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Whether or not exactly.once.source.enabled is set to true for a worker, source connectors will be allowed to use custom offsets topics, configurable via the property.


First, it closes a potential security loophole where malicious connectors can corrupt the offsets information available to other connectors on the cluster. This is preventable at the moment by configuring connectors with separate principals from that of the worker, and only granting write access to the offsets topic to the worker principal. However, since the same producer will now be used to both write offset data and write source task records, that approach will no longer work. Instead, allowing connectors to use their own offsets topics should allow administrators to maintain the security of their cluster, especially in multitenant environments.

Second, it allows users to limit the effect that hanging transactions on an offsets topic will have. If tasks A and B use the same offsets topic, and task A initiates a transaction on that offsets topic right before task B starts up, then task A dies suddenly without committing its transaction, task B will have to wait for that transaction to time out before it can read to the end of the offsets topic. If the transaction timeout is set very high for task A (to accommodate bursts of high throughput, for example), this will block task B from processing any data for a long time. Although this scenario may be unavoidable in some cases, using a dedicated offsets topic for each connector should allow cluster administrators to isolate the blast radius of a hanging transaction on an offsets topic. This way, although tasks of the same connector may still interfere with each other, they will at least not interfere with tasks of other connectors. This should be sufficient for most multitenant environments.

 with the advent of KIP-458, it is now possible to bring up a single Connect cluster whose connectors each target a different Kafka cluster (via the producer.override.bootstrap.servers, consumer.override.bootstrap.servers, and/or admin.override.bootstrap.servers connector properties). At the moment, source task offsets are still tracked in a single global offsets topic for the entire Connect cluster; however, if the producer for a task is used to write source offsets, and that producer targets a different Kafka cluster than the one the Connect worker uses for its internal topics, that will no longer be possible. In order to support this case well, per-connector offsets topics must be reasoned about, to allow for smooth upgrades and downgrades where large gaps in offsets data are not created unnecessarily (see “Migration” below). Although users do not necessarily need to be given control over the name of the offsets topic for each connector in this case (the worker could simply create an offsets topic with the same name on the connector’s overridden Kafka cluster, for example), exposing this level of control adds very little complexity to this design once the necessity for per-connector offsets topics is realized. As a benefit, it should make it easier for users to configure connectors in secured environments where the connector principal may have limited access on the Kafka cluster it targets. For users and developers familiar with Kafka Streams, this is the major differentiating factor that makes a global offsets topic impossible.

Second, it closes a potential security loophole where malicious connectors can corrupt the offsets information available to other connectors on the cluster. This is preventable at the moment by configuring connectors with separate principals from that of the worker, and only granting write access to the offsets topic to the worker principal. However, since the same producer will now be used to both write offset data and write source task records, that approach will no longer work. Instead, allowing connectors to use their own offsets topics should allow administrators to maintain the security of their cluster, especially in multitenant environments.

Finally, it allows users to limit the effect that hanging transactions on an offsets topic will have. If tasks A and B use the same offsets topic, and task A initiates a transaction on that offsets topic right before task B starts up, then task A dies suddenly without committing its transaction, task B will have to wait for that transaction to time out before it can read to the end of the offsets topic. If the transaction timeout is set very high for task A (to accommodate bursts of high throughput, for example), this will block task B from processing any data for a long time. Although this scenario may be unavoidable in some cases, using a dedicated offsets topic for each connector should allow cluster administrators to isolate the blast radius of a hanging transaction on an offsets topic. This way, although tasks of the same connector may still interfere with each other, they will at least not interfere with tasks of other connectors. This should be sufficient for most multitenant environments.

FinallyFinally, with the advent of KIP-458, it is now possible to bring up a single Connect cluster whose connectors each target a different Kafka cluster (via the producer.override.bootstrap.servers, consumer.override.bootstrap.servers, and/or admin.override.bootstrap.servers connector properties). At the moment, source task offsets are still tracked in a single global offsets topic for the entire Connect cluster; however, if the producer for a task is used to write source offsets, and that producer targets a different Kafka cluster than the one the Connect worker uses for its internal topics, that will no longer be possible. In order to support this case well, per-connector offsets topics must be reasoned about, to allow for smooth upgrades and downgrades where large gaps in offsets data are not created unnecessarily (see “Migration” below). Although users do not necessarily need to be given control over the name of the offsets topic for each connector in this case (the worker could simply create an offsets topic with the same name on the connector’s overridden Kafka cluster, for example), exposing this level of control adds very little complexity to this design once the necessity for per-connector offsets topics is realized. As a benefit, it should make it easier for users to configure connectors in secured environments where the connector principal may have limited access on the Kafka cluster it targets.


If a connector is configured to use a separate offsets topic but no data is present in that topic yet, the worker that is assigned the Connector instance for that connector can automatically migrate any offsets it finds for that connector in the global offsets topic into the connector’s separate offsets topic. The process for this will be:
