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Authors:  Wei Zhong, Dian Fu


Current state: "Under Discussion"


The structure of PythonDependencyManager is as follows:

public class PythonDependencyManager {

  // create PythonDependencyManager from ExecutionConfig.getGlobalJobParameters().toMap() and

  // distributedCaches.

  public static PythonDependencyManager create(

     Map<String, String> dependencyMetaData,

     DistributedCache distributedCache) {...}

  // key is the absolute path of the files to append to PYTHONPATH, value is the origin file name

  public Map<String, String> getPythonFiles() {...

  // absolute path of requirements.txt

  public String getRequirementsFilePath() {...}

  // absolute path of the cached directory which contains user provided python packages

  public String getRequirementsDirPath() {...}

  //path of the python executable file

  public String getPythonExec() {...}

  // key is the name of the environment variable, value is the value of the environment variable

  public Map<String, String> getEnvironmentVariable() {...}

  // key is the absolute path of the zip file, value is the target directory name to be extracted to

  public Map<String, String> getArchives() {...}


PythonEnvironmentManager is used to manage the execution environment of python worker. The structure of PythonEnvironmentManager is as follows: 

public interface PythonEnvironmentManager {


   * Create Apache Beam Environment object of python worker.


  RunnerApi.Environment createEnvironment();


   * Create the RetrievalToken file which records all the files that need to be transferred via Apache Beam's 

   * ArtifactService.


  String createRetrievalToken();


   * Delete generated files during above actions.


  void cleanup();


Flink Python UDF is implemented based on Apache Beam Portability Framework which uses a RetrievalToken file to record the information of users’ file. We will leverage the power of Apache Beam artifact staging for dependency management in docker mode.


The structure of ProcessEnvironmentManager is as follows:

public class ProcessEnvironmentManager implements PythonEnvironmentManager {

  public static ProcessEnvironmentManager create(

     PythonDependencyManager dependencyManager,

     String tmpDirectoryBase,

     Map<String, String> systemEnv) {



  public ProcessEnvironmentManager(...) {




  public void cleanup() {

     // perform the clean up work




  public RunnerApi.Environment createEnvironment() {

     // command = path of udf runner

     return Environments.createProcessEnvironment("", "", command, generateEnvironmentVariable());



  public String createRetrievalToken() {

      // File transfer is unnecessary in process mode,

      // just create an empty RetrievalToken.

      return emptyRetrievalToken;


  private Map<String, String> generateEnvironmentVariable() {

      // construct the environment variables such as PYTHONPATH, etc


  private void prepareEnvironment() {




  private void prepareWorkingDir() {...}

  private Thread registerShutdownHook() {

     Thread thread = new Thread(new DeleteTemporaryFilesHook(pythonTmpDirectory));


     return thread;



This class is used to prepare and cleanup the working directory and other temporary directories of python worker. It needs the information provided by PythonDependencyManager and a temporary directory as the root of the python working directory. The configured temporary directory of current task manager can be obtained using  "getContainingTask().getEnvironment().getTaskManagerInfo().getTmpDirectories()". In current design, 3 kinds of directory are needed to prepare:


The structure of DockerEnvironmentManager is as follows:

public class DockerEnvironmentManager implements PythonEnvironmentManager {

  public static DockerEnvironmentManager create(

     PythonDependencyManager dependencyManager,

     String tmpDirectoryBase,

     String dockerImageUrl) {



  public DockerEnvironmentManager(...) {




  public void cleanup() {

     // perform the clean up work




  public RunnerApi.Environment createEnvironment() {

     return Environments.createDockerEnvironment(dockerImageUrl);



  public String createRetrievalToken() {

      // construct the RetrievalToken according to user uploaded files


  private Thread registerShutdownHook() {

     Thread thread = new Thread(new DeleteTemporaryFilesHook(pythonTmpDirectory));


     return thread;



Use Cases

  1. UDF relies on numpy:
