Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titlePerform Maven release
mvn release:prepare -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -Papache-release

The release plugin will ask you a few things:

  1. The version we want to release as (It will suggest the version you get by omitting the -SNAPSHOT suffix)

  2. The name of the tag the release commit will be tagged with in the SCM (Name it release/{release-version} (e.g., release/0.66.0 )

  3. The next development version (The version present in the pom after the release) (e.g., 0.66.1-SNAPSHOT, use the next patch version and not the new minor version in dev)

Once this is finished, check that everything is correct: There should be a new tag release/version (e.g., release/0.66.0) which doesn't have any SNAPSHOT dependencies. In addition, your rel/VERSION branch should be increased to the next patch version.

Great! So the next step is to actually perform the release and stage the artifacts to the ASF Nexus. The command you need to run is:

Code Block
titleFinish release
mvn release:perform -DreleaseProfiles=apache-release

  • Perform Maven Release
  • Stage artifacts to Nexus
  • Stage source zip file to apache downloads
