Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. the follower received the corresponding segment data info from a remote storage and updated its index files and
  2. the local files are already older than the configured remote retention time

This is explained in detail here.

Replica Manager

If RLM is configured, ReplicaManager will call RLM to assign or remove topic-partitions.

If the broker changes its state from Leader to Follower for a topic-partition and RLM is in the process of copying the segment, it will finish the copy before it relinquishes the copy for topic-partition. This might leave duplicated segments but these will be cleanedup when these segments are ready for deletion based on remote retention configs.

Consumer Fetch Requests

For any fetch requests, ReplicaManager will proceed with making a call to readFromLocalLog, if this method returns OffsetOutOfRange exception it will delegate the read call to RemoteLogManager. More details are explained in the RLM/RSM tasks section.

Follower Requests/Replication

For follower fetch, the leader only returns the data that is still in the leader's local storage. LogSegments that exist only on remote storage are not replicated to followers as it is already present in remote storage. Instead, a follower will retrieve the information of the remote segment from RemoteMetadataManager. If a Replica becomes a leader, It can still locate and serve data from remote storage.

Other APIs


There is no change in the semantics of this API. It deletes records until the given offset if possible. This is equivalent to updating logStartOffset of the partition log with the given offset if it is greater than the current log-start-offset and it is less than or equal to high-watermark. If needed, it will clean remote logs asynchronously after updating the log-start-offset of the log.


ListOffsets API gives the offset(s) for the given timestamp either by looking into the local log or remote log time indexes. 

If the target timestamp is
ListOffsetRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP (value as -2) returns logStartOffset of the log.
ListOffsetRequest.LATEST_TIMESTAMP(value as-1) returns log-stable-offset or log-end-offset based on the isolation level in the request.

This API is enhanced with supporting new target timestamp value as -3 which is called NEXT_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP. There will not be any new fields added in request and response schemes but there will be a version bump to indicate the version update. This request is about the offset that the followers should start fetching to replicate the local logs. All the records earlier to this offset can be considered as copied to the remote storage. This is used by follower replicas to avoid fetching records that are already copied to remote tier storage.

When a follower replica needs to fetch the earliest messages that are to be replicated then it sends a request with target timestamp as NEXT_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP. 

For timestamps >= 0, it returns the first message offset whose timestamp is >= to the given timestamp in the request. That means it checks in remote log time indexes first, after which local log time indexes are checked. 


This is changed as the fetch request can be for data available in remote storage. For consumers, it fetches from the remote storage as mentioned earlier. For Follower replicas, it sends back the local log start offset at which the data can be copied. This is covered in detail earlier. 


This is received by RLM to register for new leaders so that the data can be copied to the remote storage. RLMM will also register the respective metadata partitions for the leader/follower partitions if they are not yet subscribed.  


RLM receives a callback and unassigns the partition for leader/follower task, If the delete option is enabled then remote log segment metadata is updated in RLMM by enabling the delete marker. RLMM will eventually delete these segments by using RemoteStorageManager.


Look into leader epoch checkpoint cache. This is stored in tiered storage and it may be fetched by followers from tiered storage as part of the fetch protocol. 

JBOD related changes

Currently, JBOD is supported by altering log dirs in two ways.

  • Altering to a different dir on the local broker

    • This is not supported in this KIP but we may plan this in future releases.

  • Altering to a dir on a remote broker

    • This is equivalent to reassigning partitions to a different broker, which is already supported in this KIP as part of how followers behave with respect to remote tiered storage.

There are no changes with other protocol APIs because of tiered storage. 


Remote storage (e.g. HDFS/S3/GCP) is likely to have higher I/O latency and lower availability than local storage.

When the remote storage becoming temporarily unavailable (up to several hours) or having high latency (up to minutes), Kafka should still be able to operate normally. All the Kafka operations (produce, consume local data, create/expand topics, etc.) that do not rely on remote storage should not be impacted. The consumers that try to consume the remote data should get reasonable errors, when remote storage is unavailable or the remote storage requests timeout.

To achieve this, we have to handle remote storage operations in dedicated threads pools, instead of Kafka I/O threads and fetcher threads.

1. Remote Log Manager (RLM) Thread Pool

RLM maintains a list of the topic-partitions it manages. The list is updated in Kafka I/O threads, when topic-partitions are added to / removed from RLM. Each topic-partition in the list is assigned a scheduled processing time. The RLM thread pool processes the topic-partitions that the "scheduled processing time" is less than or equal to the current time.

When a new topic-partition is assigned to the broker, the topic-partition is added to the list, with scheduled processing time = 0, which means the topic-partition has to be processed immediately, to retrieve information from remote storage.

After a topic-partition is successfully processed by the thread pool, it's scheduled processing time is set to ( now() + rlm_process_interval_ms ). rlm_process_interval_ms can be configured in broker config file.

If the process of a topic-partition is failed due to remote storage error, its scheduled processing time is set to ( now() + rlm_retry_interval_ms ). rlm_retry_interval_ms can be configured in broker config file.

When a topic-partition is unassigned from the broker, the topic-partition is not currently processed by the thread pool, the topic-partition is directly removed from the list; otherwise, the topic-partition is marked as "deleted", and will be removed after the current process is done.

Each thread in the thread pool processes one topic-partition at a time in the following steps:

Copy log segments to remote storage (leader)

Copy the log segment files that are

       - inactive and

       - the offset range is not covered completely by the segments on the remote storage and

      - those segments have the last offset < last-stable-offset of the partition.

If multiple log segment files are ready, they are copied to remote storage one by one, from the earliest to the latest. It generates a universally unique RemoteLogSegmentId for each segment, it calls RLMM.putRemoteLogSegmentData(RemoteLogSegmentId remoteLogSegmentId, RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata) and it invokes copyLogSegment(RemoteLogSegmentId remoteLogSegmentId, LogSegmentData logSegmentData) on RSMIf it is successful then  it calls RLMM.putRemoteLogSegmentData with the updated RemoteLogSegmentMetadata instance else it removes the entry. Any dangling entries will be removed while removing expired log segments based on remote retention. 

Handle expired remote segments (leader and follower)

RLM leader computes the log segments to be deleted based on the remote retention config. It updates the earliest offset for the given topic partition in RLMM. It gets all the remote log segment ids and removes them from remote storage using RemoteStorageManager. It also removes respective metadata using RemoteLogMetadataManager. If there are any failures in removing remote log segments then those are stored in a specific topic (default as __remote_segments_to_be_deleted) and user can consume the events(which contain remote-log-segment-id) from that topic and clean them up from remote storage.  This can be improved upon in later versions. 

RLM follower fetches the earliest offset by calling RLMM.earliestLogOffset(tp: TopicPartition).Both leader and follower cleanup the existing indexes till that offset and updates start offset with the received value.

2. Remote Storage Fetcher Thread Pool

When handling consumer fetch request, if the required offset is in remote storage, the request is added into "RemoteFetchPurgatory", to handle timeout. RemoteFetchPurgatory is an instance of kafka.server.DelayedOperationPurgatory, and is similar to the existing produce/fetch purgatories. At the same time, the request is put into the task queue of "remote storage fetcher thread pool".

Each thread in the thread pool processes one remote fetch request at a time. The remote storage fetch thread will


RLM/RSM tasks and thread pools

Remote storage (e.g. HDFS/S3/GCP) is likely to have higher I/O latency and lower availability than local storage.

When the remote storage becoming temporarily unavailable (up to several hours) or having high latency (up to minutes), Kafka should still be able to operate normally. All the Kafka operations (produce, consume local data, create/expand topics, etc.) that do not rely on remote storage should not be impacted. The consumers that try to consume the remote data should get reasonable errors, when remote storage is unavailable or the remote storage requests timeout.

To achieve this, we have to handle remote storage operations in dedicated threads pools, instead of Kafka I/O threads and fetcher threads.

1. Remote Log Manager (RLM) Thread Pool

RLM maintains a list of the topic-partitions it manages. The list is updated in Kafka I/O threads, when topic-partitions are added to / removed from RLM. Each topic-partition in the list is assigned a scheduled processing time. The RLM thread pool processes the topic-partitions that the "scheduled processing time" is less than or equal to the current time.

When a new topic-partition is assigned to the broker, the topic-partition is added to the list, with scheduled processing time = 0, which means the topic-partition has to be processed immediately, to retrieve information from remote storage.

After a topic-partition is successfully processed by the thread pool, it's scheduled processing time is set to ( now() + rlm_process_interval_ms ). rlm_process_interval_ms can be configured in broker config file.

If the process of a topic-partition is failed due to remote storage error, its scheduled processing time is set to ( now() + rlm_retry_interval_ms ). rlm_retry_interval_ms can be configured in broker config file.

When a topic-partition is unassigned from the broker, the topic-partition is not currently processed by the thread pool, the topic-partition is directly removed from the list; otherwise, the topic-partition is marked as "deleted", and will be removed after the current process is done.

Each thread in the thread pool processes one topic-partition at a time in the following steps:

Copy log segments to remote storage (leader)

Copy the log segment files that are

       - inactive and

       - the offset range is not covered completely by the segments on the remote storage and

      - those segments have the last offset < last-stable-offset of the partition.

If multiple log segment files are ready, they are copied to remote storage one by one, from the earliest to the latest. It generates a universally unique RemoteLogSegmentId for each segment, it calls RLMM.putRemoteLogSegmentData(RemoteLogSegmentId remoteLogSegmentId, RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata) and it invokes copyLogSegment(RemoteLogSegmentId remoteLogSegmentId, LogSegmentData logSegmentData) on RSMIf it is successful then  it calls RLMM.putRemoteLogSegmentData with the updated RemoteLogSegmentMetadata instance else it removes the entry. Any dangling entries will be removed while removing expired log segments based on remote retention. 

Handle expired remote segments (leader and follower)

RLM leader computes the log segments to be deleted based on the remote retention config. It updates the earliest offset for the given topic partition in RLMM. It gets all the remote log segment ids and removes them from remote storage using RemoteStorageManager. It also removes respective metadata using RemoteLogMetadataManager. If there are any failures in removing remote log segments then those are stored in a specific topic (default as __remote_segments_to_be_deleted) and user can consume the events(which contain remote-log-segment-id) from that topic and clean them up from remote storage.  This can be improved upon in later versions. 

RLM follower fetches the earliest offset by calling RLMM.earliestLogOffset(tp: TopicPartition).Both leader and follower cleanup the existing indexes till that offset and updates start offset with the received value.

2. Remote Storage Fetcher Thread Pool

When handling consumer fetch request, if the required offset is in remote storage, the request is added into "RemoteFetchPurgatory", to handle timeout. RemoteFetchPurgatory is an instance of kafka.server.DelayedOperationPurgatory, and is similar to the existing produce/fetch purgatories. At the same time, the request is put into the task queue of "remote storage fetcher thread pool".

Each thread in the thread pool processes one remote fetch request at a time. The remote storage fetch thread will

  1. find out the corresponding RemoteLogSegmentId from RLMM and startPosition and endPosition from the offset index.
  2. try to build Records instance data fetched from RSM.fetchLogSegmentData(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentId, Long startPosition, Optional<Long> endPosition)
    1. if success, RemoteFetchPurgatory will be notified to return the data to the client
    2. if the remote segment file is already deleted, RemoteFetchPurgatory will be notified to return an error to the client.
    3. if the remote storage operation failed (remote storage is temporarily unavailable), the operation will be retried with Exponential Back-Off, until the original consumer fetch request timeout.

Replica Manager

If RLM is configured, ReplicaManager will call RLM to assign or remove topic-partitions.

If the broker changes its state from Leader to Follower for a topic-partition and RLM is in the process of copying the segment, it will finish the copy before it relinquishes the copy for topic-partition. This might leave duplicated segments but these will be cleanedup when these segments are ready for deletion based on remote retention configs.

Consumer Fetch Requests

For any fetch requests, ReplicaManager will proceed with making a call to readFromLocalLog, if this method returns OffsetOutOfRange exception it will delegate the read call to RemoteLogManager. More details are explained in the RLM/RSM tasks section.

Follower Requests/Replication

For follower fetch, the leader only returns the data that is still in the leader's local storage. LogSegments that exist only on remote storage are not replicated to followers as it is already present in remote storage. Instead, a follower will retrieve the information of the remote segment from RemoteMetadataManager. If a Replica becomes a leader, It can still locate and serve data from remote storage.

Other APIs


There is no change in the semantics of this API. It deletes records until the given offset if possible. This is equivalent to updating logStartOffset of the partition log with the given offset if it is greater than the current log-start-offset and it is less than or equal to high-watermark. If needed, it will clean remote logs asynchronously after updating the log-start-offset of the log.


ListOffsets API gives the offset(s) for the given timestamp either by looking into the local log or remote log time indexes. 

If the target timestamp is
ListOffsetRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP (value as -2) returns logStartOffset of the log.
ListOffsetRequest.LATEST_TIMESTAMP(value as-1) returns log-stable-offset or log-end-offset based on the isolation level in the request.

This API is enhanced with supporting new target timestamp value as -3 which is called NEXT_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP. There will not be any new fields added in request and response schemes but there will be a version bump to indicate the version update. This request is about the offset that the followers should start fetching to replicate the local logs. All the records earlier to this offset can be considered as copied to the remote storage. This is used by follower replicas to avoid fetching records that are already copied to remote tier storage.

When a follower replica needs to fetch the earliest messages that are to be replicated then it sends a request with target timestamp as NEXT_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP. 

For timestamps >= 0, it returns the first message offset whose timestamp is >= to the given timestamp in the request. That means it checks in remote log time indexes first, after which local log time indexes are checked. 


This is changed as the fetch request can be for data available in remote storage. For consumers, it fetches from the remote storage as mentioned earlier. For Follower replicas, it sends back the local log start offset at which the data can be copied. This is covered in detail earlier. 


This is received by RLM to register for new leaders so that the data can be copied to the remote storage. RLMM will also register the respective metadata partitions for the leader/follower partitions if they are not yet subscribed.  


RLM receives a callback and unassigns the partition for leader/follower task, If the delete option is enabled then remote log segment metadata is updated in RLMM by enabling the delete marker. RLMM will eventually delete these segments by using RemoteStorageManager.


Look into leader epoch checkpoint cache. This is stored in tiered storage and it may be fetched by followers from tiered storage as part of the fetch protocol. 

JBOD related changes

Currently, JBOD is supported by altering log dirs in two ways.

  • Altering to a different dir on the local broker

    • This is not supported in this KIP but we may plan this in future releases.

  • Altering to a dir on a remote broker

    • This is equivalent to reassigning partitions to a different broker, which is already supported in this KIP as part of how followers behave with respect to remote tiered storage.

There are no changes with other protocol APIs because of tiered storage. 


RemoteLogMetadataManager implemented with an internal topic
