Apache Kylin : Analytical Data Warehouse for Big Data

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ColumnTypeDescriptionSampleD/M度量函数My question备注
host                stringthe host of server for query enginecdh-client:  
project             stringproject namePEARVIDEOAPP  
cube_name           stringcube nameUserActionPhaseOneCubeD 
segment_name        stringsegment name20201011000000_20201012000000D 
cuboid_source       bigintsource cuboid parsed based on query and Cube design12582912D 与查询模式最匹配的 Cuboid,可能尚未构建
cuboid_target       biginttarget cuboid already precalculated and served for source cuboid13041664D 查询实际使用的Cuboid,可能需要后计算才能回答查询
if_match            booleanwhether source cuboid and target cuboid are equalFALSED 
filter_mask         bigint 4194304D 
if_success          booleanwhether a query on this Cube is successful or notTRUED 
weight_per_hit      double单条查询击中的 Cube 数的倒数1MSUM
storage_call_count  bigintthe number of rpc calls for a query hit on this Cube1MSUM/MAX
storage_call_time_sumbigintsum of time cost for the rpc calls of a query268MSUM/MAX
storage_call_time_maxbigintmax of time cost among the rpc calls of a quer268MSUM/MAX
storage_count_skip  bigintthe sum of row count skipped for the related rpc calls0MSUM/MAX
storage_count_scan  bigintthe sum of row count scanned for the related rpc calls929MSUM/MAX
storage_count_returnbigintthe sum of row count returned for the related rpc calls45MSUM/MAX
storage_count_aggregate_filterbigintthe sum of row count aggregated and filtered for the related rpc calls,= STORAGE_COUNT_SCAN - STORAGE_COUNT_RETURN884MSUM/MAX
storage_count_aggregatebigintthe sum of row count aggregated for the related rpc calls36MSUM/MAX
ktimestamp          bigintquery begin time (timestamp)1603462676906  
kyear_begin_date    stringquery begin time (year)2020/1/1D 
kmonth_begin_date   stringquery begin time (month)2020/10/1D 
kweek_begin_date    stringquery begin time (week, begin with sumday)2020/10/18D 
kday_time           stringquery begin time (time)22:17:56D 
ktime_hour          intquery begin time (hour)22D 
ktime_minute        intquery begin time (minute)17D 
ktime_second        intquery begin time (second)56  
kday_date           stringquery begin time (day)2020/10/23Hive 表分区列 


My question
job_id              stringjob id51b40173-1f6c-7e55-e0ca-fbc84d242ac0  
host                stringthe host of server for job enginecdh-client:  
kuser               stringuser name ADMIND 
project             stringproject nameLEARN_KYLIND 
cube_name           stringcube namekylin_sales_cube_poiD 
job_type            stringjob type: build, merge, optimizeBUILDD 
cubing_type         stringin kylin,there are two cubing algorithms,Layered & Fast(InMemory)NULLD 
duration            bigintthe duration from a job start to finish945001MSUM/MAX/MIN/PERCENTILE_APPROX
table_size          bigintthe size of data source in bytes227964845MSUM/MAX/MIN
cube_size           bigintthe size of created Cube segment in bytes35693596MSUM/MAX/MIN
per_bytes_time_cost doubleDURATION / TABLE_SIZE0.00414538MSUM/MAX/MIN
wait_resource_time  biginta job may includes serveral MR(map reduce) jobs. Those MR jobs may wait because of lack of Hadoop resources.158146MSUM/MAX/MIN
step_duration_dictionarybigint 5311MSUM/MAX 
step_duration_inmem_cubingbigint 89MSUM/MAX 
step_duration_hfile_convertbigint 75382MSUM/MAX 
ktimestamp          bigintquery begin time (timestamp)1600938458385  
kyear_begin_date    stringquery begin time (year)2020/1/1D 
kmonth_begin_date   stringquery begin time (month)2020/9/1D 
kweek_begin_date    stringquery begin time (week, begin with sumday)2020/9/20D 
kday_time           stringquery begin time (time)17:07:38D 
ktime_hour          intquery begin time (hour)17D 
ktime_minute        intquery begin time (minute)7D 
ktime_second        intquery begin time (second)38  
kday_date           stringquery begin time (day)2020/9/24Hive 表分区列 
