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Fineract-CN contains of more than a dozen of micro services. One doesn't need to run all of them at once - this is would be actually quite resource consuming.


Once you complete these steps you will get basic understanding how fineract-cn works and how its micro services are provisioned.

What You will need

  • Java8, Docker, docker-compose, Postman
    • it is possible to go without Docker and Docker compose (you need to install Postgres and Cassandra yourself) but we don't cover it here.

... cassandra activemq eureka postgres provisioner-ms identity-ms

Check out the code


Now we repeat the same steps with fineract-cn-identity.:

Open fineract-cn-identity with IntelliJ IDEA and wait the project to be imported


Open http://identity-ms:2021/ with your browser. You should get error served by micro service:


Problem accessing /info. Reason:

    Not Found

Check if Identity has registered with Eureka


Only execute following steps (besides 01 that we already did)

Execute Postman step 02.01 Create identity-v1 application

→ in Cassandra database seshat in table applications there should now be record about identity-v1

Execute Postman step 03.1 Create first tenant 'playground'

Now wait a bit and verify the following has happened:

  • In postgres Postgres database a new schema 'playground' is created
  • In Postgres database seshat table 'tenants" contains a record about playground
  • In Cassandra database a new keyspace 'playground' is created with one empty table 'command_source'

Execute Postman step0303.2 Assign identity-v1 for Tenant and obtain Tenant Admin (user antony) Password

→ for some reason currently this gives error

Execute Postman step0303.3 Login Antony (tenant superadmin) with obtained password

03Execute Postman step03.4 Change Antony Password to 'antonyPassword'

03Execute Postman step03.5 LOGIN ANTONY (tenant SuperAdmin) with pwd 'antonyPassword'

05Execute Postman step05.1 Create administrator role for tenant "playground"

05Execute Postman step05.2 Create Admin User operator with password 'initialPassword'

05Execute Postman step05.3 Log in with initial password

05Execute Postman step05.4 Change user 'operator' password to 'operatorPassword'


You should have schemas 'seshat' and 'playground' in Cassandra and Postgres databases.

How to reset state to start from zero

cd fineract-cn-docker-compose/external_tools

docker-compose stop

docker-compose rm -f

docker volume rm external_tools_cassandra-volume

docker volume rm external_tools_postgres-volume