Versions Compared


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Vote will be changed to replace topic name with topic ID, and will use a sentinel topic ID if no topic ID has been assigned already. See Compatibility with KIP-500 for more information on sentinel topic IDs.

VoteRequest v0

VoteRequest (Version 0) => cluster_id [topics]
  cluster_id => STRING
  topics => topic_id* [partitions]
    topic_id* => UUID
    partitions => partition_index candidate_epoch candidate_id last_offset_epoch last_offset
      partition_index => INT32
      candidate_epoch => INT32
      candidate_id => INT32
      last_offset_epoch => INT32
      last_offset => INT64

VoteResponse v0

VoteResponse (Version 0) => error_code [topics]
  cluster_id => INT16
  topics => topic_id* [partitions]
    topic_id* => UUID
    partitions => partition_index error_code leader_id leader_epoch vote_granted
      partition_index => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      leader_id => INT32
      leader_epoch => INT32
      voted_granted => BOOL


BeginQuorumEpoch will replace the topic name field with the topic id field

BeginQuorumEpochRequest v0

BeginQuorumEpochRequest (Version 0) => cluster_id [topics]
  cluster_id => STRING
  topics => topic_id* [partitions]
    topic_id* => UUID
    partitions => partition_index leader_id leader_epoch
      partition_index => INT32
      leader_id => INT32
      leader_epoch => INT32

BeginQuorumEpochResponse v0

BeginQuorumEpochResponse (Version 0) => error_code [topics]
  cluster_id => INT16
  topics => topic_id* [partitions]
    topic_id* => UUID
    partitions => partition_index error_code leader_id leader_epoch
      partition_index => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      leader_id => INT32
      leader_epoch => INT32


EndQuorumEpoch will replace the topic name field with the topic id field

EndQuorumEpochRequest v0

EndQuorumEpochRequest (Version 0) => cluster_id [topics]
  cluster_id => STRING
  topics => topic_id* [partitions]
    topic_id* => UUID
    partitions => partition_index replica_id leader_id leader_epoch [preferred_successors]
      partition_index => INT32
      replica_id => INT32
      leader_id => INT32
      leader_epoch => INT32
      preferred_successors => INT32

EndQuorumEpochResponse v0

EndQuorumEpochResponse (Version 0) => error_code [topics]
  cluster_id => INT16
  topics => topic_id* [partitions]
    topic_id* => UUID
    partitions => partition_index error_code leader_id leader_epoch
      partition_index => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      leader_id => INT32
      leader_epoch => INT32


With the addition of topic IDs and the changes to LeaderAndIsrRequest described above, we can now make changes to topic deletion logic that will allow topics to be immediately considered deleted, regardless of whether all replicas have responded to a DeleteTopicsRequest.


Using a topic ID will result in a slightly smaller fetch request and likely prevent further changes. Assigning a unique ID for the metadata topic leaves the possibility for the topic to be placed in tiered storage, or used in other scenarios where topics from multiple clusters may be in one place without appending the cluster ID.

Sentinel ID

The idea is that this will be a hard-coded UUID that no other topic can be assigned. Initially the all zero UUID was considered, but was ultimately rejected since this is used as a null ID in some places and it is better to keep these usages separate. An example of a hard-coded UUID is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001

Tooling --describe will be updated to include the topic ID in the output. A user can specify a topic name to describe with the --topic parameter, or alternatively the user can supply a topic ID with the --topic_id parameter


Ideally, consumer offsets stored in the __consumer_offsets topic would be associated with the topic ID for which they were read. However, given the way the __consumer_offsets is compacted, this may be difficult to achieve in a forwards compatible way. This change will be left until topic IDs are implemented in the clients. Another future improvement opportunity is to use topicId in GroupMetadataManager.offsetCommitKey in the offset_commit topic. This may save some space.

Persisting Topic IDs

A few other alternatives to the partition metadata file were considered. One topic of discussion was whether it was necessary to include at all. With the current decision of maintaining the topic name in the directory, the only way to persist the topic ID to disk is through a file. The decision against changing the directory is discussed below.

Another alternative is to have a single file mapping all topic names to ids. Although this could be useful for tooling, it would be harder to maintain this file and update on each new topic added. 

log.dir layout

It would be ideal if the log.dir layout could be restructured from {topic}_{partition} format to {{topicIdprefix}}/{topicId}_{partition}, e.g. "mytopic_1" → "24/24cc4332-f7de-45a3-b24e-33d61aa0d16c_1". Note the hierarchical directory structure using the first two characters of the topic ID to avoid having too many directories at the top level of the logdir. This change is not required for the topic deletion improvements above, and will be left for a future KIP where it may be required e.g. topic renames

Changing the directory structure in this way would also require more changes to tooling. Finding the correct log directory for a given topic will require more work for the user with the current changes in the KIP. There are other considerations when it comes to changing the directory structure, so it is probably best to spend more time before we commit to a decision.


One idea was to support authorizing a principal for a topic ID rather than a topic name. For now, this would be a breaking change, and it would be hard to support prefixed ACLs with topic IDs.