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Default value will be as mentioned below.

Code Block
    public static final String SSL_ENGINE_FACTORY_CLASS_CONFIG = "ssl.engine.factory.class";
    public static final String DEFAULT_SSL_ENGINE_FACTORY_CLASS = ";
    public static final String SSL_ENGINE_FACTORY_CLASS_DOC = "The class of type to provide SSLEngine objects. Default value is " + DEFAULT_SSL_ENGINE_FACTORY_CLASS;

Interface for SslEngineFactory


Code Block


import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public interface SslEngineFactory {

     * Create a new SSLEngine object.
     * @param mode                   Whether to use client or server mode.
 * Plugin interface for allowing creation of SSLEngine object in a custom way.
 * Example: You want to use custom way to load your key material and trust material needed for SSLContext.
 * However, keep in mind that this is complementary to the existing Java Security Provider's mechanism and not a competing
 * solution.
public interface SslEngineFactory extends Configurable, Closeable {

     * Create a new SSLEngine object to be used by the client.
     * @param peerHost               The peer host to use. This is used in client mode if endpoint validation is enabled.
     * @param peerPort               The peer port to use. This is a hint and not used for validation.
     * @param endpointIdentification Endpoint identification algorithm for client mode.
     * @return The new SSLEngine.
    SSLEngine createSslEnginecreateClientSslEngine(Mode mode, String peerHost, int peerPort, String endpointIdentification);

     * ReturnsCreate truea ifnew SSLEngine needsobject to be rebuiltused by the server.
     * @param nextConfigs peerHost               The configurationpeer we wanthost to use. This is used in client mode if endpoint validation is enabled.
     * @return @param peerPort               The peer port to use. This is a hint and not used for validation.
  True only if the* SSLEngine@return shouldThe benew rebuiltSSLEngine.
    booleanSSLEngine shouldBeRebuiltcreateServerSslEngine(Map<StringString peerHost, Object>int nextConfigspeerPort);

     * Returns the names of configs that may be reconfigured true if SSLEngine needs to be rebuilt.
     * @param nextConfigs       The configuration we want to use.
     * @return                  True only if this builder should be rebuilt.
    Set<String>boolean reconfigurableConfigs(shouldBeRebuilt(Map<String, Object> nextConfigs);

     * Returns existing configuration the names of configs that may be reconfigured.
    Map<String, Object> configsSet<String> reconfigurableConfigs();

     * Returns keystore.
     * @return
    KeyStore keystore();

     * Returns truststore.
     * @return
    KeyStore truststore();


The configuration of Map will be passed to the implementation class via the constructorconfigure() method. See below example,

Code Block
public DefaultSslEngineFactory implements SslEngineFactory {
	/* Default empty argument constructor */

	/* implement configure() method */
    public void configure(Map<String, ?> configs) {

These configuration will be passed from SslFactory to the implementation of the SslEngineFactory interface via reflection like below

Code Block
public class SslFactory implement Reconfigurable {
     private SslEngineFactory instantiateSslEngineFactory(Map<String, Object> configs) {
        Class<? extends SslEngineFactory> sslEngineFactoryClass.getDeclaredConstructor(Map.class).newInstance(configs); =
                (Class<? extends SslEngineFactory>) configs.get(SslConfigs.SSL_ENGINE_FACTORY_CLASS_CONFIG);
        SslEngineFactory sslEngineFactory = Utils.newInstance(sslEngineFactoryClass);
        this.sslEngineFactoryConfig = configs;
        return sslEngineFactory;

Support for reconfiguration of custom configs
