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Generating the Samza API whitelist

In order to load the Samza API classes from the API classloader, we need to tell cytodynamics what those classes are. We can do this by providing a whitelist of packages/classes when building the cytodynamics classloader. All public interfaces/classes inside of samza-api should be considered an API class. One way to generate this whitelist is to use a Gradle task to find all the classes from samza-api and put that list in a file. Then, that file can be read by Samza when constructing the cytodynamics classloader. The Gradle task should also include classes from samza-kv.


  • Need to ensure that framework packages has consistent versions with the version of Samza used within the application
  • Need to localize artifacts to multiple places
  • Not all jobs use all infrastructure plugins, so this would localize more JARs than necessary for each job


In the single classloader case, all classes were easily able to use logging through static access to the logging API (e.g. slf4j).

With multiple classloaders, we have to be more careful. Log4j does Slf4j and log4j do certain things to help make it easy to use it in a single classloader case. For example, it uses static contexts to be able to aggregate logging across multiple classes. HoweverWith multiple classloaders, we have to be more careful. For example, static contexts are not shareable if they get loaded by different classloaders, so that can cause issues with the conventional log4j usage. There are other areas to watch out for as well (see Notes regarding logging in a multiple-classloader scenario for more context).

Supporting isolation for Samza implementations of log4j pluggable components

One piece of functionality that would be good to have is isolation for Samza implementations of log4j pluggable components, such as StreamAppender.

One change needs to be made to Samza infrastructure: The context classloader needs to be set to the infrastructure classloader. This is so that logging can be routed back to the infrastructure classloader when logging is called by the application code.

Also, the job coordinator packaging needs to have some special set-up:


  1. Set the context classloader to be the infrastructure classloader
  2. The framework packaging needs to have a certain set-up. The following steps are for supporting log4j2 as the logging implementation for slf4j. It should be possible to support other logging implementations by adding the correct dependencies and specifying the correct classes on the API whitelist.
    1. Include log4j2 dependencies in the framework API package (org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api, org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core, org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl, org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-1.2-api).
    2. Add the classes from
    Framework API module will include slf4j and log4j2 dependencies (including log4j2 binding). Only
    1. log4j-api and log4j-core
    classes will be in
    1. to the API whitelist.
    1. slf4j dependencies are just needed for the classes in the API module which use logging.
      1. We should not add the slf4j API nor any slf4j binding to the parent-preferred whitelist for the API classloader. If the application does not want to use the logging framework that is used by API/infrastructure, then that should be allowed. This does mean that the application will always need to include an slf4j binding on its classpath if it is using slf4j, even if it is the slf4j to log4j2 binding. If the slf4j to log4j2 binding is included by the application, then it will delegate to the API classloader for log4j-api classes.
    2. log4j-api is included in the API whitelist so the log4j2 concrete classes which implement log4j-api classes (e.g. LoggerContextFactory) and are loaded by the context classloader would be compatible with the application layer
    3. log4j-core is included in the API whitelist since there are some log4j2 concrete classes which implement log4j-core interfaces (e.g. Appender) and come from the application classloader, and those need to be compatible with the infrastructure layer
  3. Infrastructure module will include slf4j and log4j2 dependencies (including log4j2 binding). It will also include samza-log4j2.
    1. slf4j-api and log4j-slf4j-impl are needed for the classes in the API module which use logging.
    2. log4j-api classes will end up getting loaded from the API classloader, so it's not necessary to include it, but it will be transitively pulled in and it is not necessary to exclude it.
    3. log4j-core is needed for base log4j2 functionality and for being able to use custom Samza log4j2 plugins
    4. samza-log4j2 is for including custom Samza log4j2 plugins
  4. When setting the log4j2 configuration file ("log4j.configurationFile" system property), we need to use the application's log4j2.xml if it exists. If the application does not provide that file, then we need to provide a default log4j2.xml in the infrastructure classpath.
    1. This can be done by passing an extra environment variable which is the "application lib directory" which may contain the application's log4j2.xml file to the job coordinator execution, and then reading that environment variable in the script when setting the log4j configuration system property.
  5. All classloaders (API, infrastructure, application) need to exclude "log4j:log4j" (i.e. log4j1) from the classpath and use "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-1.2-api" (i.e. bridge from log4j1 to log4j2). This means log4j1 will not be supported, and log4j2 must be used.


  • Able to isolate log4j2 pluggable components built by Samza
  • Can override Samza infrastructure logging configuration
  • Applications can choose their own logging API


  • Samza ends up controlling log4j2 API version
  • Need to figure out how to manage configuration files for log4j2 correctly
  • No support for log4j1 pluggable components, so existing apps would need to migrate to log4j2

No isolation for Samza implementations of log4j pluggable components

It is not required to have isolation for log4j pluggable components when packaging the job coordinator JARs. Instead of needing to set up log4j in the framework packages, all of the logging dependencies (including the log4j pluggable components) can be included in the application package. This means that if Samza implementations of log4j pluggable components want to be used, then they will all be on the same classpath as the application code, so the effectiveness of isolation is reduced.

The application classpath still needs to have an slf4j binding so that the Samza framework code can use it.

The log4j components do need to be excluded from the framework API and infrastructure packages.


  • Easier to do packaging for job coordinator JARs
  • Logging flow is less complex, since the application provides the concrete logging implementations
  • Application has more flexibility in choosing how to do logging


  • Samza implementations of log4j pluggable components are not isolated from infrastructure, so isolation is less effective

External context

The ExternalContext is currently only used on processing containers, so there should be no conflict between Samza infrastructure and application on the job coordinator. Therefore, we don't need to do anything for isolation for ExternalContext usage in the job coordinator.


No Beam-specific code runs on the application master, so we do not need to make additional changes for that part.


Currently, Samza SQL applications just consist of SQL statements (i.e. text in a file).

The functionality provided by this document should not currently be leveraged by Samza SQL, due to the non-existence of application JARs. We still need to ensure that the new functionality does not break the existing Samza SQL functionality. One area to watch out for is that Samza SQL currently uses the SQL framework code as the main classpath, so that should not break.

In the future, UDFs should be able to be specified by applications. We should be able to leverage the separate classloader solution for this. Also, it is possible in the future that the job coordinator will need to run SQL-specific code. This would likely be a pluggable component, so we should be able to handle that by including it on the Samza infrastructure classpath.

Backward Compatibility

If this feature is off, this is backwards compatible, because we will use the old single-classpath model.

If this feature is on, then there is some potential runtime impact: Previously, the application packaged all Samza code and determined the dependencies, and that was what was used for the application runner, job coordinator, and processing containers. This meant that all runtime code was consistent across the Samza processes. With isolation, there may be an inconsistency between Samza and its dependencies used in the job coordinator when compared to the runner and processing containers. If there is any flow which requires the same set of dependencies to be used across all 3 pieces, then there would be a problem. An example of an issue could be if Java serialization is used to serialize a class on the application runner, and then it is deserialized on the job coordinator, where the version of the class is different than the version on the runner.

Samza serializes data into strings to pass them between processes. There are certain categories of data that are serialized into strings:

  • Plain strings (e.g. configs): Normal strings should be compatible across versions
  • JSON (e.g. checkpoints): JSON has reasonable compatibility concepts built-in, but they need to be considered when the data models are changed
  • Serializable objects (e.g. serdes in configs): Need to follow when changing Serializable objects

Within Samza, the data categories can be controlled and compatibility rules can be followed.

However, it is difficult to strictly control compatibility across versions of dependencies. It is possible that a certain dependency version serializes some data, but then a different process is unable to deserialize it, because it is using a different version of the dependency. Practically, it is not expected that this will be a common issue, since dependencies should generally be relatively consistent and it is uncommon to use third-party serialization, but it is still possible.

Once we have general split deployment, this will no longer be a problem, because the version of Samza used across all parts of the application will be consistent.


Local testing

We can use samza-hello-samza to test this locally. It has scripts to set up Zookeeper, Kafka, and YARN locally. The local YARN deployment will give the process isolation necessary to test the AM.

  1. Locally build the framework tarballs for API and infrastructure. It would be useful to put an example somewhere for how to build those tarballs.
  2. Deploy Zookeeper, Kafka, and YARN locally (
  3. Fill in certain configs (see 135861549 above). These will go into the properties file passed to the script.
  4. Create the tarball for the application ( For testing local changes, remember to run the "publishToMavenLocal" command.

Automated integration test

  • Build API and infrastructure framework artifacts
  • Build a simple test job with dependency isolation enabled
    • This will require multiple configs, including the location of the framework artifacts for YARN resources (see 135861549 above).
  • Use the integration test framework (which uses real YARN) to check that the job runs successfully

Alternative solutions

Alternative solutions for SEP-24


    1. This can be done by just adding "org.apache.logging.log4j.*" to the whitelist.
    2. Include samza-log4j2 as a dependency for the framework infrastructure package.
    3. Include log4j2 dependencies in the infrastructure API package. These should already be included transitively through samza-log4j2.
    4. Exclude all log4j v1 dependencies from all classpaths (org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12, log4j:log4j).
    5. (Recommended) Add a default log4j2.xml configuration file if there are cases in which the application does not provide one.
  1. When setting the system property for the log4j2 configuration file location ("log4j.configurationFile"), the application's log4j2.xml should be used if it exists. Otherwise, a default log4j2.xml configuration from the framework infrastructure can be used. This can be done by passing an extra environment variable which is the "application lib directory" which may contain the application's log4j2.xml file to the job coordinator execution, and then reading that environment variable in the script when setting the log4j configuration system property.

For more context about why these changes are needed, see Details around necessary changes for logging.


  • Able to isolate log4j2 pluggable components built by Samza
  • Can override Samza infrastructure logging configuration


  • Samza ends up controlling log4j2 API version
  • No support for isolation for log4j1 pluggable components, so existing apps would need to migrate to log4j2 to get isolation

External context

The ExternalContext is currently only used on processing containers, so there should be no conflict between Samza infrastructure and application on the job coordinator. Therefore, we don't need to do anything for isolation for ExternalContext usage in the job coordinator.


No Beam-specific code runs on the application master, so we do not need to make additional changes for that part.


Currently, Samza SQL applications just consist of SQL statements (i.e. text in a file).

The functionality provided by this document should not currently be leveraged by Samza SQL, due to the non-existence of application JARs. We still need to ensure that the new functionality does not break the existing Samza SQL functionality. One area to watch out for is that Samza SQL currently uses the SQL framework code as the main classpath, so that should not break.

In the future, UDFs should be able to be specified by applications. We should be able to leverage the separate classloader solution for this. Also, it is possible in the future that the job coordinator will need to run SQL-specific code. This would likely be a pluggable component, so we should be able to handle that by including it on the Samza infrastructure classpath.

Backward Compatibility

If this feature is off, this is backwards compatible, because we will use the old single-classpath model.

If this feature is on, then there is some potential runtime impact: Previously, the application packaged all Samza code and determined the dependencies, and that was what was used for the application runner, job coordinator, and processing containers. This meant that all runtime code was consistent across the Samza processes. With isolation, there may be an inconsistency between Samza and its dependencies used in the job coordinator when compared to the runner and processing containers. If there is any flow which requires the same set of dependencies to be used across all 3 pieces, then there would be a problem. An example of an issue could be if Java serialization is used to serialize a class on the application runner, and then it is deserialized on the job coordinator, where the version of the class is different than the version on the runner.

Samza serializes data into strings to pass them between processes. There are certain categories of data that are serialized into strings:

  • Plain strings (e.g. configs): Normal strings should be compatible across versions
  • JSON (e.g. checkpoints): JSON has reasonable compatibility concepts built-in, but they need to be considered when the data models are changed
  • Serializable objects (e.g. serdes in configs): Need to follow when changing Serializable objects

Within Samza, the data categories can be controlled and compatibility rules can be followed.

However, it is difficult to strictly control compatibility across versions of dependencies. It is possible that a certain dependency version serializes some data, but then a different process is unable to deserialize it, because it is using a different version of the dependency. Practically, it is not expected that this will be a common issue, since dependencies should generally be relatively consistent and it is uncommon to use third-party serialization, but it is still possible.

Once we have general split deployment, this will no longer be a problem, because the version of Samza used across all parts of the application will be consistent.


Local testing

We can use samza-hello-samza to test this locally. It has scripts to set up Zookeeper, Kafka, and YARN locally. The local YARN deployment will give the process isolation necessary to test the AM.

  1. Locally build the framework tarballs for API and infrastructure. It would be useful to put an example somewhere for how to build those tarballs.
  2. Deploy Zookeeper, Kafka, and YARN locally (
  3. Fill in certain configs (see 135861549 above). These will go into the properties file passed to the script.
  4. Create the tarball for the application ( For testing local changes, remember to run the "publishToMavenLocal" command.

Automated integration test

  • Build API and infrastructure framework artifacts
  • Build a simple test job with dependency isolation enabled
    • This will require multiple configs, including the location of the framework artifacts for YARN resources (see 135861549 above).
  • Use the integration test framework (which uses real YARN) to check that the job runs successfully

Alternative solutions

Alternative solutions for SEP-24


Details around necessary changes for logging

  1. Log4j uses the context classloader when loading most of the classes it needs to do logging. Setting the context classloader as the infrastructure classloader allows logging to be routed back to the infrastructure classloader when logging is called by any part of the Samza job (including application code).
  2. Framework packaging
    1. log4j2 dependencies need to be on the API classloader since API code does logging through slf4j, and slf4j needs a logging implementation
    2. log4j-api and log4j-core classes need to be in the API whitelist because the application may implement some pluggable components and there are a few classes that are used to implement the slf4j binding which aren't loaded by the context classloader (but they still need to be loaded by a common classloader)
      1. log4j-api is included in the API whitelist so the log4j2 concrete classes which implement log4j-api classes (e.g. LoggerContextFactory) and are loaded by the context classloader would be compatible with the application layer
      2. log4j-core is included in the API whitelist since there are some log4j2 pluggable classes which implement log4j-core interfaces (e.g. Appender) and come from the application classloader, and those need to be compatible with the infrastructure layer. Some of the pluggable classes that are included in log4j-core (e.g. RollingFileAppender) will end up getting loaded from the API classloader.
      3. We should not add the slf4j API nor any slf4j binding to the parent-preferred whitelist for the API classloader. If the application does not want to use the logging framework that is used by API/infrastructure, then that should be allowed. This does mean that the application will always need to include an slf4j binding on its classpath if it is using slf4j, even if it is the slf4j to log4j2 binding. If the slf4j to log4j2 binding is included by the application, then it will delegate to the API classloader for log4j-api classes.
    3. samza-log4j2 includes the Samza framework pluggable components (e.g. StreamAppender)
    4. log4j2 dependencies need to be on the infrastructure classloader since infrastructure code does logging through slf4j, and slf4j needs a logging implementation
      1. log4j-api and log4j-core classes will end up getting loaded from the API classloader, so it's not necessary to include it, but it will be transitively pulled in and it is not necessary to exclude it
    5. The "log4j:log4j" (main log4j implementation) dependency conflicts with "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-1.2-api" (log4j1 to log4j2 bridge), and "org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12" (log4j1 binding for slf4j) conflicts with "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl" (log4j2 binding for slf4j).
  3. If the application provides a log4j2.xml configuration file, then we should use that. Otherwise, we can fall back to a default configuration specified by the framework.

Notes regarding logging in a multiple-classloader scenario
