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Code Block
 * RemoteStorageManager provides the lifecycle of remote log segments that includes copy, fetch, and delete from remote
 * storage.
 * <p>
 * Each upload or copy of a segment is initiated with {@link RemoteLogSegmentMetadata} containing {@link RemoteLogSegmentId}
 * which is universally unique even for the same topic partition and offsets.
 * <p>
 * RemoteLogSegmentMetadata is stored in {@link RemoteLogMetadataManager} before and after copy/delete operations on
 * RemoteStorageManager with the respective {@link RemoteLogSegmentMetadata.StateRemoteLogSegmentState}. {@link RemoteLogMetadataManager} is
 * responsible for storing and fetching metadata about the remote log segments in a strongly consistent manner.
 * This allows RemoteStorageManager to store segments even in eventually consistent manner as the metadata is already
 * stored in a consistent store.
 * <p>
 * All these APIs are still evolving.
public interface RemoteStorageManager extends Configurable, Closeable {

     * Type of the index file.
    enum IndexType {
         * Represents offset index.

         * Represents timestamp index.

         * Represents producer snapshot index.

         * Represents transaction index.

         * Represents leader epoch index.

     * Copies LogSegmentData provided for the given {@param remoteLogSegmentMetadata}.
     * <p>
     * Invoker of this API should always send a unique id as part of {@link RemoteLogSegmentMetadata#remoteLogSegmentId()#id()}
     * even when it retries to invoke this method for the same log segment data.
     * @param remoteLogSegmentMetadata metadata about the remote log segment.
     * @param logSegmentData           data to be copied to tiered storage.
     * @throws RemoteStorageException if there are any errors in storing the data of the segment.
    void copyLogSegment(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata, LogSegmentData logSegmentData)
            throws RemoteStorageException;

     * Returns the remote log segment data file/object as InputStream for the given RemoteLogSegmentMetadata starting
     * from the given startPosition. The stream will end at the end of the remote log segment data file/object.
     * @param remoteLogSegmentMetadata metadata about the remote log segment.
     * @param startPosition            start position of log segment to be read, inclusive.
     * @return input stream of the requested log segment data.
     * @throws RemoteStorageException if there are any errors while fetching the desired segment.
    InputStream fetchLogSegmentData(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata,
                                    int startPosition) throws RemoteStorageException;

     * Returns the remote log segment data file/object as InputStream for the given RemoteLogSegmentMetadata starting
     * from the given startPosition. The stream will end at the smaller of endPosition and the end of the remote log
     * segment data file/object.
     * @param remoteLogSegmentMetadata metadata about the remote log segment.
     * @param startPosition            start position of log segment to be read, inclusive.
     * @param endPosition              end position of log segment to be read, inclusive.
     * @return input stream of the requested log segment data.
     * @throws RemoteStorageException if there are any errors while fetching the desired segment.
    InputStream fetchLogSegmentData(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata,
                                    int startPosition, int endPosition) throws RemoteStorageException;

     * Returns the index for the respective log segment of {@link RemoteLogSegmentMetadata}.
     * @param remoteLogSegmentMetadata metadata about the remote log segment.
     * @param indexType type of the index to be fetched for the segment.
     * @return input stream of the requested index.
     * @throws RemoteStorageException if there are any errors while fetching the index.
    default InputStream fetchIndex(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata, IndexType indexType) throws RemoteStorageException;

     * Deletes the resources associated with the given {@param remoteLogSegmentMetadata}. Deletion is considered as
     * successful if this call returns successfully without any errors. It will throw {@link RemoteStorageException} if
     * there are any errors in deleting the file.
     * <p>
     * {@link RemoteResourceNotFoundException} is thrown when there are no resources associated with the given
     * {@param remoteLogSegmentMetadata}.
     * @param remoteLogSegmentMetadata metadata about the remote log segment to be deleted.
     * @throws RemoteResourceNotFoundException if the requested resource is not found
     * @throws RemoteStorageException          if there are any storage related errors occurred.
    void deleteLogSegment(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata) throws RemoteStorageException;


package org.apache.kafka.common;
public class TopicIdPartition {

    private final UUID topicId;
    private final TopicPartition topicPartition;

    public TopicIdPartition(UUID topicId, TopicPartition topicPartition) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(topicId, "topicId can not be null");
        Objects.requireNonNull(topicPartition, "topicPartition can not be null");
        this.topicId = topicId;
        this.topicPartition = topicPartition;

    public UUID topicId() {
        return topicId;

    public TopicPartition topicPartition() {
        return topicPartition;


 * This represents a universally unique identifier associated to a topic partition's log segment. This will be
 * regenerated for every attempt of copying a specific log segment in {@link RemoteStorageManager#copyLogSegment(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata, LogSegmentData)}.
public class RemoteLogSegmentId implements Comparable<RemoteLogSegmentId>, Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private final TopicIdPartition topicIdPartition;
    private final UUID id;

    public RemoteLogSegmentId(TopicIdPartition topicIdPartition, UUID id) {
        this.topicIdPartition = requireNonNull(topicIdPartition); = requireNonNull(id);

     * Returns TopicIdPartition of this remote log segment.
     * @return
    public TopicIdPartition topicIdPartition() {
        return topicIdPartition;

     * Returns Universally Unique Id of this remote log segment.
     * @return
    public UUID id() {
        return id;

 * It describes the metadata about the log segment in the remote storage.
public class RemoteLogSegmentMetadata implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * Universally unique remote log segment id.
    private final RemoteLogSegmentId remoteLogSegmentId;

     * Start offset of this segment.
    private final long startOffset;

     * End offset of this segment.
    private final long endOffset;

     * Leader epoch of the broker.
    private final int leaderEpoch;

     * Maximum timestamp in the segment
    private final long maxTimestamp;

     * Epoch time at which the respective {@link #state} is set.
    private final long eventTimestamp;

     * LeaderEpoch vs offset for messages with in this segment.
    private final Map<Int, Long> segmentLeaderEpochs;

     * Size of the segment in bytes.
    private final int segmentSizeInBytes;

     * It indicates the state in which the action is executed on this segment.
    private final RemoteLogSegmentState state;

     * @param remoteLogSegmentId  Universally unique remote log segment id.
     * @param startOffset         Start offset of this segment.
     * @param endOffset           End offset of this segment.
     * @param maxTimestamp        Maximum timestamp in this segment
     * @param leaderEpoch         Leader epoch of the broker.
     * @param eventTimestamp      Epoch time at which the remote log segment is copied to the remote tier storage.
     * @param segmentSizeInBytes  Size of this segment in bytes.
     * @param state               State of the respective segment of remoteLogSegmentId.
     * @param segmentLeaderEpochs leader epochs occurred with in this segment
    public RemoteLogSegmentMetadata(RemoteLogSegmentId remoteLogSegmentId, long startOffset, long endOffset,
                                    long maxTimestamp, int leaderEpoch, long eventTimestamp,
                                    int segmentSizeInBytes, RemoteLogSegmentState state, Map<Int, Long> segmentLeaderEpochs) {
        this.remoteLogSegmentId = remoteLogSegmentId;
        this.startOffset = startOffset;
        this.endOffset = endOffset;
        this.leaderEpoch = leaderEpoch;
        this.maxTimestamp = maxTimestamp;
        this.eventTimestamp = eventTimestamp;
        this.segmentLeaderEpochs = segmentLeaderEpochs;
        this.state = state;
        this.segmentSizeInBytes = segmentSizeInBytes;

     * @return unique id of this segment.
    public RemoteLogSegmentId remoteLogSegmentId() {
        return remoteLogSegmentId;

     * @return Start offset of this segment(inclusive).
    public long startOffset() {
        return startOffset;

     * @return End offset of this segment(inclusive).
    public long endOffset() {
        return endOffset;

     * @return Leader or controller epoch of the broker from where this event occurred.
    public int brokerEpoch() {
        return brokerEpoch;

     * @return Epoch time at which this evcent is occurred.
    public long eventTimestamp() {
        return eventTimestamp;

     * @return
    public int segmentSizeInBytes() {
        return segmentSizeInBytes;

    public RemoteLogSegmentState state() {
        return state;

    public long maxTimestamp() {
        return maxTimestamp;

    public Map<Int, Long> segmentLeaderEpochs() {
        return segmentLeaderEpochs;


public class LogSegmentData {

    private final File logSegment;
    private final File offsetIndex;
    private final File timeIndex;
    private final File txnIndex;
    private final File producerIdSnapshotIndex;
    private final ByteBuffer leaderEpochIndex;

    public LogSegmentData(File logSegment, File offsetIndex, File timeIndex, File txnIndex, File producerIdSnapshotIndex,
                          ByteBuffer leaderEpochIndex) {
        this.logSegment = logSegment;
        this.offsetIndex = offsetIndex;
        this.timeIndex = timeIndex;
        this.txnIndex = txnIndex;
        this.producerIdSnapshotIndex = producerIdSnapshotIndex;
        this.leaderEpochIndex = leaderEpochIndex;

    public File logSegment() {
        return logSegment;

    public File offsetIndex() {
        return offsetIndex;

    public File timeIndex() {
        return timeIndex;

    public File txnIndex() {
        return txnIndex;

    public File producerIdSnapshotIndex() {
        return producerIdSnapshotIndex;

    public ByteBuffer leaderEpochIndex() {
        return leaderEpochIndex;
