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Commons Numbers

Stream-based utilities

Since it is possible to release different modules with different language level requirements, we could consider creating a commons-numbers-complex-stream module to hold the utilities currently in class ComplexUtils.

From a management POV, it would avoid keeping the maintenance burden of an outdated API once the whole component switches to Java 8.

Release 1.0 should not ship with ComplexUtils.

Difficulty: Minor
Potential mentors:
Gilles Sadowski, mail: erans (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)

Apache IoTDB

Apache IoTDB website supports static documents and search engine

Apache IoTDB currently uses VUE to develop the website (, and show the markdown documents from GitHub to the website using JS.

However, there are two drawbacks now:

  1. if we display documents from GitHub to the website using JS, then Google crawler will never index the content of the documents.
  2. when users read the documents on the website, they may do not know where the content is. For example, someone wants to find the syntax of 'show timeseries', but  he or she may do not know whether it is in chapter 5-1 or 5-4. So, a search engine embedded in the website is a good choice. 

You should learn:

  • VUE
  • Other Website developing technology.


Difficulty: Major
Potential mentors:
Xiangdong Huang, mail: hxd (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)


SageMakerEndpointOperator is not idempotent

The SageMakerEndpointOperator currently taken an argument "operati on" with value "create"/"update" which determines whether to create or update a SageMaker endpoint. However this doesn't work in the following situation:

  • DAG run #1 create the endpoint (have to provide operation="create" here)
  • Following DAG runs will update the endpoint created by DAG run #1 (would have to edit DAG and set operation="update" here)

Which should be a very valid use case IMO.

The SageMakerEndpointOperator should check itself if an endpoint with name X already exists and overwrite it (configurable desired by the user).

Difficulty: Major
Potential mentors:
Bas Harenslak, mail: basph (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)

Check and document that docker-compose >= 1.20 is needed to run breeze

Difficulty: Major
Potential mentors:
Jarek Potiuk, mail: potiuk (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)


Show lineage in visualization

Difficulty: Major
Potential mentors:
Bolke de Bruin, mail: bolke (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)

Add additional quick start to INSTALL

Difficulty: Blocker
Potential mentors:
Bolke de Bruin, mail: bolke (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)
