Versions Compared


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Note that the FindQuorum API is intended to be a gossip API. Quorum members use this to advertise their connection information on bootstrapping and to find new quorum members. All brokers use the latest quorum state in response to FindQuorum requests that they receive. The latest voter state is determined by looking at 1) the leader epoch, and 2) boot timestamps. Brokers only accept monotonically increasing updates to be cached locally. This approach is going to replace the current ZooKeeper ephemeral nodes based approach for broker (de-)registration procedure, where broker registration will de done by a new broker gossiping its host information via FindQuorumRequest. As for broker de-registration, it will be done separately for voters and observers: for voters, we would first change the quorum to degrade the shutting down voters to observers of the quorum; and for observers, they can directly shuts down themselves after they've let the controller to move its hosted partitions to other hosts.

Bootstrapping Procedure

To summarize, this is the procedure that brokers will follow on initialization:


Code Block
currentVoters: [1, 2, 4]
targetVoters: [4, 5, 6]

Continuing in this way, eventually eventually arrive eventually arrive at the following state:

Code Block
currentVoters: [1, 4, 5, 6]
targetVoters: [4, 5, 6]


For some operations that require updating multiple metadata entries such as leader migration (i.e. previously as multiple ZK writes updating more than one ZK path), they would be interpreted as a batch-record appends.


Note it is possible that a request could time out before the leader has successfully committed the records, and the client or the broker itself would retry, which would result in duplicated updates to the quorum. Since in Kafka's usage, all updates are overwrites which are idempotent (as the nature of configuration is a key-value mapping). Therefore, we do not need to implement serial number or request caching to achieve "exactly-once".

Note there are several controller operations that involves ZK updates and are not part of this KIP's scope:

  • Brokers can directly update ZK for shrinking / expanding ISR; this will be replaced with AlterISR request sent from leaders to the controller (KIP-497: Add inter-broker API to alter ISR). The controller would then update the metadata by appending a batch of entries to its metadata log where each topic-partition represents one entry.
  • Admin requests for reassign replicas will be replaced with an AlterPartitionAssignments request to the controller (KIP-455: Create an Administrative API for Replica Reassignment). The controller would update the metadata by appending a batch of entries to its metadata log where each topic-partition represents one entry.
  • Existing admin request for config changes etc will be translated to a batch of updates to its metadata log.

Metadata Versioning and Log Compaction
