Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. update
      1. update the version property to the next release version and ensure that it has -SNAPSHOT on the end. (for example: if you created release branch for 1.8.0 update version number to 1.9.0-RELEASE on the develop branch)
  2. if not a patch release, update geode-core/src/main/java/org/apache/geode/internal/
      1. Add the new ordinal for the new version

        Code Block
        titleNew ordinal
        //Add 5 to the previous ordinal
        private static final byte GEODE_1_9_0_ORDINAL = 100;

      2. Add the new version 

        Code Block
        titleAdding the new version
        public static final Version GEODE_1_9_0 =
              new Version("GEODE", "1.9.0", (byte) 1, (byte) 9, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, GEODE_1_9_0_ORDINAL);

      3. Set the current version to the new version

        Code Block
        titleSet current to new version
        public static final Version CURRENT = GEODE_1_9_0;

      4. Update the highest version

        Code Block
        titleSet current to new version
        public static final int HIGHEST_VERSION = 105;

  3. if not a patch release, update geode-core/src/main/java/org/apache/geode/internal/cache/tier/sockets/
      1. Add the next version to addCommands

        Code Block
        allCommands.put(Version.GEODE_1_9_0, geode18Commands);

  4. Update the version in geode-book/config.yml and geode-book/redirects.rb on develop.  Note: do NOT include the patch digit in product_version_nodot in config.yml, even for patch releases
  5. Update the expected-pom.xml files

    Code Block
    titlegradle build
    ./gradlew clean
    ./gradlew build -Dskip.tests=true #note: ok if build fails expected pom test
    ./gradlew updateExpectedPom

  6. Review the benchmark baseline.  In theory this could be updated to the new release branch, but the highwater tag is preferable.

    See ci/pipelines/shared/jinja.variables.yml around line 19:

    Code Block
       baseline_branch: develop/highwater
       baseline_version: ''
       benchmark_branch: develop

  7. Publish the develop branch to origin

    Code Block
    titlePublish the changes to develop
    git add .
    git commit -a -m "Upgraded version number for releasing 1.x.x"
    pit push origin develop

  8. Plus the BumpMinor task to increment the concourse version in the apache-geode concourse pipeline at:
    (if you do not have concourse permissions to plus jobs, ask on the dev list)

  9. Update the version and geodeVersion in file of the geode-example develop branch to the next release version

    Code Block
    git checkout develop
    version = 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT
    geodeVersion = 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT
    git add -p
    git commit
    git push origin HEAD

  10. In Jira, add new version of develop: go to and fill in the new version and click Add (note: you must be in the Jira Administrators group to do this, ask on the dev list if you are not).

Creating a Release Candidate


  1. Click 'Release' in (pictured below step 45)
  2. Fork
  3. Make sure you can run docker info and docker images.  If you are on Linux, you may first need to do: sudo groupadd docker && sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  4. From the same directory you ran the previous release scripts, run the promote_rc script (note: you must be a Geode PMC member to commit to dist/release/geode):

    Code Block
    geode/dev-tools/release/ -v version_with_rc -k 'your_40_digit_gpg_key' -g your_github_username

  5. The "next steps" printed at the end of the promote_rc script will walk you through the remaining tasks to make the brew PR, validate the docker image, update Jira, wait overnight for mirrors to sync, then finalize the release.


  1. Mark the version as released in Jira: go to and click on the ... to get the Actions pop-up menu and click Release (note: you must be in the Jira Administrators group to do this, ask on the dev list if you are not).

  2. List all the JIRAs with fix version as the release version and status as resolved.

  3. Using bulk operations → transition to closed state.
