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Struts Action Framework 2 is a popular, easy-to-use MVC framework. This tutorial will help you get started with the framework, even if you are not an experienced Java web application developer. The tutorial will walk you through installing the framework and creating a simple application.

However, Be forewarned that the framework is geared toward professional developers. To create non-trivial applications, a working knowledge of several key technologies is required.

titleSupporting Technologies
  • Java
  • Servlets, JSP, and Tag Libraries
  • JavaBeans
  • HTML and HTTP
  • Web Containers (such as Tomcat)
  • XML

(lightbulb) For more about any of the supporting technologies, visit see the Key Technologies page on the Apache Struts websitePrimer.

In this lesson, we download the framework and get started on an application of our own.

Download the Distribution




The full distribution can be downloaded form the Apache Struts website. The full distribution contains the struts-action2struts2.jar file and related dependencies, example applications, a copy of all the documentation , sources, all required and optional dependencies,and example applications. For more information on how to build the framework from source or even from a clean checkoutin HTML format, and the complete source code.


If you'd like to compile it yourself, please refer to Building the Framework from Source.

Your First



To get started on your own application, you can utilize the blank template, run the Ant taskMaven archetype, or just setup your own from scratch.

Using the Blank



The blank web application in the distribution's webapp apps directory is meant as a template. Make a copy of "blank" and use the copy as the basis for your application.

Run the


While it's simple enough to copy a directory tree, there is an even easier way to get started. In the webapps directory, there is a build.xml file. The new task of this Ant build file can create fresh, empty web application for you. Just add content!

Code Block

> cd /projects/Apache/struts-current/action2/webapps
> ant new

The Ant buildfile will prompt you for a the name of your new application.

No Format

     [echo]             +=============================================================+
     [echo]             |              -- Create a new web application  --            |
     [echo]             +=============================================================+

    [input] Enter the name of your new application [myapp]? saf-sample
     [echo] Creating 'saf-sample' web application...
     [copy] Copying 7 files to /Users/rainerh/projects/action2/webapps/saf-sample
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/rainerh/projects/action2/webapps/saf-sample
     [echo]             +=============================================================+
     [echo]             |    -- Your Web Application was created successfully! --     |
     [echo]             |                                                             |
     [echo]             | Now you should be able to cd to your application and run:   |
     [echo]             | > ant build -Dwebapp=saf-sample                              |
     [echo]             +=============================================================+


This task creates a new directory within the webapps dir.

For example, this is the setup for a new webapp project created with ant new webapp name saf-sample:

Maven Archetype

(warning) TODO

No Format

         org/apache/struts/action2/example/ -- A simple action example implementation
        index.jsp -- redirects to home.action
   -- Simple properties to use Spring and run SAF in devMode
            action.xml -- Basic action mapping sample with one action mapping
            home.jsp -- The home.jsp referenced via the HomeAction
          applicationContext.xml -- blank Spring definition file. Add your Spring beans here.
          web.xml -- basic web.xml for SAF

You can now use the newly created project structure to get your SAF-based project running.

Setting up from scratch

If for some reason the blank template or archetype doesn't work for you, it's not so hard to setup a SAF-based Struts 2 application from scratch.

Structure of your web application




Code Block

/mywebapp/WEB-INF/lib/CORE&OPTIONAL *.jar
  • Copy to your webapp/lib directory
    • the struts-action-(VERSION).jar,
    • all the *.jar files in /lib/default, and
    • any necessary optional *.jar files from /lib/.

(tick) If you need to customize your own templates (how HTML is rendered from webwork UI tags), copy into your webapp directory the /src/java/template directory.

Minimum set of libraries and configuration files

The following files are a minium requirement for your application.




Framework library itself, found in distribution root directory


XWork library on which SAF 2 is built


OSCore, a general-utility library from OpenSymphony


Object Graph Navigation Language (OGNL), the expression language used throughout the framework


Commons logging, which the framework uses to support transparently logging to either Log4J or JDK 1.4+


All UI tag templates are written in Freemarker, which is also a good option for your views


The default dependency injection container for the framework.


J2EE web application configuration file that defines the servlets, JSP tag
libraries, and so on for your web application


Framework configuration file that defines the actions, results, and interceptors for your application

The library files (*.jar) needs to be copied to your /mywebapp/WEB-INF/lib/ directory. If you need optional functionalities requiring dependencies on optional JARs, those JARs need to be copied to this directory too.

Setup web.xml

Wiki Markup
Create an {{web.xml}} file in {{\[webapp\]/WEB-INF}} (or merge into it the framework resources).

Code Block

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"

  <display-name>My Application</display-name>


The standard web.xml registers a FilterDispatcher to enable framework functionality for your requests. The ContextLoaderListener configures Spring as our dependency injection conitainer. The framework uses Spring internally, and you may wish to use it to deploy your own objects.

(lightbulb) See also: web.xml

Setup action.xml

Create a skeleton action.xml file in /$APP/WEB-INF/classes.

Code Block

<!DOCTYPE xwork PUBLIC "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork 1.1.1//EN"

<xwork>	<!-- Include framework defaults (from Struts Action JAR). -->
	<include file="action-default.xml" />

	<!-- Configuration for the default package. -->
	<package name="default" extends="action-default">

For now, the action.xml does only two things:

  • It tells the framework that it should import the configuration information from action-default.xml. (This file is located at the root of the struts-action.jar, so it is sure to be found.)
  • It defines a default package (with the <package> section) where framework elements like actions, results and interceptors are registered.

(lightbulb) See also: action.xmlare interested, see Simple Setup.


Onward to Hello World


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