Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Swapping a the topic name for the topic ID will cut down on the size of the request.

 ProduceRequest v9

Produce Request (Version 9) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topics]
    transactional_id => STRING
    acks => INT16
    timeout_ms => INT32
    topics => topic_id* [partitions]
        topic_id* => UUID
        partitions => partition_index records
            partition_index => INT32
            records => BYTES

ProduceResponse v9

Produce Response (Version 9) => [responses] throttle_time_ms
    responses => topic_id* [partitions]
        topic_id* => UUID
        partitions => partition_index error_code base_offset log_append_time_ms log_start_offset [record_errors] error_message
            partition_index => INT32
            error_code => INT16
            base_offset => INT64
            log_append_time_ms => INT64
            log_start_offset => INT64
            record_errors => batch_index batch_index_error_message
                batch_index => INT32
                batch_index_error_message => STRING
            error_message => STRING
    throttle_time_ms =>  INT32  


With the addition of topic IDs and the changes to LeaderAndIsrRequest described above, we can now make changes to topic deletion logic that will allow topics to be immediately considered deleted, regardless of whether all replicas have responded to a DeleteTopicsRequest.


A few other alternatives to the partition metadata file were considered. One topic of discussion was whether it was necessary to include at all. With While the current decision of maintaining the topic name is used in the directory structure, the only way to persist the topic ID to disk is through a file. As discussed above, the directory changes will not be added until a major release.
