Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Also, sqlQuery provided a bridge from sql query to Table, but the name `sqlQuery` seems confusing on the behavior: do I really read something from the sql? To eliminate the ambiguity we suggest to provide a fromQuery method similar to `Table from(String path);` but obtain one table from one sql query stmt. Suggested methods:


 * Get a Table from one sql query stmt, the sql must be a `select` stmt    

 * and one single statement.


Table fromQuery(String sql)

`void sqlUpdate(String sql)`

Now `void sqlUpdate(String sql)` will execute DDLs right now while DMLs(such as `insert into xx`) must be triggered by `TableEnvironment.execute()`. Both behaviors should be kept consistent. So we propose a new blocking execute method with returned value to fetch execute the result and this method should be deprecated.

Suggested methods:

* Synchronously execute the given sql immediately and the sql can be

* ddl/dml/`select` but the sql argument must be a single statement.

* @return null for `ddl` and `insert into` sql stmt

*         ResultTable for `show xx` `describe xx` `select xx`
ResultTable executeSql(String sql) throws Exception

Suggested ResultTable Interface:

* A ResultTable is the representation of one sql statement execute the

* result.
public interface ResultTable {
  * Get the schmea of one ResultTable.
  * @return
  TableSchema getSchema();

  * Get the resultTable contents as a iterable rows.
  * @return
  Iterable<Row> getContents();

  * Prints the schema of this table to the console in a tree format.
  void printSchema();

  * Prints the content of this table to the console
  void show();

`Table fromTableSource(TableSource<?> source)`


Notice, input SQLs can not be ddl or select sql similar to the JDBC statement[4]. We have such requirements for passed ddl will cause behavior unexpectedly. Suggested method:

* Execute sqls in a batch and planner can optimize the whole batch to
* obtain better performance.
* Notice: sql statements are limited to `insert into`
ResultTable executeBatch(String... sql) throws Exception

Discuss a parse method for multiple statements execute in SQL CLI


Methods of TableEnvironment

Current Call



execute(String jobName)


explain(boolean extended)


sqlQuery(String sql)


sqlUpdate(String sql)


fromTableSource(TableSource tableSouce)

New suggested TableEnvironment methods:

added method Call


Table fromQuery(String sql)

Obtain a table from sql query stmt

ResultTable executeSql(String sql)

void executeBatch(String... sql)

sql limit to insert

Future Plan:

Notice: depends on FLIP-73/FLIP-74, not the scope of this flip.


Similarly as above, suggested methods:

*  Asynchronously execute the given sql immediately and the sql can be 

* ddl/dml/`select` and the sql argument must be a single statement.
CompletableFuture<ResultTable> asyncExecuteSql(String sql)

We also should support execute batch sql asynchronous. Suggested method:

CompletableFuture<JobClient> asyncExecBatchSql(String... sql)

Add an async execute method to org.apache.flink.table.delegation.Executor

* Executes all the previously applied transformations via {@link #apply(List)} in an async way.
* @return
* @throws Exception
CompletableFuture<JobExecutionResult> asyncExecute(String jobName) throws Exception;

Since we already have flips[7][8] to provide asynchronous management, it’s convenient and natural to provide such a method.

Add an async execute method to org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment#StreamExecutionEnvironment

public abstract CompletableFuture<JobExecutionResult> asyncExecute(StreamGraph streamGraph) throws Exception;

SQL CLI integrates with new API


If there are alternative ways of accomplishing the same thing, what were they? The purpose of this section is to motivate why the design is the way it is and not some other way.


[1] FLIP-69 Flink SQL DDL Enhancement

[2] discuss planner buffer execute 

[3] FLIP-64: Support for Temporary Objects in Table module

[4] JDBC statement addBatch interface

[5] multiple statements in SQL CLI

[6] multiple statements in TableEnvironment

[7] flip-73 Introducing Executors for job submission

[8] flip-74 Flink JobClient API

[9] Sqline deal with batch execute