Versions Compared


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    1. git checkout ${RELEASE_BRANCH}
    2. Run mvn version to set the proper rc number in all artifacts
      1. mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}
    3. Run Unit tests  and ensure they succeed
      1. mvn test -DskipITs=true
    4. Run Integration Tests and ensure they succeed
      1. mvn verify -DskipUTs=true
    5. Commit and push this change to RELEASE branch
      1. git commit -am "Bumping release candidate number ${RC_NUM}" 

        There will be some backup files created which needs to be removed. You could do "git clean -fdx" before doing the commit.

      2. git push origin ${RELEASE_BRANCH}

        If you already have a remote tag with same name as your branch, you can try below command.

        git push origin refs/heads/${RELEASE_BRANCH}

        "refs/heads/" refers to a branch.

        "refs/tags/" refers to tag.

    6. Generate Source Release: This will create the tarball under hudi/src_release directory
      1. git checkout ${RELEASE_BRANCH}
      2. cd scripts && ./release/

        If you have multiple gpg keys(gpg --list-keys), then the signing command will take in the first key most likely. You will release this when it asks for a passphrase in a pop up. When asked for passphrase, ensure the intended key is the one asked for. 

        Command used in script:

        gpg --armor --detach-sig ${RELEASE_DIR}/hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}.src.tgz

        To use a specific key: update as follows: // replace FINGERPRINT

        gpg --local-user [FINGERPRINT] --armor --detach-sig ${RELEASE_DIR}/hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}.src.tgz

      3. Verify Source release is signed and buildable
        1. cd hudi/src_release
        2. gpg --verify hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}.src.tgz.asc hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}.src.tgz
        3. tar -zxvf hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}.src.tgz && cd hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM} && mvn clean package -DskipTests
        4. If they pass, delete the repository we got from the tar-ball
          1. cd ../ && rm -rf hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}
    7. Create tag 
      1. git tag -s release-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM} -m "${RELEASE_VERSION}"

        If you run into some issues, and if want to re-run the same candidate again from start, ensure you delete existing tags before retrying again.

        // to remove local

        git tag -d release-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}

        // to remove remote
        git push --delete origin release-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}

      2. if apache repo is origin.
        1. git push origin release-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM} 

          If a branch with the same name already exists in origin, this command might fail as below.

          error: src refspec release-0.5.3 matches more than one

          error: failed to push some refs to ''

          In such a case, try below command

          git push origin refs/tags/release-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}

    8. Deploy maven artifacts and verify
      1. This will deploy jar artifacts to the Apache Nexus Repository, which is the staging area for deploying jars to Maven Central. 
      2. Review all staged artifacts ( They should contain all relevant parts for each module, including pom.xml, jar, test jar, source, test source, javadoc, etc. Carefully review any new artifacts.
      1. git checkout ${RELEASE_BRANCH}
      2. This will deploy 2.11 artifacts to
        1. cd scripts && ./release/ --scala_version=2.11
      3. This will deploy 2.12 artifacts to
        1. ./release/ --scala_version=2.12 
      4. Review all staged artifacts by logging into Apache Nexus and clicking on "Staging Repositories" link on left pane. Then find a "open" entry for apachehudi
      5. Ensure it contains both 2.11 and 2.12 artifacts, mainly hudi-spark-bundle-2.11/2.12, hudi-spark-2.11/2.12, hudi-utilities-bundle_2.11/2.12 and hudi-utilities_2.11/2.12.
      6. Once you have ensured everything is good and validation of step 7 succeeds, you can close the staging repo. Closing is kind of commit. Until you close, you can re-run deploying to staging multiple times. But once closed, it will create a new staging repo. So ensure you close this, so that the next RC (if need be) is on a new repo. So, once everything is good, close the staging repository on Apache Nexus. When prompted for a description, enter “Apache Hudi, version ${RELEASE_VERSION}, release candidate ${RC_NUM}”.
    9. Stage source releases on
      1. If you have not already, check out the Hudi section of the dev repository on via Subversion. In a fresh directory
      2. if you would not checkout, please try svn checkout again.
        1. svn checkout --depth=immediates
      3. Make a directory for the new release:
        1.  mkdir hudi/hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}
      4. Copy Hudi source distributions, hashes, and GPG signature: 
        1. mv <hudi-dir>/src_release/* hudi/hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}
      5. Add and commit all the files. 
        1. cd hudi 
        2. svn add hudi-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}
        3. svn commit
      6. Verify that files are present
      7. Run Verification Script to ensure the source release is sane
        1. cd scripts && ./release/ --release=${RELEASE_VERSION} --rc_num=${RC_NUM} --verbose
