Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


$ pgp -decrypt ftp-osl-osuosl-org-private-key.asc > ftp-osl-osuosl
$ pgp -decrypt public-key.txt.asc >


$ gpg --output ftp-osl-osuosl --decrypt ftp-osl-osuosl-org-private-key.asc
$ gpg --output --decrypt public-key.txt.asc

Setting up the SSH keys

You now have the public and private SSH keys to access the server "" with username "netbeans" .


  • Move the resulting "ftp-osl-osuosl" and "" to your $HOME/.ssh directory, as all entries in your ".ssh" directory.
  • $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/ftp-osl-osuosl
  • Edit your "$HOME/.ssh/config" file, and add an entry like so:


Note that binaries are always uploaded using the uppercased SHA-1 hash, followed by a dash and then the name of the file.

$ sha1sum | awk '{print "mv "$2" "toupper($1)"-"$2}' | sh

Re-encrypting the keys

The keys have been last encrypted in 2019-05-09 with the PGP keys of the NetBeans PMC Team, available at
