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Comment: Updated based on beta3 release and Upgrade check meeting.


Scheduler HA (AIP-15)Merged.
REST API (AIP-32)Merged.
Functional DAGs (AIP-31)Merged.
Providers Package (AIP-21)Most of the work done already as part of Backport Providers. Some release management items such as: Versioning, package creation, documentation handling are openMerged. Being released independently as intended.
Simplified Kubernetes Executor and KubePodOperatorMerged
Smart Sensors (AIP-17)Merged
Task Groups - Improvements to SubDAGs (AIP-34)Merged


The immediate action items with respect to scope and major milestones are:

  1. Cut the first beta build.
  2. Encourage users to test the build beta3 build, especially around Kubernetes.
  3. Continue testing beta builds.
  4. Work on the 1.10.13 "bridge release" to cut it and enable migration / upgrade testing.
  5. Accelerate Focus on the Documentation for "Getting started with 2.0 and upgrading "Upgrading to 2.0 " to enable beta testing, as well as for 2.0 once released. Also, enhance from 1.10.x" documentation and the upgrade check scripts as needed. 
  6. Focusing on stability, critical bug fixes as needed in preparation for Release Candidate buildsClose out release management related open items with respect to release of Providers packages. Not necessarily needed for beta1, but before RC

The major upcoming milestones are detailed below. As stated above, please note that these are statements of intent, rather than absolute.

Week of 7 Sep 2020Create the 2.0.0-test branch - Done.

While the scope is fluid, we would be rebasing this test branch from master. After we completely freeze the scope, we would only cherrypick commits from Airflow Master to v2-0-test branch if they are “in-scope”. Normal development would continue on Master branch i.e. PRs would be created against Airflow Master.

Week of 12 Oct 2020

First Airflow 2.0 alpha release "apache-airflow-2.0.0.a1" cut on Oct 13th.

Week of 26 Oct 2020Second Airflow 2.0 alpha release "apache-airflow-2.0.0.a2" cut on Oct 26th.
Week of 9 Nov 2020

Cut first 2.0 beta release. First beta build cut on Nov 9th.

Beta snapshots would be published to the Airflow Community to test and create issues to make sure Airflow is functioning and backwards compatible outside of known changes. 

10 Nov  - 7 Dec 

Cut beta releases approximately every Tuesday.

Latest beta build is beta3, cut on Nov 18th and available for testing.

Weeks Week of 16 Nov and 23 Nov 2020

Cut bridge release based on 1.10.x - jump-off point to 2.0

. Probably

and submit for vote. Release the 1.10.13

or 1.10.14 containing upgrade check scripts for 2.0

"bridge release". 

Upgrade check scripts to be released independently, but in the same time frame.

Week of 7 Dec 2020Cut first 2.0 release candidate (2.0.0rc1)

As part of creating the release candidate, an official vote would be started to release 2.0.0. If there are any bugs discovered in 2.0.0rc1, they will be fixed and a new release candidate will be published.  This will be repeated until the Vote passes
