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## Activity:

*** Project:  Survey***

  1. Preparing presentation to share final findings from survey, if you're interested in attending live follow this thread [1]
  2. Will work on documenting survey process and how to re-apply it, thinking of doing it every 2 years

*** Project: User Experience Research on new contributors ***

  1. We have narrowed down the list of projects we'll continue to evaluate with a quantitative analysis. 
  2. Talking to privacy@ about best way to analyze project data
  3. Interview questions have been finalized by Bitergia
  4. Recruiting for interviews is moving along, we're reaching out to folks who indicated interest in participating through the survey
  5. Bitergia will share an invite to extend the opportunity to be interviewed to folks who left an ASF project, we're looking to have referrals from PMCs. 

*** Project: Internships for underrepresented groups (Outreachy) ***

  1. Don't forget to read the notes from the weekly working meetings, they are in the D&I Wiki[2] and shared via the mailing list. 
  2. Google donated $52k to continue with the ASF internships next year. 
  3. Still pending discussion items: how to continue program funding and finalization of friction logs from previous intern. 
  4. Our four interns started the internship on May 19th.
  5. Internships period: May 19th, 2020, to August 18th, 2020.
  6. Feedback received from all interns after following up regarding communication channels to use to contact mentors and contribute to their projects. The feedback was good and. We also sent them an invitation to the Slack channel. 
  7. Feedback received from all mentors after following up regarding the first weeks of internship. The feedback was good so far. We provided feedback to Airflow about ensuring their interns have tasks to work on while they untangle their technical decision preventing progress on the main project.
  8. Finished Report friction log and feedback: the report includes the feedback of mentors, interns, and coordinators.

*** Operations ***

No updates. 

## Committee members changes:


## References


[2] Outreachy Working Group - Meeting notes

May 2020



  • Gris Cuevas

## Description:

- The Diversity and Inclusion VP works in collaboration with a team who contributes towards generating a current description of the D&I landscape in the industry and for the foundation. The team also focuses on developing resources the projects can leverage to increase diversity and inclusion in their communities.

## Issues:

  • None

## Activity:

*** Project:  Survey***

  1. Final analysis is concluded.
  2. We are working on organizing 1h presentation to share findings.

*** Project: User Experience Research on new contributors ***

  1. We have narrowed down the list of projects we'll continue to evaluate with a quantitative analysis. 
  2. Interview work is on hold. 
  3. V.P. of D&I needs to engage with V.P. of Data Privacy to discuss action plan. 

*** Project: Internships for underrepresented groups (Outreachy) ***

  1. Don't forget to read the notes from the weekly working meetings, they are in the D&I Wiki[1] and shared via the mailing list. 
  2. Four interns selected so far. Two interns per project:
  3. Still pending discussion items: how to continue program funding and finalization of friction logs from previous intern. 

*** Operations ***

No updates. 

## Committee members changes:


## References

[1] Outreachy Working Group - Meeting notes

April 2020



## Description:


[1] Outreachy Working Group - Meeting notes

March 2020




[2] Outreachy FAQ

February 2020





January 2020





December 2019


## Description:



Previous Reports



September 2019 Report


