Versions Compared


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Comment: fixed typo


Return the current content handler.
Return the current DTD handler.
Return the current entity resolver.
Return the current error handler.
booleangetFeature(String name)
Look up the value of a feature flag. The only two features that are implemented are and as required by the XMLReader interface. All other features shall throw a SAXNotRecognizedException.

getProperty(String name)
Look up the value of a property URN. We support the following:

voidparse(InputSource input)
Parse data from an InputSource. The InputSource must be backed by an InputStream. The getByteStream() method must return non-null or an IOException shall be thrown. This shall call the custom parse(InputStream)  method described below.
voidparse(String systemId)
This function is not supported. If called, this shall throw an IOException.
voidsetContentHandler(ContentHandler handler)
Store the parameter in local state. This handler will receive the SAX events created by Daffodil.
voidsetDTDHandler(DTDHandler handler)
Store the parameter in local state. Note that Daffodil will never use the DTDHandler except for when getDTDHandler()  is called.
voidsetEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver)
Store the parameter in local state. Note that Daffodil will never use the EntityResolver except for when getEntityResolver()  is called.
voidsetErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler)
Store the parameter in local state. The handler.fatalError()  callback is used for Schema Definition Errors. The handler.warning()  callback is used for Schema Definition Warnings.
voidsetFeature(String name, boolean value)
Set the value of a feature flag. The only two features that are implemented are and as required by the XMLReader interface. All other features shall throw a SAXNotRecognizedException.

setProperty(String name, Object value)
Set the value of a property. We only support the setting of the propeties below. All other propeties shall properties shall throw a SAXNotRecognizedException. Property values must be of the type defined below, otherwise it will throw a SAXNotSupportedException.

PropertyVAlue Type


ParseResult cannot be set externally

In addition the the above functions, the following functinons functions are added to support other input types that Daffodil supports, which may allow for some optimizations.


Fortunately, the InfosetOutputter events correlate nicely to the InfosetOutputter ContentHandler events. Below is their mapping. Note that in some cases a single InfosetOutputter event may require calling multiple ContentHandler events.
