Versions Compared


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Requirements for installing MADlib:

  • gcc and g++ (
    • For
    • OS X, Clang will work for compiling the source, but not for the documentation.
    • NOTE: On on Ubuntu 16.04, you will need to use GCC 4 and not the default compiler (GCC 5) to run MADlib. Refer to MADLIB-1068 for details. The outstanding GCC 5 issue is being tracked under MADLIB-1145.
  • An installed version of Greenplum Database 4.2+ or PostgreSQL (64-bit) 9.2+ with plpython support enabled.  
    • NOTE: plpython may not be enabled in Postgres by default. 
  • python 2.6 or 2.7
    • python
    MADlib works with Python 2.6 and 2.7.  Currently, Python
    • 3.x is not currently supported by MADlib.
  • cmake (
    • NOTE: the latest version of cmake might cause issues. Please try cmake 3.5.2 in case you get an error or a segmentation fault.
    • NOTE: On Centos 6 (possibly other Linux variants), we have seen occasions where cmake will have issues running (seg fault) if the file has been sourced prior to the cmake execution. If you encounter issues, you can use ldd on the cmake executable to confirm dynamic libraries are picked up from the Greenplum installation directories. If this is the case, start a new shell in which the file is not sourced in your current running shell session. You can reference MADLIB-1093 for additional details.
  • An installed version of Greenplum Database or PostgreSQL (64-bit) 9.2+ with plpython support enabled.  
    • NOTE: plpython may not be enabled in Postgres by default.

Installing MADlib

In the $MADLIB_ROOT directory (location of the MADlib source) run the following commands:

Code Block
mkdir build 
cd build 
cmake .. 
make -j8 # if this causes issues, switch back to a plan `make`

Above, we built Above, we built the executables in the build folder. This can, however, be any user-named folder (henceforth called $BUILD_ROOT).


Deploy MADlib into the database with MADlib package manager madpack located under $BUILD_ROOT/src/bin.

Run the MADlib deployment utility to install MADlib into each database that you want to use it:

  • Postgres:

    Code Block
    $BUILD_ROOT/src/bin/madpack -s madlib –p postgres install

    if environment variables are defined. Otherwise use a fully defined connection string:

    Code Block
    $BUILD_ROOT/src/bin/madpack -s madlib -p postgres -c [user[/password]@][host][:port][/database] install

  • Greenplum Database:

    Code Block
    $BUILD_ROOT/src/bin/madpack –p greenplum install

    The above may need user/port/password setting depending on how the database has been configured.

  • To install:

    Code Block
    $BUILD_ROOT/src/bin/madpack -p postgres -c [user[/password]@][host][:port][/database] install

  • To make sure that the installation is successful:

    Code Block
    $BUILD_ROOT/src/bin/madpack -p postgres -c [user[/password]@][host][:port][/database] install-check

  • For more information on the usage of madpack:

    Code Block
    $BUILD_ROOT/src/bin/madpack --help
