Versions Compared


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Remoteoffsetindex file and remoteTimestampIndex file are similar with the existing .index file (offset index) and .timeindex file (timestamp index). The only difference is that they point to the index in the corresponding remoteLogIndex file instead of a log segment file.

Performance Test Results

We tested the performance of the initial implementation of this proposal.

The cluster configuration:

  1. 5 brokers
  2. 20 CPU cores, 256GB RAM (each broker)
  3. 2TB * 22 hard disks in RAID0 (each broker)
  4. Hardware RAID card with NV-memory write cache
  5. 20Gbps network
  6. snappy compression
  7. 6300 topic-partitions with 3 replicas
  8. remote storage uses HDFS

Each test case is tested under 2 types of workload (acks=all and acks=1)


(at-least-once, acks=all)




10 producers

30MB / sec / broker

10 producers

55MB / sec / broker

In-sync Consumers

10 consumers

120MB / sec / broker

10 consumers

220MB / sec / broker

Test case 1 (Normal case):

No remote storage read, and no broker rebuld.

with tiered storagewithout tiered storage


(acks=all, low traffic)

Avg P99 produce latency25ms21ms
Avg P95 produce latency14ms13ms


(acks=1, high traffic)

Avg P99 produce latency9ms9ms
Avg P95 produce latency4ms4ms

We can see there is a little overhead when tiered storage is turned on. This is expected, as the brokers have to ship segments to remote storage, and sync the remote segment metadata between brokers. With at-least-once (acks=all) produce, the produce latency is slightly increased when tiered storage is turned on. With acks=1 produce, the produce latency is almost not changed when tiered storage is turned on.

Test case 2 (out-of-sync consumers catching up):

In addition to the normal traffic, 9 out-of-sync consumers consume 180MB/s per broker (or 900MB/s in total) old data.

With tiered storage, the old data is read from HDFS. Without tiered storage, the old data is read from local disk.

with tiered storagewithout tiered storage


(acks=all, low traffic)

Avg P99 produce latency42ms60ms
Avg P95 produce latency18ms30ms


(acks=1, high traffic)

Avg P99 produce latency10ms10ms
Avg P95 produce latency5ms4ms

Consuming old data has a significant performance impact to acks=all producers. Without tiered storage, the P99 produce latency is almost tripled. With tiered storage, the performance impact is relatively lower, because remote storage reading does not compete the local hard disk bandwidth with produce requests.

Consuming old data has little impact to acks=1 producers.

Test case 3 (rebuild broker):

Under the normal traffic, stop a broker, remove all the local data, and rebuild it without replication throttling. This case simulates replacing a broken broker server.

with tiered storagewithout tiered storage



12TB data per broker)

Max avg P99 produce latency56ms490ms
Max avg P95 produce latency23ms290ms



34TB data per broker)

Max avg P99 produce latency12ms10ms
Max avg P95 produce latency6ms5ms

With tiered storage, the rebuilt broker only need to fetch the latest data that has not been shipped to remote storage from the other brokers. Without tiered storage, the rebuilt broker has to fetch all the data that has not expired. With the same log retention time, tiered storage reduced the rebuild time by more than 100 times.

Without tiered storage, the rebuilt broker has to read a large amount of data from the local hard disks of the leaders. This competes page cache and local disk bandwidth with the normal traffic, and dramatically increases the acks=all produce latency.

Alternatives considered

Following alternatives were considered:
