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Concept or Term




look to user-manual General Glossary

Party Idlook to user-manual General Glossary


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look to user-manual Party Glossary


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look to user-manual General Glossary

Agreementlook to user-manual Party Glossary


look to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Asset Maintenancelook to user-manual Accounting Glossary

Accounts Payable

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Accounts Receivable

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Accounts Payable Invoicelook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Accounts Receivable Invoicelook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Accrual Based Accountinglook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Balance Sheetlook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Budgetlook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Budget Idlook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Budget Itemlook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Budget Role

Capitallook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Cash Based Accountinglook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Chart of Accountslook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Cost of Goods Soldlook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Creditorlook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Creditslook to user-manual Accounting Glossary?
Current Assetslook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Current Liabilitieslook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
DebitsOne component of every accounting transaction (journal entry) is a debit. Debits increase assets but decrease liabilities and equity.DebtorThis is a company or an individual that owes you money.DepreciationThis is a write-off of a portion of the cost of fixed assets, such as vehicles and equipment. It is usually done annually but can be done more frequently. Depreciation is also listed as part of the expenses on the 'Profit & Loss' or 'Income Statement'Double Entry AccountingIn this method every transaction has two entries: a debit and a credit (also called a journal entry). Debits must always equal credits. Most if not all accounting software use double entry accounting.End of Year RolloverAt the end of the financial year the Profit & Loss accounts totals are reset to zero and the balance sheet accounts totals are carried forward into the next financial year.EmployeeAn employee is a person who has an employment relationship with your Company. They will also be a 'party'.

Employee Position Type

Employee Positions Type is a name that describes a position. You can define your own position types in Global HR Settings > Position Types.Examples: Business Analyst, Programmer and System Administrator are position types in the demo data
look to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Debtorlook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Depreciationlook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Double Entry Accountinglook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
End of Year Rolloverlook to user-manual Accounting Glossary
Employeelook to user-manual Human Resource Glossary

Employee Position Type

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look to user-manual Human Resource Glossary

look to user-manual General Glossary

Equitylook to user-manual Accounting GlossaryIn OFBiz an Employment defines the relationship between your Company and a person who is an employee. The employment relationship tracks employee benefits, preferences, pay history, and unemployment claims and agreements.Entity

In OFBiz the term entity represents the important business concept of data structure used to store records in the database.

EquityThis is the net worth of your business. It is also called 'Capital' or 'Owner's Equity. Equity is made up of investment in the business by the owners plus any profits that the business has made that hasnt been taken out.

Fixed AssetsThese are assets that are generally not going to be converted to cash within a year.Example: Manufacturing equipment or vehicles.
FulfillmentIn the Human Resources application, a fulfillment associates a person with a position. A person can fulfill more then one position and a position can have more then one person.
General LedgerThis is a collection of different types of accounts (balance sheet, income, expense) that are used to keep the accounting records of a business. A general ledger works with double entry accounting and journal entries for each transaction.

Income AccountsThese are the accounts that are used to keep track of your sources of income.Examaple: Sales, Consulting Income or Interest.
Income StatementThis is also called a Profit and Loss Statement' or a 'P&L'. It lists the income, expenses, and net profit (or loss) for the business. The net profit (or loss) is equal to the total income minus the total expenses.
Intangible AssetThis is something of value that is owned by the business that cannot be touched physically. Examples: A trademark, patent or goodwill
Internal Organization

An Internal organization is a special term in OFBiz that allows you to flag the main accounting company that is being setup. It can also be used to highlight relationship between your company and any of your any departments, business units or subsidiaries.

InventoryThese are goods are held for sale to customers. Inventory is also referred to a Stock. Inventory can be items that are bought for resale or it can be products that are manufactured and sold to the customer.
Invoice DateThis is the date that the invoice was created. Normally this will be based on when products were shipped or services were provided
Invoice Due DateThis is the last possible date that payments can be made or received for an invoice without triggering any late payment penalties
JournalThis is a detailed accounting transaction that is recorded (or posted) in the general ledger. It can also be referred to as a Journal Entry. It is made up of a debit and a credit component.
Journal EntryThis is a detailed accounting transaction that is recorded (or posted) in the general ledger. It can also be referred to as a Journal. It is made up of a debit and a credit component.
LiabilitiesThese are the debts that your business owes to its suppliers, banks or the government.Examples can be taxes or loans.
Long Term LiabilitiesThese are debts that a business owes to its suppliers that are not generally due to be paid off within a year.An example would be a mortgage payment.
Net IncomeThis is also called 'Profit' or 'Net Profit'. It is the total income minus the total expenses
PersonIn OFBiz a person is a human being as distinguished from a party group which is an generally an organization. Human beings and organizations have different attributes i.e. People have first and last names while groups have group names. Both person and party group are types of parties and share information and processes common to parties.
PositionA position is a job that can be filled by more then one person over time or at the same time. Positions are defined by a type of work. For example there may be 20 positions in an organization for a secretary. Each position is related to a department in the organization. A position can me thought of as a full-time equivalent employee (FTE). So an FTE may be assigned to one or more positions and position can be assigned to more then one FTEs (job sharing).
Profit & Loss StatementThis is also called the 'Income Statement' or 'P&L'. It is the total income minus the total expenses for the business.
Retained EarningsThese are profits from the business that have been kept or 'retained' in the business and not paid out to the owners.
ResponsibilityIn the Human Resources application responsibilities define duties assigned to a position.
StockThese are goods are held for sale to customers. Stock is also referred to as Inventory. Stock can be items that are bought for resale or it can be products that are manufactured and sold to the customer.
Security Group

A  security group is a collection (or a set) of application privileges that can be assigned to a user login id. A user can be assigned to multiple security groups

Termination ReasonIn the Human Resources application,this is a name describing the cause related to a termination typeExample:Found new job,
Termination TypeIn the Human Resources application, this is a name for the kind of terminationExample:Resigned, Fired, layoff
Trial BalanceThis is a list of the general ledger accounts showing the debits in one column and the credits in another. The main objective of a trial balance is to ensure that the total credits and total debits balance (eg. total debits = total credits). It also validates that the double entry accounting is working correctly.
