Versions Compared


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Comment: updated steps to use new release scripts


Create the release candidate

  1. If doing RC2 or later, revert the last temporary commit from geode-examples/ and push

    Code Block
    cd geode-examples
    git pull
    git log -1
    git revert {SHA from above}
    git push

    From a checkout of latest geode develop, run the script (a build release-n.n.n-workspace dir will be created in the current directory, so you may not want to be inside your geode checkout when you run it or IntelliJ will freak outget very slow).  This script assumes there is a release/X.Y.Z branch pushed to all of the geode repositories (geode, geode-native, geode-examples). It will checkout the tip of that branch for all repos, build them, and copy prepare the artifacts to the build/dist directory. It will also tag the prepare RC tags in each checkoutrepository and finally stage to nexus.  Run this command on a machine with a GUI as you will be prompted to enter PGP passphrase several times and finally your ASF LDAP password (Apache password). Do not include in your apache username.

    Code Block
    geode/dev-tools/release/ -v version_with_rc -k your_8_digit_key_id -a your_apache_ldap_username

  2. The "next steps" printed out at the end of the prepare_rc script will walk you through the remaining steps to stage to nexus (pictured below), publish the release candidate, and send an announcement the VOTE email.

If there is an older geode staging repository listed (from a previous RC, make sure you drop it. Find "orgapachegeode-####" and click on "Drop"


If the voting is successful, proceed to the next section.  If showstopper issues were raised, create a new release candidate.  If the release is to be abandoned, destroy the pipeline, release branch, and staged artifacts in nexus and svn.

Finalizing the Release

Promote the


release candidate to final release

Once a release candidate has been approved 

cd to the release branch for apache geode and tag the commit with the final version 

Code Block
git tag -s rel/v{version} -m "Apache Geode v1.0.0 release" rel/v{version}.RC{latest_rc}
git push origin rel/v{version}


cd to the release branch for geode-examples and tag the commit with the final version, using same commands as above


 cd to the release branch for geode-native and tag the commit with the final version, using same commands as above

Use svn to move the distributions from dev to release. Use the folders created in step 1 of "Creating the release candidate" section.

Code Block
# in the directory created in step 1 of "Creating the release candidate" section.

cd dist
svn mv dev/geode/{version}.RC#/ release/geode/{version}
svn commit -m "Releasing Apache Geode {version} distribution"

Update the keys in dist/release.

Code Block
# in the directory created in step 1 of "Creating the release candidate" section.

cp dev/geode/KEYS release/geode/KEYS
svn commit -m "Updating Apache Geode KEYS file"


Revert the temporary commit from geode-examples/ and push

Code Block
cd geode-examples
git pull
git log -1
git revert <SHA from above>
git push

Transition JIRA issues fixed in this release from Resolved → Closed


Mark the version as released in Jira: go to and click on the ... to get the Actions pop-up menu and click Release.


Wait for mirror sites to sync

*** this is a good time to go home / take a nap / finish it tomorrow.  mirror sites can take 8-24 hours to sync, and the below docker and brew and announce steps depend on most or all mirrors being up-to-date.***

Upload the docker image to dockerhub

  1. docker/Dockerfile
      1. Update GEODE_GPG with your GPG fingerprint.
      2. Update GEODE_VERSION with the release version (eg. 1.8.0)
      3. Update GEODE_SHA256 with the SHA from{VERSION}/apache-geode-{VERSION}.tgz.sha256 (Replace VERSION with the version you are trying to release).
  2. Check these changes in to the release branch. If for some reason you have already merged the release branch to master and deleted it, check the changes in to master.
  3. Follow the instruction present in docker/
  4. Note that you may see a 404 error during the docker build process, because it tries a mirror first before falling back to the primary download site, and some mirror sites take 8-24 hours to sync.  As long as the docker build completes successfully you're ok.

Update the brew formula

Code Block
titleHomebrew update (MacOS)
# update brew
brew update

# Navigate to homebrew core directory
cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula

# Create a release branch
git checkout -b apache-geode-{version}

#Open apache-geode.rb
vim apache-geode.rb

# add the correct version in lines below 
# in url update "{version}/apache-geode-{version}.tgz"
# in sha256 update with the SHA256 from{version}/apache-geode-{version}.tgz.sha256

# save the file 

#commit the file - put the right version in below command.
git add .
git commit -a -m "apache-geode {version}"

# Fork to your repositories.
#add the remote 
git remote add myfork {your forked homebrew core repo}

#push to your remote forked repo
git push myfork apache-geode-{version}

#create a PR against - monitor the the tests in the PR page

#test it locally.
git checkout master

git merge apache-geode-{version}
brew install --build-from-source apache-geode

#check for gfsh version - should be the released version
gfsh version

# uninstall apache-geode
brew uninstall apache-geode

#reset master to origin
git reset --hard origin/master


Publish javadocs and documentation to the website



  1. from the same directory you were in when you ran the previous release scripts, run (note: you must be a Geode PMC member to commit to dist/release/geode):

    Code Block
    geode/dev-tools/release/ -v version_with_rc -k your_8_digit_key_id

  2. The "next steps" printed out at the end of the promote_rc script will walk you through the remaining steps to release the staged artifacts in nexus (pictured below), update Jira, wait for mirrors to sync, and finalize the release.

    Image Added

Transition JIRA issues fixed in this release from Resolved → Closed

  1. Mark the version as released in Jira: go to and click on the ... to get the Actions pop-up menu and click Release.

  2. List all the JIRAs with fix version as the release version and status as resolved.
    Image Added

  3. Using bulk operations → transition to closed state.

    Image Added

    Image Added

    Image Added

    Image Added

Wait for mirror sites to sync

*** this is a good time to go home / take a nap / finish it tomorrow.  mirror sites can take 8-24 hours to sync, and the remaining steps depend on most or all mirrors being up-to-date.***

Finalize the release

  1. from the same directory you were in when you ran the previous release scripts, run
Code Block
geode/dev-tools/release/ -v version_without_rc -k full_40_character_gpg_fingerprint -g your_github_username

The "next steps" printed out at the end of the finalize_release script will walk you through the remaining steps to make the brew PR, validate the docker image, update mirror links, publish docs site, and send the official release announcement.

Note: The brew team usually accepts the PR within 24 hours.  Note: they may close it without merging.  Either way, check that latest version has been added to brew by doing brew install apache-geode.  

Publish javadocs and documentation to the website

Ask on the dev list if you need help with these steps.

  1. Build website from sources as described in geode-site/website/
  2. In the generated site, create the directory geode-site/content/releases/latest.
  3. Obtain a copy of the javadoc directory from the binary release and put it in the geode-site/content/releases/latest directory (link from the website's Docs landing page points to ../releases/latest/javadoc).
  4. Deploy the generated site by checking it into the asf-site branch of the apache-geode repo.

Remove previous release from mirrors

The finalize_release script may have removed some old version from the mirror site, if so, the links on the "downloads" web page should be changed to point to the archive site instead.


Destroy concourse release pipelines

No Format
fly -t login --concourse-url
cd ci/pipelines/meta

Merge to master and destroy release branches

Merge release branch to master for apache geode and then delete the release branch

Code Block
git fetch --all
git checkout release/1.9.0
git merge -s ours origin/master -m "Merging release/1.9.0 into master"
git checkout master
git merge release/1.9.0
git push origin master
git branch -D release/{version}
git push origin --delete release/{version}


Merge release branch to master for geode-examples and then delete the release branch, using same commands as above


Add released version as "old" on develop

Check out develop and add the released version and update the benchmark baseline.

Eg. in settings.gradle somewhere around line 75:

Code Block

and in ci/pipelines/shared/jinja.variables.yml around line 59:

Code Block
set baseline_branch: ""
set baseline_version: "1.9.0"

It's a good idea to make a PR for this rather than committing directly, since these changes affect tests!

Remove previous release from mirrors

remove from apache mirrors


  1. update
    1. change the links (for any old versions onlyremoved by, not the one you just released!) that contain closer.cgi to archive, like thise.g.:
      1. before:
      2. after:
    2. change the links for the gpg/md5 links like this:
      1. before:
      2. after:
