Versions Compared


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We propose to add the following DDLs related to catalog operations.

  • createCatalogStatement:

[WITH ( name=value [, name=value]*)]


If a catalog with the same name already exists, nothing will happen.

  • showCatalogsStatement


Return all catalogs in the current catalog.

note: already support in sql client but need support in TableEnvironment.

  • describeCatalogStatement


Return the default database name and expalnCatalog(newly added method in the catalog) content of an existing catalogName 

Newly added method in

* Get a user defined catalog description.
* @return a user-implement catalog detailed explanation
default String explainCatalog() {
    return String.format("CatalogClass:%s", this.getClass().getCanonicalName());

use eg:

Flink SQL> describe catalog hiveCatalog;
default database: default.
hiveVersion: 2.3.4

  • useCatalogStatement

USE CATALOG catalogName 

Set the current catalog. 


We propose to add the following DDLs related to database operations.

  • createDatabaseStatement:

CREATE  DATABASE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [ catalogName.] dataBaseName
[ COMMENT database_comment ]
[WITH ( name=value [, name=value]*)]


If a database with the same name already exists, nothing will happen.

  • dropDatabaseStatement:

DROP  DATABASE [ IF EXISTS ] [ catalogName.] dataBaseName


If the database to drop does not exist, nothing happens.


Catalog.dropDatabase method should add new cascade flag

* Drop a database.
* @param name              Name of the database to be dropped.
* @param ignoreIfNotExists Flag to specify behavior when the database does not exist:
*                          if set to false, throw an exception,
*                          if set to true, do nothing.

* @param cascade Flag to specify behavior when the database is not empty
*                          if set to false, throw an exception,
*                          if set to true, delete all related tables and functions.
* @throws DatabaseNotExistException if the given database does not exist
* @throws CatalogException in case of any runtime exception
void dropDatabase(String name, boolean ignoreIfNotExists, boolean cascade) throws DatabaseNotExistException,
  DatabaseNotEmptyException, CatalogException;

  • alterDatabaseStatement:

ALTER  DATABASE  [ catalogName.] dataBaseName SET


( name=value [, name=value]*)

Set one or more properties in the specified database. If a particular property is already set in the database, override the old value with the new one.

  • useDatabaseStatement:

USE [ catalogName.] dataBaseName 

Set the current database. All subsequent commands that do not explicitly specify a database will use this one. If the provided database does not exist, an exception is thrown.

note: already support in sql client but need support in tEnv.sqlQuery();

  • showDatabasesStatement:


Return all databases in the current catalog.

note: already support in sql client but need support in tEnv.sqlQuery();

  • descDatabaseStatement:

DESCRIBE  DATABASE [ EXTENDED] [ catalogName.] dataBasesName 

Return the metadata of an existing database (name, comment, description). 


Return the metadata of an existing database (name, comment, description, properties and detailed description). 

use eg:

FLINK SQL> describe database hive.default;
database name: default
comment: hive default database
description: created by terry to verify function
FLINK SQL > describe database extended hive.default;
database name: default
comment: hive default database
description: created by terry to verify function
create-time: 2019-09-26 10:00:00
detailed description: ....

Table DDL:

We propose to add the following DDLs related to table operations.

  • showTablesStatement:


Return all tables in the current database.

note: already support in sql client but need support in TableEnvironment.

  • descTableStatement:

DESCRIBE [ EXTENDED]  [[catalogName.] dataBasesName].tableName

Return the metadata of an existing table (column names, data types, and comments). 


note: already support in sql client but need support in TableEnvironment.

  • alterTableStatement:

ALTER TABLE  [[catalogName.] dataBasesName].tableName
REAME TO newTableName

Rename an existing table.

ALTER TABLE  [[catalogName.] dataBasesName].tableName
SET  PROPERTIES ( name=value [, name=value]*)

Set the properties of an existing table 
