Versions Compared


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Comment: more steps automated by scripts


Creating the release candidate:

  1. If doing RC2 or later, revert the last temporary commit from geode-examples/ and push

    Code Block
    cd geode-examples
    git pull
    git log -1
    git revert <SHA from above>
    git push

  2. From a checkout of geode, run the script. Run this command on a machine using GUI as you will be prompted to enter PGP key password. You will see messages like "Could not find metadata org.apache.geode:geode-cq/maven-metadata.xml" on your terminal. Ignore them. This script assumes there is a release/X.Y.Z branch pushed to all of the geode repositories (geode, geode-native, geode-examples). It will checkout the tip of that branch for all repos, build them, and copy the artifacts to the build/dist directory. It will also tag the RC in each checkout.  Run this command on a machine using GUI as you will be prompted to enter PGP passphrase several times and finally your ASF LDAP password (Apache password). Pay attention as the prompts look very similar.

    Code Block
    Code Block
    cd dev-tools/release
    ./ -v version_with_rc -k your_8_digit_key_id

    This script assumes there is a release/X.Y.Z branch pushed to all of the geode repositories (geode, geode-native, geode-examples). It will checkout the tip of that branch for all repos, build them, and copy the artifacts to the build/dist directory. It will also tag the RC in each checkout.


    You may see this error message:

    error: gpg failed to sign the data

    error: unable to sign the tag

    If you do, try to sign some random file so that gpg will unlock your keyring. After that the git tag -s used in should work.

    Review the artifacts and revisions under build before moving in to publishing. You should see these directories
  3. geode - This is your geode checkout. It should have a tag for your release, eg rel/v.1.9.0.RC4. Make sure that the revision that was built is correct
  4. geode-examples - The geode examples checkout. Again, check the revision
  5. geode-native - The geode native checkout.
  6. dist   - This is an svn checkout of apache's staging area. It will have artifacts added, but not committed. Review the added artifacts. You should see something like this:

    Code Block
    dist> svn status
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-1.9.0-src.tgz
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-1.9.0-src.tgz.asc
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-1.9.0-src.tgz.sha256
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-1.9.0.tgz
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-1.9.0.tgz.asc
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-1.9.0.tgz.sha256
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-examples-1.9.0.tar.gz
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-examples-1.9.0.tar.gz.asc
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-examples-1.9.0.tar.gz.sha256
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-native-1.9.0-src.tar.gz
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-native-1.9.0-src.tar.gz.asc
    A       dev/geode/1.9.0.RC5/apache-geode-native-1.9.0-src.tar.gz.sha512

    If everything looks good, publish the artifacts to the nexus staging repositories. You will be prompted to enter your ASF LDAP password (Apache password)

    Code Block
    cd build/geode
    ./gradlew  publish -Paskpass -Psigning.keyId=last_8_characters_of_your_gpg_fingerprint -Psigning.secretKeyRingFile=${HOME}/.gnupg/secring.gpg -PmavenUsername=your_apache_ldap_username
  7. Verify that all the artifacts have been uploaded to the nexus repository by logging into and then click on close. Example:
    Image Removed
  8. If there is an older geode staging repository listed (from a previous RC, make sure you drop it. Find "orgapachegeode-####" and clink on "Drop"
    Image Removed
  9. Publish release artifacts to ASF dist repo. The script should have already added artifacts in dist/dev/geode/full_version_with_rc.

    Code Block
    cd ../dist/dev/geode
    svn commit -m "Releasing Apache Geode {version}.RC# distribution"

    Update in geode-examples to use the RC.  Replace "1054" with the correct nexus staging ID and "1.9.0.RC4" with {version}.RC#

    Code Block
    cd ../../../geode-examples
    sed -e 's#^geodeRepositoryUrl *=.*#geodeRepositoryUrl =' \
        -e 's#^geodeReleaseUrl *=.*#geodeReleaseUrl =' -i.bak
    git add
    git diff --staged
    git commit -m "temporarily point to staging repo for CI purposes"

    Push the release tags (and the post-tag commit to geode-examples). These were already created (but not pushed) by the script and the previous step. Be careful as `rel/` folder is protected, once we push the release tag to server, it cannot be modified. Any other change will have to be moved to the next RC number.

    Code Block
    cd ../geode
    git push origin rel/v1.9.0.RC1
    cd ../geode-examples
    git push origin rel/v1.9.0.RC1 HEAD
    cd ../geode-native
    git push origin rel/v1.9.0.RC1

Send out an email announcing the RC

  1.  -a your_apache_ldap_username

  2. The instructions printed out at the end of the prepare_rc script will walk you through the remaining steps to stage to nexus (pictured below), publish the release, and send an announcement email.Image Added

If there is an older geode staging repository listed (from a previous RC, make sure you drop it. Find "orgapachegeode-####" and clink on "Drop"

Image Added

Send out an email announcing the RC

The last instruction from the prepare_rc script will be to run the commit_rc script.  When that is complete, it will print out the contents of the email for you to send (and also copy it to your clipboard, if you have pbcopy installed).  If you need to re-generate the email for any reason, use From within a geode checkout, run the dev-tools/release/ script to generate an .  Send the email to send to the The subject should be  with subject "[VOTE] Apache Geode 1.9.0 RC4"



Finalizing the release

Once the release candidate has been approved 
