Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Triage release-blocking issues in JIRA

There could be outstanding release-blocking issues, which should be triaged before proceeding to build a release candidate. We track them by assigning a specific Fix version field even before the issue resolved.

The list of release-blocking issues is available at the version status page. Triage each unresolved issue with one of the following resolutions:

For all JIRA issues:

  • If the issue has been resolved and JIRA was not updated, resolve it accordingly.

For JIRA issues with type “Bug” or labeled “flaky”:

  • If the issue is a known continuously failing test, it is not acceptable to defer this until the next release. Please work with the Hudi community to resolve the issue.
  • If the issue is a known flaky test, make an attempt to delegate a fix. However, if the issue may take too long to fix (to the discretion of the release manager):
    • Delegate manual testing of the flaky issue to ensure no release blocking issues.
    • Update the Fix Version field to the version of the next release. Please consider discussing this with stakeholders and the dev@ mailing list, as appropriate.

For all other JIRA issues:

  • If the issue has not been resolved and it is acceptable to defer this until the next release, update the Fix Version field to the new version you just created. Please consider discussing this with stakeholders and the dev@ mailing list, as appropriate.
  • If the issue has not been resolved and it is not acceptable to release until it is fixed, the release cannot proceed. Instead, work with the Hudi community to resolve the issue.

If there is a bug found in the RC creation process/tools, those issues should be considered high priority and fixed in 7 days.

Review Release Notes in JIRA

JIRA automatically generates Release Notes based on the Fix Version field applied to issues. Release Notes are intended for Hudi users (not Hudi committers/contributors). You should ensure that Release Notes are informative and useful.

Open the release notes from the version status page by choosing the release underway and clicking Release Notes.

You should verify that the issues listed automatically by JIRA are appropriate to appear in the Release Notes. Specifically, issues should:

  • Be appropriately classified as Bug, New Feature, Improvement, etc.
  • Represent noteworthy user-facing changes, such as new functionality, backward-incompatible API changes, or performance improvements.
  • Have occurred since the previous release; an issue that was introduced and fixed between releases should not appear in the Release Notes.
  • Have an issue title that makes sense when read on its own.

Update Release Notes in

Traditionally, HUDI Release notes has been based on git commit messages. It is generated using the following git command

git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --pretty=format:"* **%an** %s" > /tmp/1.txt

The final release notes must be a union of jira and git logs so that those commit messages with no tracking JIRA also appears in RELEASE notes. Adjust the wordings any of the above properties to improve clarity and presentation of the Release Notes. The Release notes must be copied to file and committed before  we move to next step

Verify that a Release Build Works

Run mvn -Prelease clean install to ensure that the build processes are in good shape.

Create a release branch in apache/incubator-hudi repository

Attention: Only committer has permission to create release branch in apache/incubator-hudi.

Release candidates are built from a release branch. As a final step in preparation for the release, you should create the release branch, push it to the Apache code repository, and update version information on the original branch.

Export Some Environment variables in the terminal where you are running the release scripts

  • export RC_NUM=<release_candidate_num_starting_from_1>

Use to cut a release branch

# Cut a release branch

Verify that a Release Build Works

Run mvn -Prelease clean install to ensure that the build processes are in good shape.

Create a release branch in apache/incubator-hudi repository

Attention: Only committer has permission to create release branch in apache/incubator-hudi.

Release candidates are built from a release branch. As a final step in preparation for the release, you should create the release branch, push it to the Apache code repository, and update version information on the original branch.

Export Some Environment variables in the terminal where you are running the release scripts

  • export RC_NUM=<release_candidate_num_starting_from_1>

Use to cut a release branch

# Cut a release branch

Cd scripts && ./release/ \

--release=${RELEASE_VERSION} \

--next_release=${NEXT_VERSION} \


# Show help page

./hudi/scriptsCd scripts && ./release/ \ --release=${RELEASE_VERSION} \

--next_release=${NEXT_VERSION} \


# Show help page

./hudi/scripts/release/ -h

Checklist to proceed to the next step


    1. git checkout ${RELEASE_BRANCH}
    2. Run mvn version to set the proper rc number in all artifacts
      1. mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc${RC_NUM}
    3. Run Unit tests mvn test -DskipITs=true and ensure they succeed
    4. Run Integration Tests mvn verify -DskipUTs=true and ensure they succeed
    5. Commit and push this change to RELEASE branch
      1. git commit -am “Bumping release candidate number ${RC_NUM}”
      2. git push origin ${RELEASE_BRANCH}
      This will create
    6. Generate Source Release:
      1. git checkout ${RELEASE_BRANCH}
      2. Run cd scripts && ./release/
        1. This will create the tarball under hudi/src_release directory
      3. Verify Source release is signed and buildable
        1. cd hudi/src_release
        2. gpg --verify hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc${RC_NUM}.src.tgz.asc hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc${RC_NUM}.src.tgz
          1. You should verify that the signature is good
        3. tar -zxvf hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc${RC_NUM}.src.tgz && cd hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc${RC_NUM} && mvn clean package -DskipTests
        4. If they pass, delete the repository we got from the tar-ball
          1. cd ../ && rm -rf hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc${RC_NUM}
      4. Deploy maven artifacts and verify
        1. git checkout ${RELEASE_BRANCH}
        2. Run cd scripts && ./release/
        3. Verify Source release is signed and buildable
      5. Deploy maven artifacts and verify
        1. This will deploy jar artifacts to the Apache Nexus Repository, which is the staging area for deploying jars to Maven Central. 
        2. Review all staged artifacts ( They should contain all relevant parts for each module, including pom.xml, jar, test jar, source, test source, javadoc, etc. Carefully review any new artifacts.
        1. git checkout ${RELEASE_BRANCH}
        2. cd scripts && ./release/
        3. Close the staging Close the staging repository on Apache Nexus. When prompted for a description, enter “Apache Hudi (incubating), version ${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating, release candidate ${RC_NUM}”.
      6. Stage source releases on
        1. If you have not already, check out the Hudi section of the dev incubator repository on via Subversion. In a fresh directory
        2. svn checkout --depth=immediates
        3. Make a directory for the new release:
          1.  mkdir hudi/hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc${RC_NUM}
        4. Copy Hudi source distributions, hashes, and GPG signature: 
          1. mv <hudi-dir>/src_release/* hudi/hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc${RC_NUM}
        5. Add and commit all the files. 
          1. cd
          1. hudi 
          2. svn add hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc${RC_NUM}
          3. svn commit
        6. Verify that files are present
        7. Run Verification Script to ensure the source release is sane
          1. cd scripts && ./release/


          1. --release=${RELEASE_VERSION}


          1. --rc_num=${RC_NUM}


          1. --verbose

    Checklist to proceed to the next step

    1. Maven artifacts deployed to the staging repository of

    2. Source distribution deployed to the dev repository of and validated

    Vote on the release candidate

    Apache Hudi is in incubating phase and needs 2 rounds of voting

    • Voting on dev@hudi group
    • Voting on general@incubator group

    Once you have built and individually reviewed the release candidate, please share it for the community-wide review. Please review foundation-wide voting guidelines for more information.


    From: Release Manager

    To: or

    Subject: [VOTE] Release 1.2.3, release candidate #3


    Hi everyone,

    Please review and vote on the release candidate #3 for the version 1.2.3, as follows:

    [ ] +1, Approve the release

    [ ] -1, Do not approve the release (please provide specific comments)



    The complete staging area is available for your review, which includes:

    * JIRA release notes [1],

    * the official Apache source release and binary convenience releases to be deployed to [2], which are signed with the key with fingerprint FFFFFFFF [3],

    * all artifacts to be deployed to the Maven Central Repository [4],

    * source code tag "release-1.2.3-rc3" [5],


    The vote will be open for at least 72 hours. It is adopted by majority approval, with at least 3 PMC affirmative votes.



    Release Manager


    [1] link

    [2] link


    [4] link

    [5] link

    [6] link


    From: Release Manager


    Subject: [RESULT] [VOTE] Release 1.2.3, release candidate #3


    I'm happy to announce that we have unanimously approved this release.


    There are XXX approving votes, XXX of which are binding:

    * approver 1

    * approver 2

    * approver 3

    * approver 4


    There are no disapproving votes.


    Thanks everyone!

    Checklist to proceed to the finalization step

    1. Community votes to release the proposed candidate, with at least three approving PMC votes

    Fix any issues

    Any issues identified during the community review and vote should be fixed in this step.

    Code changes should be proposed as standard pull requests to the master branch and reviewed using the normal contributing process. Then, relevant changes should be cherry-picked into the release branch. The cherry-pick commits should then be proposed as the pull requests against the release branch, again reviewed and merged using the normal contributing process.

    Once all issues have been resolved, you should go back and build a new release candidate with these changes.

    Checklist to proceed to the next step

    1. Issues identified during vote have been resolved, with fixes committed to the release branch.

    Finalize the release


    disapproving votes.


    Thanks everyone!

    Please look at previous examples in previous releases. For example : Please see examples here : voting in dev ,  voting in general and result of voting

    Checklist to proceed to the finalization step

    1. Community votes to release the proposed candidate, with at least three approving PMC votes

    Fix any issues

    Any issues identified during the community review and vote should be fixed in this step.

    Code changes should be proposed as standard pull requests to the master branch and reviewed using the normal contributing process. Then, relevant changes should be cherry-picked into the release branch. The cherry-pick commits should then be proposed as the pull requests against the release branch, again reviewed and merged using the normal contributing process.

    Once all issues have been resolved, you should go back and build a new release candidate with these changes.

    Checklist to proceed to the next step

    1. Issues identified during vote have been resolved, with fixes committed to the release branch.

    Finalize the release

    Once the release candidate has been reviewed and approved by the community, the release should be finalized. This involves the final deployment of the release candidate to the release repositories, merging of the website changes, etc.

    Promote the release

    Once the release has been finalized, the last step of the process is to promote the release within the project and beyond. Please wait for 24h after finalizing the release in accordance with the ASF release policy.

    Apache mailing lists

    Announce on the dev@ mailing list that the release has been finished.

    Announce on the release on the user@ mailing list, listing major improvements and contributions.

    Announce the release on the , mailing lists.


    Use to seed the information about the release into future project reports.

    Social media

    Tweet, post on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other platforms. Ask other contributors to do the same.

    Improve the process

    It is important that we improve the release processes over time. Once you’ve finished the release, please take a step back and look what areas of this process and be improved. Perhaps some part of the process can be simplified. Perhaps parts of this guide can be clarified.

    If we have specific ideas, please start a discussion on the dev@ mailing list and/or propose a pull request to update this guide. Thanks!