Versions Compared


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The above areas translate into separate problems within the scope of this KIP, as described below.

Client discovery

In general, today in Kafka, clients do not have a way to discover the min/max feature versions supported by a broker, or by all  brokers in the cluster.

The  ApiVersionsRequest enables the client to ask a broker what APIs it supports. For each API that the broker enumerates in the response, it will also return a version range it supports. This . It is an obvious limitation that the response schema doesn't provide any details about features and their versions. Even if it does, such a response may be insufficient for cases, where, a client needs to commence usage of a specific feature version in the cluster, based on whether all brokers in the cluster support the feature at a specific version. Consider the following problem. Users could upgrade their client apps before or after upgrading their brokers. If it happens before the broker upgrade, any new features on the client apps that depend on certain broker-side support (from all brokers in the cluster) must stay disabled, until all the brokers have also been upgraded to the required version. The question then becomes, at what point in time can these new features be safely enabled on the client side? Today, this has to be decided manually by a human, and it is error-prone. Clients don’t have a way to programmatically learn what version of a certain feature is guaranteed to be supported by all brokers (i.e. cluster-wide finalized feature versions), and take suitable decisions.


  1. Client discovery: Provide an API to programmatically access the feature metadata. Here, the “metadata” refers to the feature version levels (i.e. the cluster-wide finalized maximum and minimum versions of broker features). We would like to serve this metadata to clients in an eventually consistent and scalable way.

  2. Feature gating: Provide an API to safely, durably and dynamically finalize the upgrades to cluster-wide feature version levels. The API (and it’s related tooling) can be used by the cluster operator (i.e. typically a human) to finalize feature max  maximum version level upgrades/downgrades.

  3. IBP deprecation: As a good side-effect of the above, we would like to provide a path to eventually deprecate the need for the cumbersome configuration, and the broker “double roll” mechanism. A very tangible benefit of the solution is that we should be able to do broker upgrades with just a single rolling restart.


  1. Client Discovery:

    • By scalable, we mean the solution should horizontally scale to the metadata read and write workload as the cluster grows with more features, brokers and clients. It is expected that metadata discovery is read heavy, while write traffic is very low (feature version levels are finalized typically during releases or other configuration pushes, which, can happen few times a day per cluster).

    • The metadata served to the client will contain an epoch value. These epoch values are integers and will increase monotonically whenever the metadata changes. At any given time, the latest epoch for the metadata returned to the client is valid, and the cluster functions in accordance with the same. Note: here, the metadata epoch # applies for the entire metadata contents, and is not particularly related to the individual feature version – these are 2 separate things. Please read this section for more information.

    • We want to be careful and specific about what we mean by consistent here. The metadata we serve to the client during discovery, will be eventually consistent. It turns out that scaling to strongly consistent metadata reads is not easy (in the current Kafka setup). And the cost of a solution that’s eventually consistent, can be made minimal, in the following way. Due to eventual consistency, there can be cases where an older lower epoch of the metadata is briefly returned during discovery, after a more recent higher epoch was returned at a previous point in time. We expect clients to always employ the rule that the latest received higher epoch of metadata always trumps an older smaller epoch. Those clients that are external to Kafka should strongly consider discovering the latest metadata once during startup from the brokers, and if required refresh the metadata periodically (to get the latest metadata).

  2. Feature gating:

    • It's only allowed to modify max feature version level, using the newly provided API. The min feature version level can not be modified with the new API (see note on deprecation in Non-goals section).
    • By safe, we mean: when processing a request to finalize a set of feature version levels, the system will dynamically verify that all brokers in the cluster support the intended version. If not, the request will be rejected. Also, when a broker starts up, it will verify that it is compatible with the configured feature versions. If it is not, it will either refuse to start up or eventually die as soon as it discovers a feature incompatibility.

    • By durable, we mean that the finalized features should be persisted durably and remembered across broker restarts. Generally the system should tolerate faults, as much as it does for storage of other critical metadata (such as topic configuration).

    • By dynamic, we mean that the finalized features can be mutated in a cheap/easy way without compromising the uptime of broker/controller processes, or the health of the cluster.


  1. Downgrade of feature version level:
    A feature "downgrade" refers to dropping support across the entire cluster for a feature version level. This means reducing the finalized maximum feature version level X to a version level Y, where Y < X. In other words, dropping cluster-wide support for an existing feature that was already finalized at a newer version level. Firstly, we leave it to the cluster operator (i.e. human) to decide whether the above actions are backwards compatible. It is not within the scope of this KIP to provide help to the cluster operator to achieve this stepAfter the cluster operator is past this step, we do provide the following support:

    1. Just like with upgrades, a downgrade request to reduce feature version level is rejected by the system, unless, all brokers support the downgraded versions of the feature. In the example above, the system expects all brokers to support the downgraded feature version Y.

    2. We assume that, downgrades of finalized max feature version levels, are rare. For safety reasons, we request for the human to specify an explicit "allow downgrade" flag (in the API/tool) to safeguard against easy accidental downgrades to version levels.
  2. Deprecation of feature version level:

    1. A need can arise to deprecate the usage of a certain version of one or more broker feature. A feature "deprecation" refers to increasing the finalized minimum feature version level X to a version level Y, where Y > X. We note that feature versions are typically deprecated during Kafka Broker releases. This is very unlike max feature version level upgrades, which can happen dynamically, after broker bits are deployed to a cluster.

    2. Firstly, the cluster operator (i.e. human) should use external means to establish that it is safe to stop supporting a particular version of broker feature. For example, verify (if needed) that no clients are actively using the version, before deciding to stop supporting it. It is not within the scope of this KIP to provide help to the cluster operator to achieve this step. After the cluster operator is past this step, we do provide the support that during a specific release of Kafka the system would mutate the persisted cluster-wide finalized feature versions to the desired value signaling feature deprecation.

Proposed changes

Below is a TL;DR of the changes:
