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  1. State API between the Runner and the SDK harness which could be used for state access in the Python user-defined function. (Note: The state communication uses a separate channel from the data channel.
  2. It has defined five kinds of states in the proto message in the State API (Refer to StateKey for more details) and three types of operations for state access in the State API: Get / Append / Clear:

    State Type



    Remote references (and other Runner specific extensions)


    Side input of iterable


    Side input of of values of map


    Side input of of keys of map


    User state with primary key (value state, bag state, combining value state)

    Among them, only BagUserStage is BagUserState is dedicated for state access in Beam. The others are used for data access in Beam. 

  3. Building on the proto message of BagUserState, it has supported four kinds of user-facing API in Beam’s Python SDK harness: BagRuntimeState, SetRuntimeState, ReadModifyWriteRuntimeState and CombiningValueRuntimeState.


  1. In the proto message layer, it has defined 5 types of proto messages.
  2. Each proto message could only represent a single kind of state in the underlying execution engine and it’s up to the operator to decide which kind of state one kind of proto message mapped to.
  3. In the user-facing API (State defined in Python function) layer, the Python SDK harness could expose different kinds of user-facing API even with the same underlying proto message.

BagUserStage will BagUserState will be mapped to ListState in Flink, to support the other kinds of state, such as MapState which could not be simulated using ListState, we will make use of the other kinds of proto messages even if they are not designed to be used for state access in Beam. This could work as it’s up to the operator to decide which kind of state it’s mapped to and will be described in the following sections.


We will introduce ValueState and ValueStateDescriptor to let users use value state in Python DataStream API. The interfaces are as following:

import abc

from pyflink.common.typeinfo import TypeInformation

class StateDescriptor(abc.ABC):

   def __init__(self, name: str, type_info: TypeInformation): = name

       self.type_info = type_info

class ValueStateDescriptor(StateDescriptor):

   def __init__(self,
                      name: str,

                       value_type_info: TypeInformation):

       super(ValueStateDescriptor, self).__init__(name, value_type_info)

class State(ABC):


   def clear(self) -> None:


class ValueState(State, Generic[T]):


   def value(self) -> T:



   def update(self, value: T) -> None:


AppendingState & MergingState

class AppendingState(State, Generic[IN, OUT]):


   def get(self) -> OUT:



   def add(self, value: IN) -> None:


class MergingState(AppendingState[IN, OUT]):



class ListStateDescriptor(StateDescriptor):

   def __init__(self,
                      elem_type_info: TypeInformation):

       super(ListStateDescriptor, self).__init__(name, Types.List(elem_type_info))


class ListState(MergingState[T, Iterable[T]]):


   def update(self, values: List[T]) -> None:



   def add_all(self, values: List[T]) -> None:


   def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]:

       return iter(self.get())


class MapStateDescriptor(StateDescriptor):

   def __init__(self,
                      name: str,

                       key_type_info: TypeInformation,
                      value_type_info: TypeInformation):

       super(MapStateDescriptor, self).__init__(name, Types.Map(key_type_info,


class MapState(State, Generic[K, V]):


   def get(self, key: K) -> V:



   def put(self, key: K, value: V) -> None:



   def put_all(self, dict_value: Dict[K, V]) -> None:



   def remove(self, key: K) -> None:



   def contains(self, key: K) -> bool:



   def items(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[K, V]]:



   def keys(self) -> Iterable[K]:



   def values(self) -> Iterable[V]:



   def is_empty(self) -> bool:


   def __getitem__(self, key: K) -> V:

       return self.get(key)

   def __setitem__(self, key: K, value: V) -> None:

       self.put(key, value)

   def __delitem__(self, key: K) -> None:


   def __contains__(self, key: K) -> bool:

       return self.contains(key)

   def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[K]:

       return iter(self.keys())


class ReduceFunction(Function, Generic[T]):

   def reduce(self, first: T, second: T) -> T:


class ReducingStateDescriptor(StateDescriptor):

  def __init__(self,

               name: str,

               reduce_function: ReduceFunction,

               elem_type_info: TypeInformation):

      super(ReducingStateDescriptor, self).__init__(name)

      self.reduce_function = reduce_function

      self.elem_type_info = elem_type_info

class ReducingState(MergingState, Generic[T]):



class AggregateFunction(Function, Generic[ACC, IN, OUT]):

   def create_accumulator(self) -> ACC:


   def add(self, acc: ACC, value: IN) -> ACC:


   def get_result(self, acc: ACC) -> OUT:


   def merge(self, acc1: ACC, acc2: ACC) -> ACC:


class AggregatingStateDescriptor(StateDescriptor):

  def __init__(self,

               name: str,

               aggregate_function: AggregateFunction,

               acc_type_info: TypeInformation):

      super(AggregatingStateDescriptor, self).__init__(name)

      self.aggregate_function = aggregate_function

      self.acc_type_info = acc_type_info

class AggregatingState(MergingState, Generic[T]):



RuntimeContext contains information about the context in which functions are executed. The following methods will be added in RuntimeContext to allow creating state.


2) At the Java operator, upon receiving a StateRequest, the operator will read/write the state backend according to the type of the StateRequest. It will also return StateResposeStateResponse(it holds the value of the state for write read requests) to the Python worker. 
