Versions Compared


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Code Block
public class StreamsConfig {

    public static final String EXACTLY_ONCE_BETA = "exactly_once_beta";


Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Additionally, we remove the task-level metrics "commit-latency-max" and "commit-latency-avg" because the current committing of tasks that consists of multiple steps (like flushing, committing offsets/transactions, writing checkpoint files) is not done on a per-task level any longer, but the different steps are split out into individual phased over all tasks and committing offsets and transactions is unified into one step for all tasks at once. Because those metics cannot be collected in a useful way any longer, a deprecation period cannot be applied.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Given the new fetch offset fencing mechanism, to opt-into the new producer per thread model, first this new fencing mechanism must be enabled, before the existing producer side fencing can be disabledIt’s extremely hard to preserve two types of stream clients within the same application due to the difficulty of state machine reasoning and fencing. It would be the same ideology for the design of upgrade path: one should never allow task producer and thread producer under the same application group.

Following the above principle, two rounds of rolling bounced for all Kafka Streams instances are required as follows:

  1. Broker must be upgraded to 2.5 first.
  2. Upgrade the stream application binary and choose to set UPGRADE_FROM_CONFIG config to 2.5 (note that 2.5 refers to the Streams version, not the broker version) or lower and set PROCESSING_GUARATNEE to "exactly_once_beta". Do the first rolling bounce, and make sure the group is stable with every instance on 2.6 binary.
  3. Remove/unset UPGRADE_FROM_CONFIG, in order to point the application to actual Kafka client version. Do a second rolling bounce and now the application officially starts using new thread producer for EOS.

The reason for doing two rolling bounces is because the old transactional producer doesn’t have access to consumer generation, so group coordinator doesn’t have an effective way to fence old zombies. By doing first rolling bounce, the task producer will also opt in accessing the consumer state and send TxnOffsetCommitRequest with generation. With this foundational change, it is much safer to execute step 3.

  1. keep the PROCESSING_GUARATNEE setting at "exactly_once". Do the first rolling bounce, and make sure the group is stable with every instance on 2.6 binary.
  2. Upgrade the PROCESSING_GUARANTEE setting to "exaclty_once_beta" and do a second rolling bounce to starts using new thread producer for EOS.

The reason for doing two rolling bounces is because the old (ie, 2.5) transactional producer doesn’t have access to consumer generation, so group coordinator doesn’t have an effective way to fence old zombies. By doing first rolling bounce, the task producer will opt-in accessing the consumer state and send TxnOffsetCommitRequest with generation. With this foundational change, it is save to execute step 3.

***Note that the above recommended upgrade path is for users who need consistency guarantee. For users who don't worry about consistency, step 2 & 3 could be combined into a single rolling bounce with Kafka client library upgrade. The application should resume work without problem.

Of course, enabling producer per thread is optional, and thus, uses can also just stay with the "exctly_once" configuration (or with "at_least_once" if exactly-once semantics are not used to begin with). For both cases, it is not required to upgrade the brokers to 2.5, and a single rolling bounce upgrade of the Kafka Streams applications is sufficient.

Note: It is also possible to switch back from "exactly_once_beta" to "exactly_once" with a single round of rolling bounces.

A downgrade from 2.6 "exaclty_once_beta" to 2.5 (that only supports "exaclty_once") requires two rolling bounced (i.e., follow the upgrade path in reverse order).***Note that the above recommended upgrade path is for users who need consistency guarantee. For users who don't worry about consistency, step 2 & 3 could be combined into a single rolling bounce with Kafka client library upgrade. The application should resume work without problem.

Non-stream EOS  Upgrade

As for non-stream streams users, they would require following steps:


As stated in the upgrade path, if the broker version is too old, we shall not enable thread producer even running with Kafka Streams 2.5. This shall be done by a query of the during Stream instance startup to decide whether we go with new thread producer or old task producer for safety6. If you enable "exaclty_once_beta" against pre 2.5 brokers, Kafka Streams will raise an error.

Rejected Alternatives

  • We could use admin client to fetch the on start to choose which type of producer they want to use. This approach however is harder than we expected, because brokers maybe on the different versions and if we need user to handle the tricky behavior during upgrade, it would actually be unfavorable. So a hard-coded config is a better option we have at hand.
  • We have considered to leverage transaction coordinator to remember the assignment info for each transactional producer, however this means we are copying the state data into 2 separate locations and could go out of sync easily. We choose to still use group coordinator to do the generation and partition fencing in this case.
  • We once decided to use a config to replace the, and consolidate all the transaction states for an application under one transactional coordinator. This use case is no longer needed once we rely on group coordinator to do the fencing, and we could re-implement it any time in the future with new upgrade procedure safely.
