Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The temporary objects can shadow permanent objects. Therefore it is vital to enable dropping them to switch from temporary (usually used for experimentationsexperimentation) to permanent objects. We suggest to introduce a separate methods for temporary objects to make the distinction really clear which objects are dropped. The dropTemporary* methods would remove only the temporary objects. They would not take permanent objects into consideration. The same should apply for the regular drop methods. They should only apply to permanent tables, but should throw an exception if a temporary object with same identifier exists. The methods would return true if an object existed under given path and was removed.


boolean dropTemporaryView(String path);
boolean dropTemporaryView(String path);
boolean dropTemporaryTable(String path);
boolean dropTemporaryTable(String path);
boolean dropTemporaryFunction(String path);
boolean dropTemporaryFunction(String path);

Listing temporary objects

As discussed in FLIP-57 we need method for listing temporary functions to be able to list temporary system function. To have a consistent behavior for all temporary objects. I suggest introducing similar methods for all other temporary objects:

String[] listTemporaryTables();

String[] listTemporaryViews();

String[] listTemporaryFunctions();

The current methods such as listTables/listFunctions would not list any of the temporary objects, but only the persistent objects.


Methods of TableEnvironment


Current call






Methods of ConnectTableDescriptor


  • TableEnvironment
    • Table from(String tablePath)
    • void insertInto(String sinkPath, Table table);
  • Table
    • void insertInto(String sinkPath)
      • we need to immediately drop the “void insertInto(String tablePath, String... tablePathContinued);” for this to work. Otherwise this call would be ambiguous:

        Table t = …

      • void insertInto(String sinkPath)

    Parsing logic

    Parsing logic should follow the SQL standard logic for identifiers


    The tables & views are always identified with a 3 part path. Because it is not always the case for functions the function resolution is discussed separately.

    If a user provides a not fully qualified identifier, it is first resolved to 3 part one and then the identifier is:

    1. first evaluated in the temporary map
    2. catalog & database

    In case of functions as discussed in FLIP-57 they can have 1 or 3 part identifiers.

    • 1 part for built-in functions
    • 3 part for catalog functions

    We suggest to always treat the temporary function in the 3 part category.

    Therefore the resolution logic would be following:

    1. built-in functions (1-part name)
    2. temporary functions (3-part path, expanded if provided with less than 3 parts)
    3. catalog functions (3-part path, expanded if provided with less than 3 parts)

    For the write path, all temporary objects would always be expanded to 3 part identifiers, with the current catalog & current database if needed.

    We suggest to introduce an in-memory maps in CatalogManager:

    The user provided path is always (both for registering & looking up an object) first expanded to a full 3-part path.

    createTemporaryView("cat.db.temp", ...) → registers function with an identifier `cat`.`db`.`temp`
    createTemporaryView("db.temp", ...) → registers function with an identifier `current_cat`.`db`.`temp`
    createTemporaryView("temp", ...) → registers function with an identifier `current_cat`.`current_db`.`temp`

    The same logic applies for looking up objects:
    tEnv.scan("cat.db.temp") → scans a view/table with an identifier `cat`.`db`.`temp`
    tEnv.scan("db.temp") → scans a view/table with an identifier `current_cat`.`db`.`temp`
    tEnv.scan("temp") → scans a view/table with an identifier `current_cat`.`current_db`.`temp`

    The resolution order between temporary & persistent objects is as follows:

    1. Temporary tables/views
    2. Persistent Catalog tables/views

    Temporary functions identifiers resolution:

    Temporary function identifiers were discussed as part of FLIP-57. To summarize the outcome of the discussion, temporary functions can shadow both system and catalog functions. This implies following resolution order for the read path:

    1. Temporary system functions
    2. System functions
    3. Temporary catalog functions, in the current catalog and current database of the session
    4. Catalog functions, in the current catalog and current database of the session

    For the write path, if a user registers a temporary function with just a name it will be registered as a temporary system function:

    createTemporaryFunction("temp", new Function()) → registers function with an identifier `temp`

    If a user uses either 3-part path or 2-part path it is registered as a catalog temporary function, and possibly expanded with the current catalog:

    createTemporaryFunction("cat.db.temp", new Function()) → registers function with an identifier `cat`.`db`.`temp`
    createTemporaryFunction("db.temp", new Function()) → registers function with an identifier `current_cat`.`db`.`temp`

    Temporary objects should be stored in memory in a CatalogManager/FunctionCatalogprivate final Map<ObjectIdentifier, CatalogTable> temporaryTables;
    private final Map<ObjectIdentifier, CatalogFunction> temporaryFunctions;

    Rejected alternatives:

    1. 1-part path
      1. no other system has such semantics, all systems assign temporary tables & views to some schema (either with the same rules as regular objects or special temporary schema)
    2. Require special names for temporary objects, e.g. (#name as in SQL Server, or PTT_nam as in ORACLE)
    3. Register temporary objects in a special DB (as in SQL Server, Oracle, Postgres)
    4. Always assign temporary functions to some namespace (see FLIP-57).


    How other systems handle temporary objects:
