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Release Manager: tbd
SVN Branch: htps://
Proposed Branch date: tdb
Proposed Code Freeze date: tbd
Proposed Release Candidate: tbd
Proposed Announce date: tbd
Download URL:

JIRA Status:

1. Informix tranql ra stuffs
(1) patch available, need verify
  GERONIMO-5055     Informix tranql XA 1.2 snapshot leads to weird admin console  (Ashish Jain     Jain   Ashish Jain)

(2) patch commintted to tranql trunk, need update geronimo pom to reference 1.2-SNAPSHOT?
  GERONIMO-5044     Prepared Statement Cache to be made available in Informix XA tranql RA (Ashish Jain     Jain   Ashish Jain)
  GERONIMO-5043     Informix IFX_XASPEC property to be made available to set through Administrative Console (Unassigned     Unassigned   Ashish Jain)
  GERONIMO-5039     Informix Lock Mode Wait property (Unassigned     Unassigned   Ashish Jain)

(3) should be easy to update.
  GERONIMO-4929     Upgrade to latest tranql wrappers  ( David Jencks     Jencks   David Jencks)

2. New feature and improvements
(1) patch available, need verify
  GERONIMO-5027     Redeploy option for farming (Ashish Jain     Ashish Jain)

(2) No patch
  GERONIMO-5002     Attribute clusterName required in for geronoimo 2.1.5(Unassigned     Ashish Jain)

(3) fixes has been in 2.2, won't fix this in 2.1?
  GERONIMO-4940     CLONE -Tomcat Clustering with WADI - JSESSIONID with jvmRoute to support mod_jk routing (G. 2.1.5) (Gianny Damour     Gianny Damour)

3. Bugs

(1) Patch available, need verify
  GERONIMO-4983     In debug mode Properties file login module reurns loginsucceeded as true for non existent users and null password (Ashish Jain     Ashish Jain)
  GERONIMO-4896     Commands to a Secure JMX Connector require the SSL keyStorePassword to be specified on command line (Ashish Jain     Kevan Miller)
  GERONIMO-4892     Farm Deployment Error if deploy more than one applications ( Ashish Jain    viola lu)

(2) No patch
  GERONIMO-4959     Remote Deploy Broken on Jetty   (  Unassigned     Kevan Miller)

3. Can be close or defer
(1) can not reproduce, will close
  GERONIMO-4718     Keystores portlet: Once unlocked for availability, keystore can not be locked  (Unassigned     Vamsavardhana Reddy)

(2) will defer to 2.1.6-SNAPSHOT if no updates
  GERONIMO-4932     Initial Japanese translation  (Kan Ogawa     Kan Ogawa)
  GERONIMO-4688     hardcode port in plan.xml of plugin farming(Shawn Jiang     Shawn Jiang)
  GERONIMO-4624     Improve deployment plan documentation  (Unassigned     Kevan Miller)
