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Current Report



## Description:

- The Diversity and Inclusion VP works in collaboration with a team who contributes towards generating a current description of the D&I landscape in the industry and for the foundation. The team also focuses on developing resources the projects can leverage to increase diversity and inclusion in their communities.

## Issues:

  • None

## Activity:

*** Project:  Survey revamp***

  1. The 2020 ASF Community Survey was launched on Dec 05, 2019 according to it's launch plan [ 1 ]
  2. We are 86 responses away from our original goal of getting at least 700 people fill the survey. We have had so far: 460 responses from unique links and 154 from the open link.
  3. The original survey close date was on January 4th, 2020, we left it open to continue receiving answers.
  4. We plan to do a last promotional push in two venues: at the ASF booth at FOSDEM and sending a general reminder to people subscribed to committers@

Please, promote the survey in your project mailing lists using the message shared by Sally in the pmc@ and ppmc@ lists. 

You can find a template to promote the survey with the link to the public version here [2] 

*** Project: User Experience Research on new contributors ***

  1. We have reviewed preliminary answers from the survey to draft interview questions.
  2. The main focus for now is to write follow up questions to validate early hypothesis, main topics gravitate around type of contributions, demographic background specially spoken language, and challenges experienced by newer members. 
  3. We need to find at least 20 people we can interview with the questions from this User Experience research. See the operations section below to see how we're planning to do this. 

*** Project: Internships for underrepresented groups (Outreachy) ***

  • Mentor's reviews have been submitted to Outreachy and are positive. Mentor's feedback is positive as well.

  • We keep working in the training toolkit to help newcomers: Getting started at Apache [3]. We are discussing further actions. 

  • We keep working on the friction template [4]. We are discussing issues related to the scope.

  • The next round has been opened, May-August 2020 [5].

  • We submitted the community for participation [6].

  • We are working with PR on the next call for mentors and projects (May 2020).

  • We decided to move our weekly meeting to Mondays at 20H (UTC)

*** Operations ***

  1. Planning to send an email to committers@ with a reminder about taking the survey, email will be general and using the committers@ alias, haven't discussed this with Sally yet. 
  2. Need to find 20 people to interview during the User Experience research, We're planning to send out a call for participation, also will coordinate w/ Sally. 
  3. Planning to send an email to members@ with an update on the EDI committee: what prompted its formation, our focus so far and long term goals, will coordinate w/ Sally.
  4. Planning to introduce Daniel Izquierdo from Bitergia to Myrle and Sharan who will be at the ASF booth in FOSDEM to coordinate an EDI office hours to answers questions/discuss the 2020 community survey. 

## Health report:

  • The dev@ and diversity@ mailing lists continue to be slow, not too much activity outside the work done for each ongoing project. 
  • The discussions have been focused on topics that pertain to the projects we are running. 

## Committee members changes:


## References







December 2019


## Description:

- The Diversity and Inclusion VP works in collaboration with a team who contributes towards generating a current description of the D&I landscape in the industry and for the foundation. The team also focuses on developing resources the projects can leverage to increase diversity and inclusion in their communities.

## Issues:

  • The Survey launch plan surface the need to work with the V.P. of Data Privacy Policy to define a scalable long term solution to reach out to people when applying the ASF community survey. 

## Activity:

*** Project:  Survey revamp***

The 2020 ASF Community Survey was launched on Dec 05, 2019 according to it's launch plan [ 1 ]

We have had so far: XXX responses from unique links and YYY from the open link. 

Survey closes on January 4th, 2020. 

Please, promote the survey in your project mailing lists using the message shared by Sally in the pmc@ and ppmc@ lists. 

You can find a template to promote the survey with the link to the public version here [2] 

*** Project: UX Research on new contributors ***

We will start preparations to recruit people to interview.

We will also take a look at preliminary answers from the survey to draft interview questions. 

We are still on track to kick this off on time per the reviewed scheduled or finishing the project on May 2020. 

*** Project: Internships for underrepresented groups (Outreachy) ***

*** Operations ***

- We selected our first Outreachy intern and she has accepted the internship [3]. The interns selection was announced on the alums page on Nov. 26, 2019 at 4pm UTC. The project is Migrate Apache Juneau PetStore Sample Application To Spring Boot Standalone Application [4] 

-  Internship period is from Dec. 3, 2019, to March 3, 2020.

The first mentor's review has been submitted to Outreachy and it is positive. Mentor's feedback about the last two weeks of internship is also positive.

- In order to address the problem of attracting applicants to the program we are developing a tooling training manual to help newcomers: Getting started at Apache [5]

- Friction log: we keep working with the friction log coordinators of the Survey Design & Contributor Experience Research project. We updated the first template of friction log with feedback provided in the dev@ mailing list, thread: First draft of friction log template. See updated draft [6]. We are waiting for the coordinator's feedback before reopening the discussion on the mailing list. 

- We keep working on the migration of previous meeting notes to Confluence to create a report that includes all action items, to make the process more transparent.

## Health report:

  • The dev@ and diversity@ mailing lists continue to be slow, not too much activity outside the work done for each ongoing project. 
  • The discussions have been focused on topics that pertain to the projects we are running. 

## Committee members changes:


## References







November 2019 Report

(Need to get from Whimsy)


Previous Reports



September 2019 Report


