Versions Compared


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  1. Download the latest version of nifi-toolkit from
  2. Unpack the contents: 

    Code Block
    tar xzvf nifi-toolkit-1.12.1-bin.tar.gz -C /opt/nifi/

  3. Create a directory for the certificate files:

    Code Block
    mkdir -p /opt/nifi/data/ssl

  4. Determine the hostname (s) that will be used to access NiFi from web browsers and from MiNiFi. Then generate the certificates using tls-toolkit:

    Code Block
    # Set the location of Java; the executable should be ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java
    export JAVA_HOME=...
    # Replace <hostname> with the comma-separate list of hostnameshostname used to access NiFi
    /opt/nifi/nifi-toolkit-1.12.1/bin/ standalone -n '<hostname>' -C 'CN=minifi, OU=NIFI' -o /opt/nifi/data/ssl
    # Unpack the certificate and key from the .p12 bundle
    # Enter the contents of CN=minifi_OU=NIFI.password as the password when prompted (both times)
    openssl pkcs12 -in /opt/nifi/data/ssl/CN=minifi_OU=NIFI.p12 -out /opt/nifi/data/ssl/nifi-rest.key -nocerts -nodes
    openssl pkcs12 -in /opt/nifi/data/ssl/CN=minifi_OU=NIFI.p12 -out /opt/nifi/data/ssl/nifi-rest.crt -clcerts -nokeys

  5. Protect the files by ensuring that only the current user have access to them:

    Code Block
    chmod 755 /opt/nifi/data/ssl
    chmod 600 /opt/nifi/data/ssl/CN\=minifi_OU\=NIFI.*
    chmod 700 /opt/nifi/data/ssl/<hostname>

  6. Copy the value of the properties in the nifi.remote, nifi.web, sections from /opt/nifi/data/ssl/<hostname>/ to your NiFi installation's file, except the for the following two, which should be set like this:

    Code Block<hostname>/keystore.jks<hostname>/truststore.jks

    and add the following settings to your NiFi installation's file:

    Code Block
    # Replace <keystore-password> with the contents of /opt/nifi/data/ssl/CN=minifi_OU=NIFI.password<hostname><keystore-password>

  7. Uncomment the file-provider section of authorizers.xml in your NiFi installation, and set the Initial Admin Identity:

    Code Block
            <property name="Authorizations File">./conf/authorizations.xml</property>
            <property name="Users File">./conf/users.xml</property>
            <property name="Initial Admin Identity">CN=minifi, OU=NIFI</property>
            <property name="Legacy Authorized Users File"></property>
            <!-- Provide the identity (typically a DN) of each node when clustered, see above description of Node Identity.
            <property name="Node Identity 1"></property>

    and restart NiFi; it will create a new user with your Initial Admin Identity name in users.xml .

  8. Add authorization to your user to access the /site-to-site API in authorizations.xml in your NiFi installation:

    Code Block
      <!-- generate some UUIDs for the policy identifiers -->
      <!-- copy the user identifier from users.xml -->
      <policy identifier="1f6ae57a-08bc-11eb-9242-bf69163fde10" resource="/site-to-site" action="R">
        <user identifier="9cd6ec42-b3da-3a3a-8405-7264746e0e42"/>
      <policy identifier="282818e0-08bc-11eb-8508-2b51c9d70d42" resource="/site-to-site" action="W">
        <user identifier="9cd6ec42-b3da-3a3a-8405-7264746e0e42"/>

    TODO: I think more authorizations are needed.
