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Suggested nameCommentValue TypePre-existing option
execution.targetThe deployment target for the execution, e.g. "local" for local execution.String - no defaultCLI: -m
execution.attachedSubmitting the job in attached  or detached  mode.Boolean - default falseCLI: -d
execution.shutdown-on-attached-exitIf the job is submitted in attached  mode, perform a best-effort cluster shutdown when the CLI is terminated abruptly, e.g. with CTRL-C.Boolean - default falseCLI: -sae
execution.parallelismparallelism.default (existing)The parallelism for the execution.Integer - default 1CLI: -p
execution.savepoint.pathThe location of the savepoint to use to bootstrap the state when starting from a savepoint.String - no defaultCLI: -s
execution.savepoint.ignore-unclaimed-stateAllow to skip savepoint state that cannot be restored, e.g. if an operator was removed from the pipeline after the savepoint was taken.Boolean - falseCLI: -n
pipeline.jarsA semicolon-separated list of the jars to package with the job jars to be sent to the cluster.String - no defaultProgramOptions.jarPath and RemoteExecutor.jarfiles 
pipeline.classpathsA semicolon-separated list of the classpaths to package with the job jars to be sent to the cluster.String - no defaultProgramOptions.classpaths and RemoteExecutor.globalClasspaths
yarn.log-config-fileThe location of the log config file, e.g. the path to your for log4j.String - no defaultIt was silently discovered in the YarnClusterDescriptor.startAppMaster() yarn.dynamic-propertiesSpecify YARN dynamic properties.String - no defaultYarnCLI: -D
yarn.ship-directoriesA semicolon-separated list of directories to be shipped to the YARN cluster.String - no defaultYarnCLI: -yt
yarn.flink-dist-jarThe location of the Flink dist jarString - no defaultYarnCLI: -yj
yarn.application.idThe application id of the running yarn cluster.String - no defaultYarnCLI: -yid
yarn.application.queueThe YARN queue on which to put the current pipeline.String - no defaultYarnCLI: -yqu
yarn.application.nameA custom name for your YARN applicationString - no defaultYarnCLI: -ynm
yarn.application.typeA custom type for your YARN applicationString - no defaultYarnCLI: -yat
yarn.application.node-labelSpecify YARN node label for the YARN applicationString - no defaultYarnCLI: -ynl


1) execution.attached : as, conceptually, the JobClient API (FLIP-74) will allow the user to decide on-the-fly if he/she wants to wait for the result of a job.
2) execution.shutdown-on-attached-exit
3) yarn.dynamic-properties : as they are encoded in a string, only to be decoded and be put in a configuration on the cluster side. We could put them in the configuration since the beginning.