Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


private PartialPath path; // 前缀路径

private long startTime; // 开始时间

private long endTime; // 结束时间

3. FileIndex

// 获得与查询相关的FileIndexEntries

Map<tsFilePath, TimeIndexEntry[]> filterByPath(PartialPath path, Filter timeFilter) 

// 为路径增加索引,适用场景:(1)文件刷盘封口;(2)版本升级

void createIndexForFiles(FileIndexEntries fileIndexEntries) 

// 为路径删除索引,适用场景:(1)删除文件;(2)根据TTL标记失效的文件

void deleteIndexOfFiles(FileIndexEntries fileIndexEntries) 

4. FileIndexManager

public class FileIndexManager {

    private Map<PartialPath, FileIndex> seqIndices;

    private Map<PartialPath, FileIndex> unseqIndices;

    private final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock;

    private static class FileIndexManagerHolder {

        private FileIndexManagerHolder() {
            // allowed to do nothing

        private static final FileIndexManager INSTANCE = new FileIndexManager();

    public static FileIndexManager getInstance() {
        return IndexerManagerHolder.INSTANCE;

    private FileIndexManager() {
        seqIndexers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        unseqIndexers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

    public boolean init() {...}

    public void addSeqIndexer(PartialPath storageGroup, FileIndex fileTimeIndexer) { ... }

    public void addUnseqIndexer(PartialPath storageGroup, FileIndex fileTimeIndexer) { ... }

    public void deleteSeqIndexer(PartialPath storageGroup) { ... }

    public void deleteUnseqIndexer(PartialPath storageGroup) { ... }

    public FileIndex getSeqIndexer(PartialPath storageGroup) { ... }

    public FileIndex getUnseqIndexer(PartialPath storageGroup) { ... }

    // 将TsFileResource转化为FileIndexEntries,用于版本升级

    public static FileIndexEntries convertFromTsFileResource(TsFileResource resource) {... }


4. 第二步的修改(后续)涉及到【封口文件句柄SealedTsfileResource】和【未封口文件句柄UnsealedTsfileResource


(1) 第一步接口化(本次)的修改中,可以从TsFileResource中转移走的字段:

protected long[] startTimes; //  开始时间列表

protected long[] endTimes; // 结束时间列表,未封口则为 Long.MIN_VALUE

protected Map<String, Integer> deviceToIndex; // device设备名 => 开始 / 结束时间列表index

(2) 目前TsFileResource文件句柄保留的功能和字段:

Map<String, String> cachedDevicePool // for reducing the String number in memory

File file // tsfile

TsFileProcessor processor 【未封口】

ModificationFile modFile // modification file

boolean closed【未封口】

boolean deleted【未封口】

boolean isMerging

Set<Long> historicalVersions // for tracking the merge history of a TsFile

TsFileLock tsFileLock

List<ChunkMetadata> chunkMetadataList // 【未封口】chunk metadata list of unsealed tsfile. Only be set in a temporal TsFileResource in a query process.

List<ReadOnlyMemChunk> readOnlyMemChunk // 【未封口】mem chunk data. Only be set in a temporal TsFileResource in a query process.

TimeseriesMetadata timeSeriesMetadata // 【未封口】get TimeseriesMetadata of unsealed file

List<TsFileResource> upgradedResources // 【升级】generated upgraded TsFile ResourceList used for upgrading v0.9.x/v1 -> 0.10/v2

UpgradeTsFileResourceCallBack upgradeTsFileResourceCallBack // 【升级】load upgraded TsFile Resources to storage group processor used for upgrading v0.9.x/v1 → 0.10/v2

boolean isSeq // 【升级】indicate if this tsfile resource belongs to a sequence tsfile or not used for upgrading v0.9.x/v1 -> 0.10/v2

TsFileResource originTsFileResource // 【未封口】current tsfile resource is a snapshot of the originTsFileResource. When we want to used the lock, we should try to acquire the lock of originTsFileResource

long maxPlanIndex // for cluster, max index of plans executed within this TsFile

long minPlanIndex // for cluster, min index of plans executed within this TsFile


