Versions Compared


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Comment: Added simple mvn command back into page. The Jenkins version is too complicated for new users.


Code Block
svn checkout


Subversion + Git

This is a setup where both svn source exists in the same folder as the git source.

Code Block
git init .
git remote add apache
git fetch apache
git pull apache trunk


Rebase after svn checkin


Code Block
git checkout trunk
svn update
git checkout .
git pull --rebase apache trunk


The standard Maven command for building cTAKES is:

Code Block
$  mvn clean package -DskipTests=true

If you would like to build with the same settings as the default Jenkins job (recommended only for committers), use:

Code Block
$ rm -fr /tmp/ctakes-*
$ exports MAVEN_OPTS='-Xms3072m -Xmx4g -Xss128M  -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false'
$  mvn --fail-at-end --errors --update-snapshots clean install sonar:sonar -DskipTests=false -Dsonar.scm.provider=svn


  • These steps assume a Windows or Ubuntu Linux install environment. You will need to extrapolate for any other environments.
  • These steps were written using Mars aka Eclipse 4.5. You may need to adapt some steps for other versions of Eclipse.
  • Recommend searching for "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and downloading the desired version 
  • Within Eclipse, install the Maven SCM connector
    • File -> Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • Click Next.
    • Click the "m2e Marketplace" link (somewhat above the Cancel button)
    • You are now in the m2e Marketplace not the Eclipse Marketplace. 
    • Scroll to and select m2e-subversive
    • Click Next, Next, the radio button for Accept, Finish
    • restart Eclipse when prompted
  • Within Eclipse, install the Subversive Connector
    • Again, use  File -> Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • The Install Connectors window will open.
    • Select one of them and install it: (On Windows 7 Pro, "Native JavaHL 1.8.14 (64 bit" works
      • Click Finish
      • Accept the install by clicking:  Next, Next, the radio button for Accept, Finish.
    • When prompted to restart Eclipse, Click Yes
  •  You can set your UMLS userID and password to be passed to all Java programs you launch within Eclipse, using Windows->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs->(highlight the JRE you are using)->Edit->Default VM arguments:
               -Dctakes.umlsuser=YourUmlsUserIdGoesHere  "-Dctakes.umlspw=YourUmlsPasswordGoesHere"
  • Check out cTAKES:  
    • For a third time, Import-> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • For SCM URL, select svn and in the text field enter:
    • Click Finish. Eclipse will download all of the cTAKES sub-projects


      Due to the way Maven and Eclipse work together you will see two copies of the sub-projects in Eclipse. If you look into your workspace directories there is only one set of underlying files.


  • If you don't have Eclipse set to Build Automatically, you'll need perform a build:

    • Select all projects, right click, and choose Maven->Update Projects. Click Select All, and click OK to start the maven build.

    • You can view the Progress pane by using the Eclipse menu option  Window->Show View->Progress

    • Performing a maven build includes running jcasgen as needed. 


On Windows:

Code Block
> set ctakes_umlsuser=<your user>
> set ctakes_umlspw=<your password>
> mvn clean test
> REM or running oneline command:
> mvn -Dctakes_umlsuser=<your user> -Dctakes_umlspw=<your password> clean test

On Linux:

Code Block
$ export ctakes_umlsuser=<your user>
$ export ctakes_umlspw=<your password>
$ mvn clean test
$ # or running oneline command:
$ mvn -Dctakes_umlsuser=<your user> -Dctakes_umlspw=<your password> clean test

Release Manager

The release manager will use the apache-release profile defined in the parent pom. For this profile, the UMLS UTests are enforced.


