Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: ARCHETYPE-590 done


issue trackingdescription
MSHARED-661 ((tick) maven-archiver 3.4.0)


maven-archiver adds "Built-By: <username>" Manifest entry: the entry was removed

MSHARED-796 ((tick) maven-archiver-3.4.0)

META-INF/MANIFEST.MFmaven-archiver adds "Built-Jdk: <detailed java version>" Manifest entry: better replaced with "Built-Jdk: <java specification version>"
MSHARED-494 ((tick) maven-archiver 3.1.0)META-INF/maven/$groupId/$artifactId/pom.propertiesTimestamp in
MSHARED-800 (tick)META-INF/maven/$groupId/$artifactId/pom.propertiesMaven version in
MPLUGIN-261 ((tick) maven-plugin-plugin 3.3)META-INF/maven/plugin.xmlgenerated plugin.xml is non-deterministic
MPLUGIN-326 ((tick) maven-plugin-plugin 3.5.1)META-INF/maven/plugin.xml
Timestamp in plugin.xml and plugin-help.xml descriptors generated by maven-plugin-tools-generator
plexus-containers issue #8 ((tick) plexus-component-metadata 2.0.0)
META-INF/plexus/components.xmlsort components when generating META-INF/plexus/components.xml
plexus-containers issue #27 ((tick) plexus-component-metadata 2.1.0)META-INF/plexus/components.xmlsort components when merging discovered components with manually crafted component files
bnd-maven-plugin #3521 ((tick) bnd-maven-plugin configuration)META-INF/MANIFEST.MFsee bnd-maven-plugin documentation to configure Reproducible Build
FELIX-6269 (maven-bundle-plugin:manifest & bundle)META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
  • "Built-By: <user name>": user name not reproducible
  • "Build-Jdk: <detailed JDK version>": patch version of the JDK not reproducible
  • "Private-Package" has not the same order between builds
FELIX-6203 ((tick) maven-bundle-plugin:bundle 4.2.2)META-INF/maven/$groupId/$artifactId/pom.propertiescurrent timestamp  in for bundle goal
sisu-maven-plugin PR#5 ((tick) sisu.inject 0.3.4)META-INF/sisu/javax.inject.Named

META-INF/sisu/javax.inject.Named content (created by sisu-maven-plugin) has non reproducible order for content

MRRESOURCES-114 ((tick) maven-remote-resources-plugin 1.7.0)projectTimespan, as often printed in META-INF/NOTICEprojectTimespan property, containing current year, is calculated using current date through new Date()
JDK-8240734 (JDK 15, perhaps JDK 11uxxx)module-info.classModuleHashes attribute in module-info.class not reproducible between builds (see Java core-libs-dev email thread)
zip entries timestamp and order
COMPRESS-485 ((tick) commons-compress 1.19)keep entries order when gathering ParallelScatterZipCreator
plexus-archiver issue #48, PR #49 ((tick) plexus-archiver 4.2.1)avoid timestamp issues in archives created by plexus-archiver (widely used in Maven plugins creating jar, zip, war, tar... archives)
plexus-archiver issue #114 ((tick) plexus-archiver 4.2.0)To enable reproducible builds `AbstractArchiver#addFileSet` should add the files in order

MSHARED-837 ((tick) maven-archiver 3.5.0)

support SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable or equivalent: see

=> see "Output Archive Entries Timestamp" section of the proposal

remove variation based on user's umask on Unixes
plexus-archiver #124 ((tick) plexus-archiver 4.2.0)remove variation based on uid/gid & userName/groupName in tar
MSOURCES-120 ((tick) maven-source-plugin 3.2.0)apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to maven-source-plugin
MASSEMBLY-921 ((tick) maven-assembly-plugin 3.2.0)apply reproducible archive (entries order and timestamp) to maven-assembly-plugin
MJAR-263 ((tick) maven-jar-plugin 3.2.0)apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to maven-jar-plugin
MSITE-851 ((tick) maven-site-plugin 3.9.0)apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to site:jar 
MJAVADOC-627 ((tick) maven-javadoc-plugin 3.2.0)apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to javadoc:*jar 
MSHADE-347 ((tick) maven-shade-plugin 3.2.2)apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to shade:shade
MSHADE-352 ((tick) maven-shade-plugin 3.2.3)keep reproducible timestamp when shading with transformer
ARCHETYPE-590 ((tick) maven-archetype-plugin 3.2.0)apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to archetype:jar 
MWAR-432 ((tick) maven-war-plugin 3.3.0)apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to war:jar 
MACR-53 ((tick) maven-acr-plugin 3.2.0)
MEAR-280 ((tick) maven-ear-plugin 3.1.0)
MEJB-128 ((tick) maven-ejb-plugin 3.1.0)
MRAR-86 ((tick) maven-rar-plugin 3.0.0)
MJLINK (maven-jlink-plugin)
issues fixed in maven-archiver will have to be picked by 9 other plugins managed by Apache Maven team (acr, ear, ejb, jlink, rar) and perhaps other plugins managed outside Apache Maven team
FELIX-TBD (maven-bundle-plugin:bundle)order and timestamp of jar entries for bundle goal
spring-boot-maven-plugin:repackage #20176 ((tick) 2.3.0-M4)timestamp
