {
        return name;

    public void init(final ProcessorContext context,
                     final StateStore root) {
        context.register(root, stateRestoreCallback);
        initialized = true;
        closed = false;

    public void flush() {
        flushed = true;

    public int getLastFlushCount() {
        return instanceLastFlushCount.get();

    public void close() {
        closed = true;

    public boolean persistent() {
        return persistent;

    public boolean isOpen() {
        return !closed;

    public final StateRestoreCallback stateRestoreCallback = new StateRestoreCallback() {

        public void restore(final byte[] key,
                            final byte[] value) {

    public void put(final K key, final V value) {
        capturedPutCalls.add(new KeyValue<>(key, value));
        innerKeyValueStore.put(key, value);

    public V putIfAbsent(final K key, final V value) {
        final V originalValue = get(key);
        if (originalValue == null) {
            put(key, value);
            capturedPutCalls.add(new KeyValue<>(key, value));
        return originalValue;

    public V delete(final K key) {
        V value = innerKeyValueStore.delete(key);
        capturedDeleteCalls.add(new KeyValue<>(key, value));
        return value;

    public void putAll(final List<KeyValue<K, V>> entries) {
        for (final KeyValue<K, V> entry : entries) {
            put(entry.key, entry.value);

    public V get(final K key) {
        V value = innerKeyValueStore.get(key);
        capturedGetCalls.add(new KeyValue<>(key, value));
        return value;

    public KeyValueIterator<K,V> range(final K from, final K to) {
        return innerKeyValueStore.range(from, to);

    public KeyValueIterator<K,V>  all() {
        return innerKeyValueStore.all();

    public long approximateNumEntries() {
        return innerKeyValueStore.approximateNumEntries();

Proposed Changes

I proposed to add:

  1. a 
  2. A mock StateStoreBuilder class for KV, Session and Window.
  3. A mock StateStore class for KV, Session and Window with tracking.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
