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When exactly.once.source.enabled is set to true for a worker, the consumers used by that worker to read source offsets from offsets topics will be configured with a new default property, isolation.level=read_committed. This will cause them to ignore any records that are part of a non-committed transaction, but still consume records that are not part of a transaction at all. This property will be used for every consumer instantiated by the framework for reading source offsets regardless of whether the connector has atomic source offset commits enabled, since the behavior for connectors with atomic source offsets disabled will not be affected. There are also no additional ACL requirements for consumers configured this way.

Users will be allowed to explicitly override this in the worker configuration with the property consumer.isolation.level  or in the connector configuration with the property consumer.override.isolation.level. This aligns with the current behavior of the framework with regards to overriding default Kafka client properties: even if it's usually unnecessary and possibly a bad idea, we give users that flexibility just in case.


Once an offset commit is complete, if the connector is configured with a custom offsets topic, the committed offsets will also be written to the worker’s global offsets topic using a non-transactional producer and the worker’s principal. This will be handled on a separate thread from the task’s work and offset commit threads, and should not block or interfere with the task at all. If the worker fails to write these offsets for some reason, it will retry indefinitely, but not fail the task.

Tasks Task producers will be given a transactional ID of ${groupId}-${connector}-${taskId}, where ${groupId} is the group ID of the Connect cluster, ${connector} is the name of the connector, and ${taskId} is the ID of the task (starting from zero).


Because of this, it cannot be guaranteed that these methods will be invoked after every successful offset commit. However, as long as a task is able to accurately recover based solely off of the offset information it provided to the Connect framework with each record it has produced, this should not compromise exactly-once delivery guarantees. These methods can and should still be used to clean up and relinquish resources after record delivery is guaranteed, but using them to track offsets will prevent a connector from being viable for exactly-once support.
