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A new UUID class will be exposed under /org/apache/kafka/clients/admin/common

 * This class defines an immutable universally unique identifier (UUID). It represents a 128-bit value.
 * More specifically, the random UUIDs in this class are variant 2 (Leach-Salz) version 4 UUIDs.
 * This definition is very similar to java.util.UUID. One notable difference is that the toString() method prints
 * using the base64 string encoding.
public class UUID {

   * A UUID where all bits are zero. It represents a null or empty UUID.
  public static final UUID ZERO_UUID
   * ReturnsConstructs thea most128-bit significanttype bits of4 the UUID's 128where bitthe value.
first long represents */
the the publicmost long getMostSignificantBits()

  /**significant 64 bits
   * Returnsand the leastsecond significantlong bits ofrepresents the UUID'sleast 128significant bit64 valuebits.
  public UUID(long mostSigBits, long getLeastSignificantBits(leastSigBits)
   * ReturnsStatic truefactory iff to retrieve a type 4 (pseudo randomly generated) UUID.
  public static UUID randomUUID()

   * Returns the most significant bits of the UUID's 128 bit value.
  public long getMostSignificantBits()

   * Returns the least significant bits of the UUID's 128 bit value.
  public long getLeastSignificantBits()

   * Returns true iff the obj is another UUID with the same value.
  public boolean equals(Object obj)
  /** * Returns a hash code for this UUID */ public int hashCode() /** * Returns a base64 string encoding of the UUID. */ public String toString()

/** * Creates a UUID based on a base64 string encoding used in the toString() method. */ public static UUID fromString(String str)

Additionally, it may be dangerous to use older versions of Kafka tools with new broker versions when using their --zookeeper flags. Use of older tools in this way is not supported today.
