Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The fields added to requests and responses below will be tagged fields to avoid changing the inter-broker protocol.





LeaderAndIsr Request (Version: 34) => controller_id controller_epoch broker_epoch type* [topic_states] [live_leaders]
  controller_id => INT32
  controller_epoch => INT32
  broker_epoch => INT64
  type* => INT8 (tagged field)
  topic_states => topic topic_id* [partition_states]
    topic => STRING
    topic_id* => UUID (tagged field)
    partition_states => partition controller_epoch leader leader_epoch [isr] zk_version [replicas] is_new
      partition => INT32
      controller_epoch => INT32
      leader => INT32
      leader_epoch => INT32
      isr => INT32
      zk_version => INT32
      replicas => INT32
      is_new => BOOLEAN
  live_leaders => id host port
    id => INT32
    host => STRING
    port => INT32

LeaderAndIsrRequest v3 v4 adds the topic ID to the topic_states field, and an enum type to denote the type of LeaderAndIsrRequest. Currently, the first LeaderAndIsrRequest sent to a broker by a controller contains all TopicPartitions that a broker is a replica for. We will formalize this behavior by also including a type enum to denote the type of LeaderAndIsrRequest. 


  1. Logging at WARN level all partitions that will be deleted and the time that they will be be deleted at.
  2. Move the partition's directory to log.dir/deleting/{topic_id}_{partition}
  3. Schedule deletion from disk with a delay of ms. This will clear the deleting directory of the partition's contents.




LeaderAndIsr Response (Version: 34) => error_code [partitions]
  error_code => INT16
  partitions => topic topic_id* partition error_code
    topic => STRING
    topic_id* => UUID (tagged field)
    partition => INT32
    error_code => INT16


To avoid issues where requests are made to stale partitions, a topic_id field will be added to fence reads from deleted topics.


ListOffsetRequest v6

ListOffsets ListOffset Request (Version: 6) => replica_id isolation_level [topics]
  replica_id => INT32
  isolation_level => INT8
  topics => topic topic_id* [partitions]
    topic => STRING
    topic_id* => UUID (tagged field)
    partitions => partition current_leader_epoch timestamp
      partition => INT32
      current_leader_epoch => INT32
      timestamp => INT64


ListOffsetResponse v6

ListOffsets ListOffset Response (Version: 6) => throttle_time_ms [responses]
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  responses => topic topic_id* [partition_responses]
    topic => STRING
    topic_id* => UUID (tagged field)
    partition_responses => partition error_code timestamp offset leader_epoch
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      timestamp => INT64
      offset => INT64
      leader_epoch => INT32


MetadataResponse must be modified so that describeTopics includes the topic id for each topic.




Metadata Response (Version: 109) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] cluster_authorized_operations
    throttle_time_ms => INT32
    brokers => node_id host port rack
        node_id => INT32
        host => STRING
        port => INT32
        rack => STRING
    cluster_id => STRING
    controller_id => INT32
    topics => error_code name is_internal [partitions] topic_authorized_operations topic_id*
        error_code => INT16
        name => STRING
        is_internal => BOOL
        partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id leader_epoch [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] [offline_replicas]
            error_code => INT16
            partition_index => INT32
            leader_id => INT32
            leader_epoch => INT32
            replica_nodes => INT32
            isr_nodes => INT32
            offline_replicas => INT32
        topic_authorized_operations => INT32
        topic_id* => UUID (tagged field)
    cluster_authorized_operations => INT32


UpdateMetadata should also include the topic ID.




UpdateMetadata Request (Version: 76) => controller_id controller_epoch broker_epoch [ungrouped_partition_states] [topic_states] [live_brokers] 
    controller_id => INT32
    controller_epoch => INT32
    broker_epoch => INT64
    ungrouped_partition_states => UpdateMetadataPartitionState
    topic_states => topic_name topic_id* [partition_states]
        topic_name => STRING
        topic_id* => UUID (tagged field)
        partition_states => UpdateMetadataPartitionState
    live_brokers => id v0_host v0_port [endpoints] rack
        id => INT32
        v0_host => STRING
        v0_port => INT32
        endpoints => port host listener security_protocol
            port => INT32
            host => STRING
            listener => STRING
            security_protocol => INT16
        rack => STRING
