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     * Represents the default name for an entity, i.e. the entity that's matched
     * when an exact match isn't found.
    public final static String QUOTA_ENTITY_DEFAULT = // implementation defined

     * Describes an entity type.
    public enum QuotaEntity {
        USER,        // The user principal.
        CLIENT_ID,   // The client ID.

        // Note others may be added in the future.

    public class QuotaFilter {/**
     * The quota types.
    public enum RuleQuotaType {
     // exact name match PRODUCER_BYTE_RATE,

  NOT,      // matchesNote allothers non-matching names
    may be added in the future.

 PREFIX,   //public matchesclass allQuotaFilter names{
 with the given prefix

   public enum Rule {
   // Note others may be added inEXACT, the future.
  // exact name match

NOT,      // matches *all A filtering rule to be applied.
non-matching names
         PREFIX,   *
// matches all names with the given prefix

 * @param entity the entity the rule applies to
        * @param rule the rule to apply // Note others may be added in the future.

 * @param match the non-null string that's applied* byA thefiltering rule to be applied.
       public QuotaFilter(QuotaEntity * @param entity the entity, Rulethe rule, Stringapplies match);to

       public QuotaEntity entity();
       public Rule rule();
* @param rule the rule to apply
        *   public@param String match();
 the non-null  }

    public class DescribeQuotasOptions {string that's applied by the rule

 public QuotaFilter(QuotaEntity entity, publicRule classrule, DescribeQuotasResult {String match);

        /**public QuotaEntity entity();
       public Rule *rule();
 @return the collection of entities that matchedpublic the filterString match();

    public class DescribeQuotasOptions */{
        KafkaFuture<Collection<Map<QuotaEntity, String>>> entities();// Default.

    public interface Admin extends AutoCloseableclass DescribeQuotasResult {
         * DescribesMaps allan entitiesentity matchingto allits providedconfigured filtersquota value(logical ANDs). thatNote haveif atno leastvalue one
is defined        * quota value defined.for a quota
 type for that entity's config, then it is *not @paramincluded filtersin filteringthe rulesresulting to apply to matching entitiesvalue map.
         * @param options the options to use

         * @return the *collection @returnof resultentities containingthat allmatched matchingthe entitiesfilter
        DescribeQuotasResult describeQuotas(Collection<QuotaFilter> filtersKafkaFuture<Map<Map<QuotaEntity, String>, Map<QuotaType, DescribeQuotasOptionsDouble>>> optionsentities();

Code Block
public interface Admin extends AutoCloseable *{
 The quota types.
    public enum QuotaType {
  * Describes all entities matching  CONSUMER_BYTE_RATE,

        // Note others may be added in the future.

    public class DescribeEffectiveQuotasOptions {
        // Whether to omit any inherited values in the result. If true, then undefined values for
        // the entity's config will be excluded from the results.
all provided filters (logical AND) that have at least one
         * quota // Default: falsevalue defined.
        DescribeQuotasOptions setOmitInheritedValues(boolean omitInheritedValues);
        // Whether* to@param includefilters thefiltering listrules ofto overriddenapply valuesto for every quota type in the result.
matching entities
         * //
@param options the options to use
   // Default: false.
    * @return result containing DescribeQuotasOptionsall setOmitOverriddenValues(boolean omitOverriddenValues);matching entities

 public class DescribeEffectiveQuotasResult {
    DescribeQuotasResult describeQuotas(Collection<QuotaFilter> filters,  /**DescribeQuotasOptions options);

Code Block
    public *class InformationDescribeEffectiveQuotasOptions about{
 a specific quota configuration value.
   // Whether to include the list */
of overridden values for every quota type in public class Value {the result.
     // Default: false.
      * @param sourceDescribeQuotasOptions the entity source for the valuesetOmitOverriddenValues(boolean omitOverriddenValues);

    public class DescribeEffectiveQuotasResult {
      * @param value/**
 the non-null value
      * Information about a specific quota configuration */value.
   public Value(Map<QuotaEntity, String> source, Double value);

public class Value {
         public Map<QuotaEntity, String> source(); /**
            public Double value();

    * @param source the entity source for the value
         * Information@param aboutvalue the non-null value
 for a quota type.
            public class Entry {
 Value(Map<QuotaEntity, String> source, Double value);

            public  /**Map<QuotaEntity, String> source();
            public *Double @param value();
 the active quota value

 @param overriddenValues all values that are overridden due to* beingInformation lowerabout inthe specificity
value for a quota type.
        public class Entry {
        public Entry(Value value, List<Value> overriddenValues);

             public* Value@param value();
 the active quota value
        public List<Value> overriddenValues();
   * @param overriddenValues all values }

that are overridden      /**
    due to being lower in specificity
     * Maps a quota type to its configuration entry.*/
   public Entry(Value value, List<Value> overriddenValues);

   * Note that if `options.omitInheritedValues` is true, then this configpublic may not map every
Value value();
           * quotapublic type to an entry. If a key is not contained in the map, then that quota type's valueList<Value> overriddenValues();

         * is not specified Maps a quota type to its configuration entry.
        public KafkaFuture<Map<QuotaType, Entry>> config();

    public interface Admin extends AutoCloseable {
         * Describes the effective quotas for the provided entities.
         * @param entities the entities to describe the effective quotas for
         * @param options the options to use
         * @return the effective quotas for the entities
        DescribeEffectiveQuotasResult describeEffectiveQuotas(Collection<QuotaEntity> entities,
                                                              DescribeEffectiveQuotasOptions options);
